~Chapter 3~

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We walk through the front door, and Louis takes the umbrella and puts it by the door. "Where are you putting your towel?" He asks me, holding my sandy wet towel. "Follow me." He does as told and he puts the towel in the hamper in the laundry room. I realize that I am in his towel. "Oh, I'm sorry. Here is your towel back." I say, handing it to him. He waved his hand, "Keep it and give it to me later." I thank him and stand there awkwardly. "Um, so..." "Oh, yeah. Sorry, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the book store and get a new book. W-with me. But, you don't have to. You could go by yourself. I'm not forcing you or anything but-" "Louis, I'll go with you. Um, my family will be coming back soon, so just come with me. I don't want them to walk in on a random guy sitting on the couch." I laugh. He follows me to my room and he sits down on the bed. I grab some clothes and go over to the bathroom. "I'm going to take a super quick shower. Just hang out in here and watch some TV if you want or something." He nods and I close and lock the door.

Louis Tomlinson

I am such an awkward person! I literally followed her into her house, uninvited and then awkwardly asked her to go to the book store. She is so beautiful, I can't help it!

While I hear the shower turn on, I look around her room. There is a mini flat screen TV, a bookshelf filled with book series, a mini fridge, closet, clothing drawer, and a skateboard. She skateboards? Awesome! I pull out my phone and start to text my mates where I am. Then, I hear something. Kodi singing in the shower. I listened for a few seconds to figure out what the song was, and I found out it was I Miss You by Blink-182. I have heard that song a couple times, and it is pretty good. And she is an amazing singer, I must admit.

I lie down on her bed and wait patiently for her to step out of the bathroom. The door opens and she is standing there, in a blue T-shirt and ripped blue jean shorts with blue converse. Her hair was naturally wavy and her makeup looked natural. "Well," she says as she grabs her phone and skateboard. "Shall we?" I stand up and nod, "We shall." She giggles and leads us out of the house.


"Probably the Avengers 2. What about you?"

"Grease, definitely."

We were asking each other questions to kill time as we walk/skateboard our way to the store.

"How old are you?" She asks.

"Believe it or not, 19. I turn 20 in December. How old are you?"

"17, almost 18. Next month on the 14th!"

I laugh at her enthusiasm and she slides off of her skateboard and we reach the doors. I open the door for her and she smiles and thanks me, as I return the smile. "Welcome to the California Book Store! We have special offers t- skateboards are not aloud in here!" A lady said. "I don't have a skateboard." Kodi responds in a sarcastic tone. "Ma'am, I see it. Right in your arms." Kodi stops and hands me the skateboard. "Sorry, is it better if he carries it?" "Excuse me? I am asking you nicely to either take the skateboard outside or leave." The lady instructs. The sarcastic brunette next to me pretends to think very hard for a second, then puts her finger up like a light bulb. "I know the answer to this situation! Miss Lady, can you please close your eyes for a few seconds?" "Wh-" "Just do it!" The lady covers her eyes. "Why am I doing this?" "Now you can't see the skateboard. I'm going to buy my book, have a nice day."

We walked by tons of books. The Hunger Games, Divergent, 50 Shades of Grey, Harry Potter, and so many more. And Kodi was stopping to look at all of them. "Have you read the Harry Potter series?" She asked me. "I've read the series a couple of times." She nods. Then she grabs 2 books off of the shelf. She leads the way to the worker who we pissed off earlier. "Did you find everything alright?" She asks us, mostly looking at me just to avoid looking at Kodi. "Yes, we did, thank you." I give her a smile which she returns. She checks out the books and puts them in a bag, then gives the books to me. She seemed afraid of looking at Kodi, and that made her proud. I rolled my eyes and carried the bag, after arguing over who could carry the bag. I won because I am not going to let the lady hold her bags, I am quite the gentleman.

As we went back, a car pulled up next to us. It was in fact, my friends. Harry whistled at Kodi skateboarding ahead of me and Niall was surly staring at her butt. "Excuse me, what are you boys doing?" I ask them sternly. "We saw this pretty lady skateboarding and I was going to pick you up to help me talk to her." "Um, no. I just met her about 3 hours ago, and I am not letting you two disrespect her like that. Or any woman, for that matter." "Damn, okay Louis. Calm down!" Harry spat, raising his hands in defeat. Then Liam spoke up. "Do you at least want to go bowling with us? You could ask her, politely and respectfully, if she would like to join us." I nod, "I could ask her." I ran to catch up to her, the boys following next to me. "Hey, Kodi-" I started until her skateboard slipped from under her feet. She flew back, and I caught her just before she hit the ground.

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