~Chapter 10~

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Harry Styles

I heard the front door and I saw this HOT brunette come in, with Louis following. I've seen her before...she was the skater girl that Louis was flirting with. She had his clothes on, and might I say, she looked very attractive in them. "Harry," Louis spoke snapping me out of my thoughts. "This is Kodi. Kodi, Harry." Kodi came over to me and shook my hand, her hands were so soft and small. I kissed her hand and said, "What a pleasure to meet you...Kodi." I tried to sound mysterious at the end because I'm guessing that's what makes a girl like a guy. And she giggled in return. Louis came over and pulled Kodi to his side, that was when I realized that I was still holding her hand for the longest time. "Well, I'm going to give Kodi a tour of the house. Mind making some breakfast, Haz?" I nod, still staring at Kodi. Louis nods and turns the two of them away to go upstairs. I went into the kitchen and started to make some omelets, which I rarely ever make because the recipe contains a lot of things. I wanted Kodi to get a good impression of me, just in case her and Louis don't work out. Then it hit me-I'm trying to flirt with my best mate's girl. What the hell am I doing? I almost drop the bowl because of how hard the realization hit me. 

I finish the omelets in silence then call the two from Louis' room to get their breakfast. They both come running down the stairs, Kodi leading. She ran to the kitchen and sat at the table. "Is someone hungry?" I ask smirking. Kodi laughs and nods, and Louis looks at her like his whole world is in front of him. I give Kodi and Louis their plates and I ask Louis to go into the living room for a second. 

"You like her, don't you?" I ask. "Very much so, Harry. She just got out of a pretty bad situation though, so I won't be able to make a move anytime soon. But she is absolutely beautiful, and she's funny, and she is understanding, and she's ni-" "Don't Louis. Anyone can be nice, and if someone is an individual to you, then you won't give them a title that anyone has." He nods. "You get what I'm saying, mate? She's perfect. And I think I may be falling for her." He looks at the brunette who is looking out our window onto the busy street. "Well, just make the move when the time is right. And if you never make a move, I will have to step up to the plate. Eh?" I nudge his elbow with mine and he rolls his eyes. I laugh as we walk back into the kitchen. Just as we sat down, Kodi's phone went off. She excused herself and went to the bathroom.

Kodi Langdon

I get into the bathroom and answer the phone. "KODI CHASE LANGDON, YOU GET YOUR ASS HOME NOW!!" I heard my Dad yell at me. "Why? It's not late and I didn't do anything wrong!" "Oh, on the contrary, little miss. Now get back here now!" "Okay, Dad. God, just calm down!" Before he could chew me out even more, I ran to the kitchen. "Louis, can you drive me home now? My Dad is pissed off at me for some reason." Louis looks at Harry then he grabs his keys. I grab my stuff and we go to Louis' car, Harry tagging along. I sat in the passenger seat, Louis driving, Harry in the backseat. "Do you know why he's mad?" I shook my head. "I have no clue." The car is silent the rest of the ride to my beach house. I wave to Harry and kiss Louis' cheek. Then I stop and realize what I did. Oh well, we'll go with it. I thank Louis for picking me up from Luke's and taking care of me for a couple hours then enter the house.

