Chapter 35

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(AN: I made a Dis-cord Server. Join if you want. The link are at the end of this Chapter)

[ 6th Floor: Jungle ]

The one who is tasked with the creation of the Floor Guardian on this floor was Bukubukuchagama.

But what she created is not just a Floor Guardian, but Floor GuardianS, since she made two entities for the role. A twin to be exact. A girl and a boy.

She named those two as, Aura Bella Fiora, for the girl, and Mare Bello Fiore, for the trap.


[ 7th Floor: Lava ]

The Floor Guardian here was called Demiurge. He was created by Ulbert Alain Odle.

There's not much of a difference if someone were to compare this Demiurge to the original one since Yuki didn't meddle with his creation.


[ 8th Floor: Wilderness ]

The one who is assigned to create the Floor Guardian for this floor is Ancient One.

Actually, Ancient One just accepted the task out of pure excitement, but at that time, immediately after he accepted it, he suddenly realized that currently, he has some circumstances.

So he just made an excuse that he won't be able to do the creation right away since he need to do something first. Actually, he even thought that he should just refuse the Guardian creation, but he was too embarrassed to say it. Not after he excitedly accepted the task.

But Yuki, seeing through Ancient One, knowing that there's a lot more to his excuse, had immediately grabbed the opportunity to talk to him and volunteer himself to create the Guardian for the 8th floor.

At first, Ancient One tried to refuse since he already knows that Yuki had done a lot of things already inside their Guild, and that he was also tasked to create the Floor Guardians on multiple Floors.

He was hesitant to accept Yuki's offer since he felt like he is taking advantage of Yuki's goodwill.

But in the end, due to Yuki's nonstop persuasion, acting like a devil whispering in his ears, he finally gave up.

He just let Yuki do his supposed to be job while wondering, why does he want it so bad? Do he really want to create Floor Guardians that much? But in the end, he left these questions be, since he already knows that, there's just no way for him to see the exact answers.

But after all those events, Yuki immediately started the creation for that certain NPC/Floor Guardian.

In the Original Timeline, the assigned Floor Guardian for this floor is named Victim.

Though Yuki can understand this NPC's usefulness, he's just really not a fan of it and finds the idea lame.

Victim is surely strong, Yuki can't deny that, since he has an ability that can stop an advancement of 1,500 Players when Nazarick got invaded in the Original Timeline.

But Yuki is sure that he can do or create much better than that. And that's exactly what he tried to do, and why he's so adamant to be the one to create the Guardian here.

So for the creation, It took Yuki a whole two days before he finally finished creating the supposed to be Floor Guardian.

He spent a lot of money, time, effort, and materials just to create this thing that, he can consider already as a Masterpiece. But he doesn't have a single regret for this decision.

So the masterpiece that he created is obviously, a Female.

But unlike the others, this NPC isn't Heteromorphic, nor a Demi-human. What he created is, a Human. A very surprising fact.

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