Chapter 11

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Third person POV

Nezuko quickly attack Daki when her legs was cut off my Daki's sash.

"YOU LOWELY DEMON!!" Daki shouted as she took another strike for Nezuko cutting her in half and was sent far away because of the impact. Daki jumped down the roof and walk towards Nezuko.

"You're weak. You pretty much haven't eaten any humans. Why did you get away from that man's control?" Daki asked Nezuko who is trying to get out of the fallen building.

"You poor thing. Your torso is now in complete shreds. You shouldn't be moving. That's a big wound for a half-assed being like you. You can't regenerate right away." Daki continued insulting Nezuko as she look down on her.

"We're both demons, so I won't bully you anymore I'll take you into my sash, and then have the sun kill you when morning comes. Demons would never kill each other and it'd be a waste of time.." Daki was shocked when she saw Nezuko stood up. She was so sure that she ripped her body apart. In an instant Nezuko's missing arm regenerate in a flash.

'Just now, her healing and regeneration speed matched that of an Uppermoon' Daki thought to herself.

Nezuko was still looking down as she released her broken muzzle. She turned her attention to Daki and seeing her shocked face. Nezuko have now a horn on her right forehead, mark like veins appeared all over her body and she looked more mature in her age.

She quickly attack Daki but her legs and arms was cut off again. Daki was about to cut off her head when Nezuko's cut off legs kicked her to the ground.

"GEEEEGH!!" Daki's spinal cord was crushed by Nezuko's kick. Unexpectedly, Nezuko smiled because of the sight. Daki quickly cut Nezuko's body apart but Nezuko stopped all her sashes with her ripped apart limbs. Nezuko solidified her blood as Daki was burning because of Nezuko's blood on her.


Nezuko re-attach her limbs back before kicking Daki's head on the ground and to the houses. Nezuko followed Daki but was cut short when her attention quickly swift to a girl who is injured. Without thinking Nezuko attacked the women but was knocked out by Sumiko. Nezuko's control over her body was back and turned into a sleeping little child. Walls began to fall when Daki's sash cut through them.

"You're really done it now. Yes.. You can even use Blood Demon Techniques? A curious technique that only burns demons..." Daki said as she walk towards Sumiko and Nezuko. Sumiko put Nezuko at her back as she held her katana ready to strike.

"On top of that, I'm not healing very well at all. This is extremely pisses me off. Extremely." Daki continued. She was about to attack the Kamado siblings when Uzui's face appeared in front of Sumiko.

"Hey isn't this Kamado Nezuko? She's flamboyantly progressing into a demon." Uzui said after appearing out of nowhere.

"Where have you been? I've held time for the three of you causing Nezuko to got out of control after smelling a bunch of human blood and this is how you'll talk to me?" Sumiko answered bluntly that made Uzui surprised.

'This is not Sumiko but she is Sumiko. She's pass her limit and has a huge injury on her shoulder. She must be out of control but why does she feel so powerful? First Zenitsu was fearless when he's asleep and can fight seriously and now Sumiko being cold and serious? This group is creepy' Uzui thought to himself. Uzui turned his attention to the Daki when she started talking.

"A pillar came from that direction? This saves me the trouble..." Daki said to Uzui.

"You're not an Uppermoon demon, are you? You're way too weak. You're not the demon I'm looking for." Uzui said as Daki's head started sliding off of her neck.

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