Chapter 12

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Moo Won sat still on his couch, staring at the door from which Ba Reum had just left. To say that he was surprised at the sudden confession was an understatement.

From all the people he knew, Ba Reum was one of the least likely suspects of being the Head Hunter's son. Moo Won's heart had given a stutter at hearing that nickname again, his body almost automatically clenched in fear, but he took in a deep breath and let it the fear go, like he had learned himself to do.

It felt weird to try to wrap his head around the idea that kind and gentle Ba Reum was related to that cold and uncaring man and even now during this short conversation, he could see the pain in Ba Reum.

Moo Won thought that it was typical Ba Reum, to even leave the church group, just in case that it would hurt Moo Won that the son of his tormentor was near him. It even explained his weird behavior at the last meeting.

But Ba Reum was wrong about that. He didn't believe that the son was guilty for his father's crimes. Ba Reum leaving the church group because he imagined that Moo Won would be offended just didn't seem right.

Ba Reum was clearly anguished by the idea of being related to that serial killer, and Moo Won understood. He had feared the man so long, let it influence so much of his live, but he had eventually found peace with these feelings. He thought back at the expression on Ba Reum's face and decided that he would help Ba Reum with finding peace as well.

The Head Hunter had already destroyed enough innocent lives.

He looked at the time. It was already late. He sighed, getting off the couch. He quickly prayed and prepared for bed. Tomorrow he would make sure to visit Ba Reum and talk with him.

Ba Reum went through the motions the next day, but he had trouble to stay in his normal character. He felt sad that he had to hurt the two brothers with his confession, but they had deserved to know with whom they had been association.

The thought to be hated by these two people hurt him, but he knew that it was the least he deserved. If they knew what he had really been, they would understand even better.

His burden must have shown on his face because his chief had taken him the side to ask if he was feeling well. Ba Reum had smiled at him and said that he was okay.

The man had looked at him doubtfully, but let him go none the less, giving him a look of concern.

Ba Reum hated himself even more after that. How could he ever have deceived these people that all cared for him, that only wanted the best for him? He really was a piece of scum.

He came home, changing his clothes into something a bit more comfortable. His head was pounding again and he took another pain killer, wondering how long they were still going to help him. He looked in his fridge, thinking that he should at least bother to eat something, when a knock on the door sounded.

He looked up and frowned a bit. He wasn't expecting anyone. A second knock sounded and he got to the door and was surprised at the man standing there.

"Father Ko? What are you doing here." He exclaimed.

"I'm here to talk to you Ba Reum," the man smiled at him, "can I come in?"

Ba Reum nodded, mute by the surprise, feeling uneasy with the sudden visit, wondering what the man wanted to say to him.

Ba Reum just knew that it was about his confession yesterday and prepared himself for the worst.

Moo Chi had hesitated when the young man had come yesterday. He had spent the rest of the previous evening drunk, but this morning he had been thinking about the information he had been given.

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