~Chapter 14~

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Kodi Langdon

We all run into Harry and Louis' house and I run upstairs to grab a shower. Louis comes into his room where I was waiting for him to give me some pajamas. "Can I borrow some clothes that I can sleep in?" I ask. He goes to his drawers and hands me a sweater. "That's it?" I ask. "Well, I can just take the sweater back and you can walk around in your underwear if you'd like." I wave my hand and grunt. "Fine. Why can't I have a pair of your comfy sweats or something?" Louis shrugs. "Laundry. Just suck it up." I roll my eyes and get into the shower. There is surprisingly shower stuff for a girl, probably from his ex or something. As I start rinsing off the body wash, I hear the door open. "Good lord, Louis! Can't I take a shower without you interrupting me?" I yell. "Um, it's Derek and how many times has he came into your bathroom, exactly?" I face palm myself and think of a way out of what I said. "I was just joking. He hasn't walked in on me, ever. What do you want?" "I'm trying to look for something." "A snack? A condom? Let me know." I joke, Mean Girls has some amazing quotes. I hear the door close and I hop out. I look under the sink and everywhere and there is literally NO towels. I open the door slightly and I see the hall way clear and into Louis room, which is empty too. I think about it and I think I can make it without anyone seeing me.

I make a break for it, and I quickly grab a towel out of a hamper hidden behind Louis' bed. I smell it, it was just washed! I wrap it around me and look at the clothes in it, and I grab some boxer shorts to go along with my sweater. I get dressed and turn around, to see Louis. He had the biggest smirk on his face that I have ever seen! "What? How long have you been standing there?" "Well, enough to see you race out of the bathroom, naked, and see you get dressed. The show was absolutely amazing!" He claps his hands then runs towards me and tackles me on the bed. He straddles my waist while I'm laying down. "L-Louis, what are you doing?" He starts tickling me. I giggle and he starts laughing. "W-why are y-you l-laughing?" "Because your laugh is contagious!" "S-S-Stop!" I try to say. "Not until you say 'Louis is the sexiest man alive and I love him.'" I try to not say those things, but then I couldn't breathe. "LOUIS IS THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE AND I LOOOVE HIM!!!" He stops and we look at each other. "You have beautiful eyes, Kodi." I slightly smile and he looks down at my lips. "It makes your lips, so kissable. And your kiss, so unmissable. Your fingers, so touchable. And your eyes, irresistible." Louis sang. "I love it when you sing, your voice is so beautiful." He leans down and says in a very soft voice, "Then I should sing more, for your beautiful self." He stayed there, looking into my eyes. "Just kiss me already." I beg. He lets out a light chuckle then plants a soft but passionate and deep kiss. He breaks away for at least 10 seconds. He turned on his radio and it started to blast Sugar, We're Going Down by Fall Out Boy.

His hands started to explore their way down to the outer side of my thighs. He rolled us over so I was straddling him. His tongue trails along my bottom lip. I allow access as my fingers feel his toned abs. As my hand was sliding up his shirt, and his doing the same but on my back, we heard my brother yell over the music. Louis groans and flips him off. I keep making out with Louis and ignoring the bother, then he turns off the music. "Some people are trying to sleep, and I don't want to see you touching my sister right now!" Derek shields his eyes and I smirk because of the plan that popped into my head. I start fake moaning and grinding on Louis. "Oh Louis!!" He catches on and starts to groan. The other boys make vomiting noises until they leave. Then I stop and kiss him once more before cuddling into him, still laying on top of him. "You can get away with your little act this time, but next time, don't get me all excited then stop!" He growls into my ear. "What ever you say, Mr.Tomlinson." He squirms when I rest my hand on his abs. I laugh in response and close my eyes. When are we going to be official?


Hey, I know its all coupley and cute and stuff, and if you didn't like it then whoops. I'm going through a break up right now so I just wanted to write something and this is what happened. Lol, well I hope you liked it. Thanks and keep reading!!~Sarah xx

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