Chapter 23

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Bong Yi was nervous when Ba Reum came and got her to join him in his church group. She put her hands in her pockets and glared at everyone they passed, even when Ba Reum stopped and greeted them. The people in their turn, ignored her.

She actually felt a bit jealous of Ba Reum. He was always so light and bright, smiling easily and always happy. Unlike her, he didn't have anything dark or ugly in him. He just wanted to make the people around him feel better. He was simple and simply amazing in her eyes.

He must have seen that she felt uneasy, because he started to talk to her about the church group, trying to cheer her up.

"You will love it there. I think you might like my friends. There is Dong Koo, who wants to be a prison guard, but he has trouble with the exams. And Chi Kook, you will love him. He is a very kind person. He's always upright and always tries to make sure you are feeling okay."

Ba Reum kept on talking about his friends, but the way he was trying to convince her that Chi Kook was a nice person, made her suspect that he might be the person Ba Reum has a crush on. She wondered if he realised how much he was giving away. She kept on listening to him.

She wondered if this Chi Kook knew how much Ba Reum liked him? At least she would be able to see them up close. Bong Yi really hoped that this guy was truly as good as Ba Reum told her, or if he just saw it through rose coloured glasses.

When they arrived, he took her to father Ko, to introduce her, who recognized her because of Halmoni.

"Are you going to join us more often Bong Yi?" he asked with a smile and she just gave a nervous, uneasy shrug, not wanting to be rude to the man.

"Well, that's great. We were just going to start a new project. The meeting will start in ten minutes, so you guys can go mingle right now." He said and left them by themselves.

"Oh, Chi Kook and Dong Koo should be there. You will love them." He said again and she tried to not roll her eyes. The way he kept on talking about his friends, repeating the same things over and over again.

Ba Reum was looking around the room, in the hope of spotting his friends soon. He had tried to put Chi Kook in a good light. He knew that Bong Yi liked himself because of all the traits he displayed to her and that he had managed to seduce her with kindness and softness.

In all honesty, those traits were all found again in Chi Kook. He hoped that by making it obvious, her attraction would slowly shift from him to Chi Kook, and that they would fall in love and be happy together.

He hoped he wasn't laying it on too thick, but he didn't have a lot of time to couple them, and to be honest, Bong Yi right now, she was still a difficult nut to crack. Her mood was still dark, as if admitting she wanted to be close to someone would break her world.

He finally spots his friends. He waves at them until they see him, and they quickly join them.

"Oi, Ba Reum," Dong Ko said grinning, "you brought someone?"

"Yes, this is Bong Yi. She's a friend of mine. I wanted to introduce her to the church group." Ba Reum said and Bong Yi greeted them shortly.

"Hi Bong Yi," Chi Kook said, "so, a friend?" he asked, putting emphasis on the word and Ba Reum could feel his cheeks heat up. How he wanted to say that she was more than that to him, but he couldn't.

"Yes, just a friend." Bong Yi said immediately, "and you two, just friends." She fired back, making them both look taken aback.

"What, you mean me and Dong Koo?" Chi Kook asked flustered, "no, I don't swing that way." He made sure to quickly add.

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