Chapter 24

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Because Ba Reum had volunteered himself for the stage help for their church play, he had to do a lot dragging things around, fetching stuff, painting sceneries. A lot of people were doing the same, so they were with big groups.

Bong Yi had hesitantly raised her hands when they asked who could sew and she was currently somewhere in the corner, sorting through old costumes to see which one could be salvaged. Moo Won had distributed the books with the lines to all the actors. Moo Chi had been volunteered to play one of the three kings and grumpily stood in a corner with the two other kings.

Moo Won had smiled when he had seen his brother in the audience and had volunteered him when no one wanted to play the third king. He hadn't disagreed, which was a victory in itself for Moo Won.

All in all, it seemed like they would be getting everything ready soon enough to do the play.

"I have got a donation from a hardware store. Who wants to help me fetch it?" Moo Won asked the group where Ba Reum was in. The rain had been going all day and was not showing any sign of letting up. Ba Reum saw everyone trying to subtly not look at Moo Won.

"I'll go." Ba Reum said, getting up and dusting his pants. He hadn't been working very efficiently anyway.

"Thank you Ba Reum." Moo Won said and both man grabbed their coats and braved the cold wet weather. Luckily the hardware store wasn't far away, and the tools would be very useful for them. It was a bit much for just Ba Reum to carry it, but seeing that Moo Won could hardly carry anything heavy with his condition, he still tried.

They were just crossing the street when one piece fell from Ba Reum's full hands.

"I'll fetch it." Moo Won said and Ba Reum waited with his hands full on the sidewalk. The rain was now pouring down quickly and Ba Reum heard the car before he saw it coming. He looked in the direction of the sound and saw it approaching closer and closer.

He noticed that the car wasn't braking at all. Moo Won looked up and he saw the man's eyes widen when he saw the car speedily approaching. It was braking now, having now spotted the pedestrian, but it was too late. The speed with which it was going and the wet road made it impossible to stop before impact.

Ba Reum dropped all the stuff he was holding immediately and ran as hard as he could. In the single instance before the car would have hit Moo Won, Ba Reum managed to push Moo Won out of the way.

The next thing Ba Reum knew, he was lying on his back on the cold concrete, the rain soaking him and cooling him down rapidly, he looked at the sky, and blinked a few time, his vision fading. When the blackness came down on him, he could only feel how eerily familiar this was.

Moo Won fell hard on the ground and heard the sickening impact of a body that was thrown on a car and then falling back on the ground. He tried to get up, but the impact had hurt him. He saw the car stop and someone get out, looking at the scene and get back in his car.

It was driving off when Moo Won got up and went to check the body of Ba Reum, slipping a few times due to the wet weather. A car passed and stopped when she saw the scene and soon a few more people appeared.

"Ba Reum, are you okay, Ba Reum?" Moo Won asked when he saw that they eyes were still open. He could see Ba Reum just stare and then he blinked once, twice and then his eyes stayed close. Moo Won was feeling very panicked, when Ba Reum didn't move.

He heard someone call the ambulance and someone crouched down next to him, asking if he's okay.

"I'm fine, Ba Reum, he won't wake up." Moo Won said, his chest pounding hard. He could feel panic invading his mind. Soon the ambulance came and took Ba Reum away, while he was guided in a second one.

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