"Kodi?" I hear my brother call. I slowly make my way to our downstairs living room, guessing my family is in there. "Yes?" I answer softly. "Where were you?" My Dad beams. "I was at Luke's..." I trail off. "Really? I called Luke and he said that you left 2 hours ago. Where were you?" "Uh, I was with Kim." "Kim, who's that?" "Kim Possible. I was out with my friend, Dad. I was going to text you but my phone died. So I we went back to her house after getting ice cream and charged my phone then you called right after it turned back on." I think that was a good lie. He got out of his chair and looked at me in the eye. "You were out with that 19 year old, huh?" He asked sternly. Well, my lie wasn't good after all. "What if I was? He's just a guy, nothing special. You let me hang out with Luke, but not Louis? That's kinda-" "Wait," My brother chimed in. "Louis? Is he friend's with Harry?" I nod. "Oh, I know him." All eyes were off of me and onto this boy I used to call my brother, but now I call my ticket out of hell. "You know this boy?" My Dad said, pointing to me. I look at Derek with pleading eyes, then I mouthed 'we shook on it'. He nodded once then looked back at his mother and my Dad. "Yeah, Harry is one of my best friends. And Louis is Harry's flat mate." My Dad processes everything then goes upstairs. My stepmom following him. One thing about my Dad is that he doesn't like to apologize for being wrong. Derek and I are making eye contact then I run and hug him. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!" He laughs and hugs me back tightly until I can't breathe. He finally lets go after I hit his back multiple times. "If I would have known it was Louis, then I could have told them that sooner." "Well, I thought I told you. But anyways, thank you Derek. You came through for me-hold up. What's the catch?" With Derek, there has to be a catch if he does something nice for you. "Well...there is this girl that Louis used to date, Eleanor. I was going to ask you if you knew her. Or, if you could start becoming friends with her and then introduce her to me." "You know that's going to take a long time, right?" "Oh, right. Then how do you think I could get with her?"

I go over to the couch and he follows me. "First, talk to Harry about the whole situation. He could lighten the load on asking Louis ex out. But you will have to face Louis at some point. Second, take her out on a date and find some similarities. Ask questions about her and get to know her. Take her on more dates if the first one goes well. Bring her around to meet the family, then you might live happily ever after." (A/N YES THIS IS IMPORTANT, JUST STAY WITH ME). He nods. "And if the talking to Louis about it doesn't work, what will happen?" "Well, most likely he will allow you to date her because after all, she is an ex. But if he is for some reason not okay with it, then you might have to deal with it. Unless you are passionate about this girl." He takes a deep breath like he is going to say something extremely important. "I am very passionate about this girl. She was my ex. I kissed her while they were together..." My mouth gapes open wide. "WHAT THE HELL?! Derek! That's wrong!! So wrong! How could you do that?" "I MISSED HER!! She broke up with him right after then we had to go back home. I missed how happy we were." "That was her? The girl you always talked about; You just wouldn't tell me how you met her or what her name was?" He nodded. "Oh, God. Well, just don't bring that up to Louis unless you feel so guilty that you need to say it. It would be better to tell him, though. And with Eleanor, just go with my plan from earlier. But that was a sick move, Derek James. Sick and twisted move." I got up and started to walk away until he moved in front of me. "We shook on it and there was a catch and I got you out of hell. Will you help me do it tomorrow?" I smirk, "Sure. Under one condition. Get me Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream from Ben & Jerry's and you have yourself a wing woman." He ran upstairs, and I followed. He grabbed his car keys and ran out the door yelling, "I'll be back. Bye!" This boy, I swear.


Plot twist!! And I bet you were like, "Why are you giving me these details, they are pointless!" But you see, when I wrote my little message, I was proving you wrong! You may not even read this because you are like, "WELL NOW I KNOW WHATS GOING ON, IM GONNA SKIP TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!!" But if you are reading this, thank you. Ahaha I just felt like talking because I am extremely bored and I thought, "Hey, lets confuse people and change something that they didn't expect!" Did it shock you? If it did, then I am apparently a good writer. AHA NOT. But anyways. I'll work on the next chapter now. I am trying to write one chapter and update every night before I go to bed. So yeah. If I don't update one night or day or whenever, then I am probably with my friends or something because I am on Summer break. Also, I am going to 1D's concert on July 28th!! I can't wait!! It's gonna be amazing! I wish Zayn could be there though, but I guess I'll be just fine because my LouBear is gonna be there with Leeyum, Nialler, and Hazza. Can't wait to see my husbands! They are yours too, I hope! Well, I'll stop blabbing and I will work on the next chapter. See ya later, Beautifuls!~Sarah xx

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