Chapter 26

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When Chi Kook and Dong Koo arrived at the charity, without Ba Reum because of obvious reasons, they spotted Yo Han. They waved him over and took their time to thank him for taking care of their friend.

"And how is Ba Reum doing? Is he resting enough?" Yo Han asked and Chi Kook laughed at that question.

"Do you know Ba Reum? He never rests enough. We're there to help him though." Yo Han nodded at those words.

"And for the rest, no other symptoms or anything worrisome?" he tried to pry. He wondered if his friends had any clue about his condition.

"No, for the rest he's doing fine." They said and Yo Han let it drop at that, not ready to break the patient confidentiality. He hoped now that Ba Reum's friends visited him often to help him out, that they would notice that something was off.

When it was again time to go to the church group, Ba Reum hesitated, but decided to just go, apologizing to everyone that he wasn't able to work as hard as them due to his injuries. No one minded of course and he was given some minor tasks, which he could do one handed, even when his friends were looking at him with disapproval.

Moo Won's stitches had been removed a few days before and he was feeling much better. It would take some time for the scar to completely fade away.

Now though, he was agonizing over something totally different.

"Bo Ah can't come for the play. She has to go abroad for work." He said to the group in general. She had been their Mary and without her, it would be difficult to do their play.

"But can't anyone replace her?" a few woman volunteered, but they were all elderly ladies.

"Bong Yi can do it." Ba Reum said and all eyes suddenly were aimed at the newcomer in their group. Bong Yi looked nervously at the gazes.

"No, I can't." she denied, shaking her head and taking a step back.

"I think you would be perfect for it," Ba Reum said, gazing at her adorningly, and Moo Won echoed the sentiment. The people were looking at her now, gazes full of expectation.

"Please Bong Yi, I don't know who else can do it." Moo Won said and Bong Yi looked again at Ba Reum, who smiled at her, nodding slightly. She swallowed. How could she resist that man.

"Fine, I'll do it. But if it goes bad, don't blame me." She muttered.

"Thank you Bong Yi, let's get you a costume and a booklet with the lines, that way you can rehearse." Moo Won said, immediately fetching the items.

When Bong Yi was alone with Ba Reum a bit later, she complained to him.

"I can't believe you volunteered me." She said, and he laughed at her.

"Don't worry, you will be better than you think. And Chi Kook is playing father Joseph. If there is something, you can always lean on him." He said with a smile, and Bong Yi swallowed back the monster of jealousy. Of course it was all about Chi Kook again.

"I'll do my best." She said, and then left to rehearse. For as a much as she complained about being volunteered, she tried her best to remember all the lines in time. Ba Reum was so proud of her.

The winter was arriving and with it Christmas. Ba Reum hadn't even bothered to decorate his place, since no one was coming over anyway. The party at Yo Han was planned in a couple of days, so everyone would have to chance to spend the actual holiday with their family.

Bong Yi and halmoni would do something together and Dong Koo and Chi Kook spend it with their parents and family.

Ba Reum just resolved to spend the holiday on his own, happy that he could go to Yo Han's party in a few days' time.

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