Chapter 4

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Tanjiro POV

I woke up when I felt something hot hit my face. I opened my eyes only for me to find out it's already morning. I quickly got up and change to my uniform when I felt something fell off of my shoulder.

"Tomioka-san's haori? Why am I wearing it?" I said to myself but decided to brush it off for now. I quickly change into my uniform and put on my checkered haori.

"Now what am I going to do with you." I said to myself before picking up Tomioka-san's haori.

"It's too big for me to wear it but the pattern looks familiar." I said tracing the pattern on the left side.

"Ohayo Sumiko-chan!" Shinobu-san said who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Ohayo Shinobu-san but Sumiko-chan?" I asked her.

"Hai! Your name now is Kamado Sumiko. I already arranged it just for you and Oyakata-sama already knew about your new name. All we need to do is introduce you to everyone." she said before exiting the room.

"W-What do you mean everyone?" I asked her. I quickly picked up my katana before catching up on her.

"Everyone including Nezuko is in the HQ right now." she answered me.

"Why is Tomioka-san's haori with me?" I asked her that made her stop.

"You'll know it soon but we need to hurry!" she told me before running. I run right behind her but she's too fast. She really is the fastest Hashira.

"Ohayo Shinobu-chan!" Mitsuri-san said who was about to go inside the HQ.

"Ohayo Mitsuri-chan. Shall we go inside?" Shinobu-san said which Mitsuri-san nodded. We walked inside and all the Hashira are staring at me.

Inosuke, Zenitsu, Kanao, Aoi-chan and Nezuko are also in here but separated from the Hashira's. I made my way towards them and sat between Kanao and Aoi-chan. Kanao is in front of me and Aoi-chan is behind me.

"Ohayo Kanao, Aoi-chan." I whispered to them. Nezuko slowly crawled away from her spot and lay down on my thigh.

"Ohayo Tanjiro-kun." Aoi-chan whispered back.

"Now why are they here?" Shinazugawa-san said.

"Because of Oyakata-sama's order." Shinobu-san answered.

"I don't believe it." Iguro-san said pointing a finger at her.

"Oyakata-sama has arrived." Gyomei-san said.

"Ohayo my children." Okayata-sama said. We all bowed down before answering.

"Ohayo Oyakata-sama!" we all said.

"I summoned you all here today to discuss about Sumiko." Oyakata-sama started. The others are obviously confused except for Me, Shinobu-san, Nezuko and Tomioka-san.

"Sumiko? The hell she is." I heard Shinazugawa-san whispered.

"Kamado Sumiko also known as Kamado Tanjiro. We all knew about the opposite gender incident. I call you all here for you to know about her condition. I have ordered all the Hashira's to train Sumiko but there are changes. I want you to also train her friends, Agatsuma Zenitsu and Hashibira Inosuke. Any questions?" Oyakata-sama explained. Surprisingly Zenitsu and Inosuke are coming with me.

"Your all dismiss." Oyakata-sama said. We all waited for him to leave before we left. While I was waiting outside the HQ Zenitsu and Inosuke suddenly came at me.

"SUMIKO-CHAN!! HE WON'T STOP CHASING ME!!" Zenitsu 'said' hugging me.

"Fight me Monitsu, Sumijiko!" Inosuke said.

[Demon Slayer] Fem! Tanjiro x GiyuuWhere stories live. Discover now