Chapter 17

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Sumiko POV

Today is a third day of Mitsuri-san's training. There's some bad side and good side of her training. The good side is we indeed become more flexible but the bad side is we couldn't move for hours after the stretch she gave us.

Muichiro-kun and I are also getting close after the incident but today I'll try talking to Iguro-san about Mitsuri-san. I can't bare to see him just staring at her in the distance.

"Iguro-san?" I cousiously called him. He looked at me sharply before answering.

"What do you want?" he said. Ok, he's scary but I'm going to do this for them.

"I've been noticing you lately that you've been staring at Mitsuri-san. Do you perhaps like her?" I asked him. He looked at me with widen eyes before grabbing my shoulders.

"Who else knew? Who else?!" he shouted at me making the others look at us. I immediately hug Iguro-san before talking.

"Yay! We can go get food together since we're now friends! Right?" I told him making eye contact making sure he understood me and eventually he did.

"Sure." he answered before dragging me away from the others.

"I'm so sorry Iguro-san! I know it's not nice hugging someone immediately." I quickly told him when we both knew we are far away from the others.

"It's fine unless Kanroji heard it." he said.

"Now what exactly do you want from me?" he continued.

"I actually want to help you with Mitsuri-san." I told him.

"Huh?! And why would I let you do that?" he asked me harshly.

"Because I can't bare seeing you just staring at Mitsuri-san in the distance." I quickly told him.

"That's why I want to help!! Please Iguro-san!" I told him. He look hesitant for a moment but...

"Fine." he told me that made me happy.

"Yes! But I want us to be close first before I help you with Mitsuri-san." I said to him which he surprisingly quickly denied.

"Pretend! Just pretend we are friends!" I told him which leave him no choice but to agree.

"When are we going to start?" he asked me.

"Today while we're training."

"That soon? Are you sure?" he asked me surprised by my answer.

"Yes I'm sure! Now let's go back it's time for round three of stretching." I told him. While on our way back Muichiro-kun suddenly jumped a hug on me causing me to lose my balance. Thank god Iguro-san caught me but also fell on the ground.

"Ah! I'm sorry Iguro-san." I told him. Muichiro-kun help me got up while I helped Iguro-san.

"Why are with him?" Muichiro-kun asked me coldly that made me scared. I know he's like Tomioka-san but this still surprised me.

"B-Because I want to be friends w-with everybody." I answered him trying not to stutter but failed.

"You're scaring Sumiko-chan, Muichiro-kun." Mitsuri-san said as she walk towards us.

"Eh? I'm sorry." Muichiro-kun said before giving me a hug. I smiled at his action and gave him a head pat.

"I want to try your head pats too, Sumiko-chan!" Mitsuri-san said as she hugged me at the back. She and Muichiro-kun are now grabbing my waist fighting who I need to hug and gave a head pat. I looked at Iguro-san asking for help.

[Demon Slayer] Fem! Tanjiro x GiyuuWhere stories live. Discover now