~Chapter 13~

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Louis Tomlinson

We walk in through the front door, and I guess Kodi could tell that I was nervous because she grabbed my hand. I see her parents and I start to become even more nervous. "Well, here is the famous Louis that we have heard of. I'm Georgia and this is Nathan." Her stepmom says. She gets up and smiles and makes her way over to us. I let go of Kodi's hand and shake the small woman's hand. Then her Dad comes over and shakes my hand. "Firm handshake, you rarely have that from a nervous boy." He laughs. I smile and we sit down in the living room. "Well, Harry and I are going to my room. Have fun Louis, good luck Kodi." Derek says, and they do just that. "Kodi, why don't you go get us all a drink." Nathan says. Kodi walks over to the walk way of the kitchen, "What would you all like?" "Um, we both want a glass of Cherry 7 Up, Louis?" Georgia asks. "Oh, water. Thanks, love." Kodi smiles and went to go get out drinks.

"Well Louis, at your age you must have a job! What do you do?" Nathan asks, sitting back in the couch. "Oh, I'm in a boy band. One Direction to be specific." "A singer?" He laughs. "Yes, a singer. We are very successful. Harry and 2 other boys are in our band." Kodi comes back after my defensive remark. She hands us all our drinks like a waitress and then sits down next to me. "Well, Kodi, you picked a very manly man." Nathan said sarcastically."Excuse me, Dad, but can we get off of this topic?" Kodi asks, sensing my uncomfortable state. Her Dad laughs and nods. "Tell us about your family." Georgia says. "I have 5 sisters and a little brother, I'm the oldest. I also have a Mother and a Stepfather. My father and my mum got a divorce when I was young." "Why did your father leave?" Nathan pushed. "I-I don't know..." "Well, is it a bad reason?" He implied. "No, I said I don't recall, Sir. Its still a touchy subject." "Such a manly man." He leans back in his chair. "Dad! What the hell is wrong with you? It's a touchy subject to loose a parent when your young." The room went dead silent after Kodi said that. "I'm sorry, son. I guess I'm just over protective and I'm still new this whole 'raise a teenager without her real mother'. No offense, Georgia." Georgia smiles and waves it off. "I accept your apology, Sir. I understand." 

A little while later, we were laughing and joking. Though I could tell something was wrong with Kodi, but she was trying to hide it. "Well, I think I should get going. Thank you for dinner, I'll go get Harry and we will head out." I say standing up. I head downstairs and look for Derek's room. I finally found it and the boys looked at me, and Harry spoke. "Just the person we wanted to see." I awkwardly walk over and sit on Derek's bed. We weren't as close as him and Harry are so I didn't really know how to act. "Well, Derek, speak up." Harry pressured. "Yeah, um, Louis..." There was a long and anticipating pause, then he just came out and said it. "I like Eleanor and I was wondering if I could probably make a move on her." I think about it. "Yeah, you can. It doesn't really matter to me anymore, but thank you for making sure it was okay with me." Derek nodded and Harry nudged his arm like there was more to be said. "What?" I ask, switching glances at the boys in front of me. "Uh, well. Do you remember when Eleanor cheated on you?" Derek didn't even look at me when he asked. "No one knew about that except for Eleanor, that dude, and Harry. And Harry promised not to tell...was it-" Then it hit me. I got up and walked to the door. "Harry, are going with me or walking?" Harry looked at each of us. "I'll walk home." I nod and walk out of the door, slamming it behind me. 

I say good bye to Kodi's family and then get in my car in the pouring rain, and Kodi unexpectedly opens the passenger door and gets in. "Kodi, what are you doing?" I ask, trying not to yell. "Going with you. I'm not letting you walk out like that. So, where are we going?" I shake my head. "You don't understand it, do you? When someone storms off, they want to be alone." She looks at me. "Okay, sorry. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay." She gets out and walks back to her house and the rain starts to soak her hair. "Kodi!" I jump out of the car and she turns around, holding her crossed arms close to her body. Her makeup was running down her face. "I'm sorry, your brother just told me some news about Eleanor and I just need some time alone. Her mouth drops open and she nods, "I understand perfectly, Louis." She knew about it, didn't she. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her, getting closer. "It's not my place to ask you if he can date your ex. Its also not my place to tell you that my brother kissed Eleanor." I nod, I guess that's a good point. We both look up into the rain. "Can I be cliche right now?" I ask. "I thought you were just going to do it, but I guess you have my permission." I lead her down the street to a little nature area and then we walk on the bridge to the middle of it. She takes the end of her long sleeved shirt that she put on before we left-I'm guessing- and she balled the cuffs into her hands, making sweater paws. I take her hands and kiss her. It was worth it, every second of waiting. I think that I can tell her I love her now...WAIT. I PLANNED SOMETHING TO TELL HER. We kept kissing and I fell in love every time out lips made contact. We finally broke away when I felt like someone was watching. We looked down the street towards Kodi's house and we saw Harry and Derek under an umbrella and Harry started clapping. I laugh along with this beautiful girl who was still in my arms.

Kodi jumped down from my grip and we walked to my car. Then Kodi's parents came out. "Harry get in. And Mr. Langdon, may I take your daughter out tonight?" Georgia placed her hand on his shoulder and he looked at her, and they both smiled. "Yes, you may, son. Derek will have to go with you guys though. Be careful, Kodi." Kodi nodded and helped Harry and Derek get into the backseat, and we all headed down the road.

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