Chapter 14

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Ba Reum woke up early to go to the charity service. He was feeling a bit nervous because he was going to get close to one of his victims. He got himself ready and drove off towards the place, luckily not too far from where he lived.

When he arrived, they were just setting up and he quickly asked someone for the person in charge, and he is quickly directed to a middle aged guy.

"You the guy that called yesterday?" the man asked him with a smile. For some reason he reminded Ba Reum of father Ko.

"yes, that's me. I'm interested in helping, if you can use me." He introduced himself, bowing slightly. The man laughed happily at him.

"Of course we can. We normally have several shifts of volunteers, as we continuously try to give out food until late afternoon. We also have some stands with have utility items for the homeless, like blankets and clothes. We give them to the most needy." The man explained each station and in the end he was put to setting up the table and chairs for the homeless who would come for breakfast.

He was almost done with the setting up, together with some other people, who guided him, showing him where everything should be, when Yo Han called him. He signalled a person nearby that he had a phone call and they nodded.


"Ah, Ba Reum, it's Yo Han," he said, "I wondered if it was possible to meet today?"

Ba Reum frowned at Yo Han's tone. He had said in a small voice, as if he really needed the conversation.

"Well, I'm doing charity service right now until tonight." Ba Reum said, hesitantly, thinking that afterwards he would probably be tired, "I guess we can meet afterward."

"No, don't bother. I'll just come to where you are. Can you text me the address?" Yo Han asked. Ba Reum frowned a bit, wondering what Yo Han wanted to talk about. It was a bit weird to meet here, but if Yo Han insisted, he wouldn't deny.

When Yo Han got the address he immediately left. It was a bit further then he would have guessed for a charity where Ba Reum would participate, but he drove off anyway.

It was not his habit of suddenly inviting himself to other people like this, but his mother had just came to his house this morning, and the events had upset him.

She had tried to convince him to not believe Ba Reum and not to take any contact, sure that the child was evil. She started to talk about an evil gene he had and that he was a psychopath who just wanted to use him.

He tried to get her out of his home, but then she went and injured herself. He had just returned from bringing her to the hospital, opting not to stay by he side. The whole situation had stressed him out, and he had wanted to speak with someone who might understand.

His best friend was out of the country for his work, and it was night there right now. After a few minutes of hesitation he had called Ba Reum, because for the rest no one else knew about this situation. And to be honest, he only had one true friend and Hong Ju was already off to work.

When he arrived at the address that Ba Reum had texted him, he could see the men helping cleaning up used bowls and utensil. He saw the dirty people sitting on the chairs eating the warm food.

"Ba Reum." Yo Han greeted him, "sorry that I barged in. I just wanted to be with a kindred spirit." Yo Han said.

"It's nothing. If you want, you can always help out a bit, otherwise, I have lunch in an hour or two" Yo Han looked around and hesitated a bit, but Ba Reum was already taking him to a man sitting there.

"Hi sir, this is a doctor. Can he see your wound?" he asked the older man, who looked at them warily and the let him see the open festering wound on his ankle.

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