구 (𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞)

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𝐇𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐞𝐣𝐢

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𝐇𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐞𝐣𝐢

The dinner with the Lee's went well. Their parents were very welcoming as always, just like how I remembered them to be. I've been to their home too many times in the past that their parents, dare I say, already consider me as their second daughter to which I deeply appreciate. Dinner with some beer and partnered up with stories about the years that we haven't seen each other were shared all throughout the evening. Overall, it was a pleasant night.

Standing up from their seats, Mr. and Mrs. Lee decided to call it a night. It was already around 11 pm on a weekday and they still have work for tomorrow. "Don't stay up too late, you guys. Oh, and Felix, don't drink too much, you still have to bring Yeji home," Mr. Lee said as he walked away from the dining area. My eyes widen in surprise when I looked at my boy best friend sitting beside me as he finishes his third can of beer. Hearing his father's words, he faced me with an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I don't think it'll be good for me to drive after this."

Not really minding it, I told him that it was okay and that I could just take a taxi home or ask Luis to pick me up since our family's house is just a few blocks from the Lee's. I still have some of my things there so I could stay there for the night, although it'll be a pain in the morning. It's very far from the university so I have to wake up in an ungodly hour. No wonder Jinnie decided to buy that place of his and stay there since it's just a few minutes walk from the campus.

"I'll take her home," surprisingly, Minho oppa offered.

I looked at him sitting across from me, second guessing if I heard him right. "I didn't drink. Not even a single drop," he said as my eyes immediately scanned his side of the table to see if there are any cans of beer and true to his words, I didn't see any. "Is it really okay?" I still asked, making sure that he's not feeling obligated or anything like that. He smiled and just nodded in response then proceeded to take a sip of his water.

"Thanks oppa," I smiled in return, feeling quite grateful for the offer. Thank god, I hate waking up early.

We decided to wrap up for tonight too since it was getting very late. "Hyung, you should take Ji home. Chae and I will clean up," Felix said. "You guys sure? I can help too, you know?" I asked, feeling guilty for just leaving without helping.

"Eonnie, it's okay. Jinjja," Chae answered, ushering me and his eldest brother towards the door. Feeling like I couldn't really do anything more, I decided to just give up and head home. I bid a farewell to the younger Lee siblings as they did too while sporting a wide grin in my direction.

"Let's go?" Minho oppa said and I just followed behind him as we went out and walked towards his car.

The whole car ride was silent. A song was playing softly in the background but we didn't talk and it was expected. Not that I really have anything to say anyway, it was just very awkward. Looking outside from the passenger's seat window, I saw that we were nearing my brother's place. There was no traffic since it was already very late at night. Just a few more turns and I'd be out of here.

"I heard from Chae that you're in Business Ad," the person beside me suddenly said making me face him. He's looking forward with both of his hands on the steering wheel. "Ne," I nodded.

"Mr. Im's really strict but he grades his students fairly. So whenever he assigns you in a group presentation, make sure to do your part."

"Mr. Wang may look very casual and easy-going, especially during his lectures, but don't be fooled. It's really hard to get an A plus from his subject," he continued. My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, not totally getting what he's saying right now. Mr. Im? Mr. Wang? The names are familiar, hmm.

He glanced at my direction, probably catching my confused face, and slightly chuckled. "I'm also in Business Ad. Fourth year," he said. My eyes slightly widen in surprise. I didn't know but not knowing wasn't really anything surprising. Again, we aren't close.

"Are there any more profs that I need to look out for?" I asked when the realization dawned upon me. He hummed, thinking of something as he drove through the drop-off area of the condominium. I unbuckled my seatbelt and looked at him expectantly.

"Mr. Park. He likes giving out a minimum of three thousand words essay every end of the month," he had a wide grin on which then turned into a soft laugh when I groaned after hearing what he had just said. After a good pause, I looked at him again and our eyes met.

"Thanks again, oppa," I said, stepping out of the car and closing the door. I hunched a little over the car window and he gave me a smile, "Good night, Yeji-ssi."

"Good night, oppa. Drive safe."

He then drove off as I headed inside the building. Yawning, I pressed the highest floor as soon as I got inside the elevator. I immediately head inside the penthouse as soon as the elevator doors opened. I noticed a few more pairs of shoes as I was taking my boots off by the foyer. Beomie and his friends must be staying over for the night.

Feeling a little thirsty, I headed to the kitchen. The place was already quiet and the lights from the outside were the only thing illuminating the room. I glanced at the clock hanging over the kitchen wall, it was already 1:14 in the morning. I can only assume that everyone's probably asleep by now. Placing my phone on the countertop, I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and took a huge gulp.


Hearing a notification message from my phone, I looked at it. It was a message from Felix asking if I got home safely. I was typing a reply after closing the water bottle's lid when I suddenly heard soft footfalls from my left. Someone must've woken up. I looked over my shoulder as soon as I felt the person's presence and somehow, right then and there, I forgot how to breathe when our eyes made contact.

I gulped the lump forming in my throat as my eyes scan the facial features of the person whom I haven't seen for years but is now standing right in front of me and looking at me with a strange expression. He looks the same yet different at the same time, if that even makes any sense.


Author's Note:Double update for this week since I passed my major exam

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Author's Note:
Double update for this week since I passed my major exam. Gaaah, I'm so damn happy TT^TT

진짜 (jinjja) - really
(ne) -yes

𝐝𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐥. yeonjiWhere stories live. Discover now