~Chapter 1~

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I threw my bathing suit into my bag. California, again. There is 49 other states we can visit in the USA, but no. My family chooses California. ITS NOT EVEN THAT SUNNY DURING THE SUMMER!! But whatever, at least we have Disneyland.

I finish packing everything and I end up with 5 suitcases, a duffle bag, and a carry-on. "MUM!! I'm packed!" I yell through the house. "Hey, Koda. How's the life without your Mum?" My stepbrother asked me. "Oh, fuck off!" I hate him sometimes. Before my Mother died in a plane crash, she would call me Koda from Brother Bear because I apparently have a personality like he did. And Derek thinks its appropriate to joke about it. I get him back though, in the most hilarious way ever! He still sleeps with his baby blanket, and I make sure that his friends know every time they come over. It's funny to me, and his friends.

"Let's load up!" My Dad said. I grab my stuff and put them in the back of the truck, but keep my carry on as close to me as possible. It has my phone charger, headphones, extra pair of headphones, books, 2 water bottles, a few snacks, a neck rest pillow, and my laptop. I already have my phone with me so, yeah, I'm good to go. We get down the street until I realize that I forgot something. "STOP!! I FORGOT SOMETHING!!" I scared the ever living shit out of my parents, but they turned around and drove up to our house. I unlock the door, run into my room, and look behind my door. There it is! I run back downstairs and out the door just in time to hear Derek yell out the window, "WE HAD TO COME BACK FOR YOUR SKATEBOARD?!" I nod and get back into my side of the truck, my skateboard by my feet. I don't go anywhere without it, I'm surprised I almost forgot it.

* * *

"Alright, kids. We are going to run in to get someone to help us with our stuff. Stay here until we get back. Lock the doors, okay?" My Stepmother says. Derek and I both groan in response and they head into the airport. I lean up to the front door and lock the truck, then fall back down into my seat. "So, what are you going to do when we get to Cali?" Derek asks me, trying to make a conversation. "Same as I always do. Hang around and be outside as much as possible. What about you?" "I am going to hang out with my friends. Do you remember Harry?" I nod. "The curly one?" "Yeah. He saw our family photo on Facebook and he told me that his friend thinks you're hot." "Aww, that's cute. Guys calling girls 'hot' instead of 'beautiful'. What has our generation turned in to?" He shrugs, and our parents return to the truck with 2 guys to help us with our luggage.

All of our stuff are on separate carts and we have to wait 2 hours because our flight was delayed. I put my headphones in and listen to The Fray's How to Save A Life on repeat. I start to drift off into a light sleep, where I could hear everything but I was technically asleep. I heard my Dad and Derek discuss about how I don't like to be woken up by people, I like to be woken up on my own. So, Derek did an actual nice thing for once and carried me to our seats, which I have no idea how he did it but I didn't have to walk so, yay. I open my eyes and Derek is handing me my carry-on, while getting his out too. He takes the seat next to me and we share a blanket, not his baby blanket for once. Notice earlier, I said I hate him sometimes, I didn't hate him right now. The plane started to take off and I gripped onto Derek's arm, like I always do whenever we are on a plane. I look down at my locket my Mum gave to me before she went on the plane, it's like a good luck charm memory thing. I miss my Mum, she was easy to talk too and understanding. I wish I didn't take all of that time for granted. That is why I cherish every second of everyday, you never know when everything is just going to stop. A thousand moments that I had just taken for granted-mostly because I had assumed that there would be a thousand more.

Summer Love~Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now