Chapter 4

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The rest of the night had also been a sleepless affair for Ba Reum, nervous, thinking of all the things that could go wrong. In the end he got out of bed, swallowed another pain killer and decided to hack in the CC-TV service near Choi Young Shin's house, just to keep an eye out.

He wanted to be sure that she wouldn't discover the body, hoping that it wouldn't thaw too quickly and scared that she would deposit something in her trunk. He wondered if he had been a bit too short sighted with his plan.

The son had come up already and he was on his third cup of coffee already, not managing to eat anything because of the nerves.

He knew she was scheduled for a press conference at 11 O'clock today, but he wasn't sure if she was going to make some stops in between, so he had to be alert. He started to nod off slightly, the continuous staring at the screen where nothing seemed to happen combined with the sleepness night was now catching up with him.

A sudden movement on the screen luckily woke him up again and he blinked while he saw her leave. He looked over at the time. 10h15 and it was a 15 minute drive. Perfect. He took another burner phone, which he had already put ready, and made sure to scramble the signal a bit more. This phone call would not be traced back to him.

"Yes, detective Ko speaking." The voice came from the other side and he felt his knees go weak at the sound of the familiar voice. He still had the same number as in the future, which was handy, because Ba Reum needed a cop that wasn't on OZ's paylist and also wasn't afraid to swim against the current.

"I want to report a murder I witnessed." He said, having changed his voice to a female one with the device. He made sure to add a quiver to it, still able to act on the spot.

"A murder, miss?" he heard Moo Chi scramble around on his desk, probably for something to write.

"Yes, uhm," he said hesitating, "it was a prominent person. I saw her put the body in her trunk."

"and who was it then?"

"I don't know if I should say. She's very powerful." He said, trailing off a bit, seemingly hesitant, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called."

"Please don't hang up miss. Don't worry about that. No one is above the law." Moo Chi tried to persuade the woman he heard on the phone to talk.

"Well, it's the politician woman, Choi Young Shin. I'm actually not sure, but she and someone else put a plastic sheet in her trunk, and there was someone rolled in there and it was all bloody." He said hysterically, making sure to add a touch of frantic fear in his voice.

"Can I have your name miss?" Moo Chi asked.

"I don't think it's save for me to say." Ba Reum said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called it in."

He hung up the conversation abruptly, knowing that this was the best way to spur Moo Chi in action. A poor scared woman, who didn't dare to accuse a rich influential person because she would misuse her power to make the woman's life a misery.

And now he turned on the television and waited.

"Miss, are you still there Miss?" Moo Chi was asking loudly in the phone, but he realised the woman had already hung up. She had sounded really scared as well, and he guessed that she believed that Choi Young Shin would harm her if she ever told her identity.

The thought of someone being to afraid to call in a murder rubbed him the wrong way.

He quickly called the prosecutor's office, making sure to call one that wasn't afraid to go against politicians. He didn't use the man's number a lot, only when it were delicate cases.

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