Chapter 3: Sundowning

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Liv's in her Physics class and Mr

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Liv's in her Physics class and Mr. Douglas says, "Power. The ability to control things. This metal has no power. It's small, weak, insignificant. Is there anything we can do to change that?" Corey raises his hand and Mr. Douglas says, "Corey, what you got?" Corey says, "We can add electricity." Mr. Douglas says, "Exactly. We turn this metal rod... into a magnet. Now it has power. Now it has influence... over others." As Mr. Douglas is showing the class what the rod can do to a metal ball, Mr. Douglas starts coughing. Liv says, "Are you okay, Mr. Douglas?" Mr. Douglas says, "Just a little cough. Where were we? Um... Right, now we have electricity, and a little bit of power. Let's add a little more. After all, the greater the power, the greater the control." The he starts coughing again. He drinks water and calms down and says, "Imagine how powerful this rod could become with boundless electricity. Say, from a lighting bolt? What else could we control?" He starts coughing again and is having trouble breathing. He walks out the door, while his class is worried about him. Liam gets up and walks towards the door and says, "Mr. Douglas?" Later, Liv's in the locker room and she gets a text invite for Nathan's lacrosse party. Liv hears Gwen say, "Where is it? Who took all of her stuff?" Liv walks to over to Gwen and says, "What's wrong, Gwen?" Gwen says, "Someone stole all of her stuff." Liv says, "Whose stuff?" Gwen says, "Phoebe. My sister. We went to her soccer game." Liv says, "I don't remember her." Gwen says, "You don't remember her? The school doesn't remember her. No one remembers her." Gwen walks away and Liv thinks that Gwen's sister Phoebe was taken by a Ghost Rider. Liv hears Malia howl and knows that somethings wrong. Liv leaves the locker room and goes to find Malia. Liv walks towards Malia and softly says, "Malia. It's okay. You're safe." Malia snarls at Liv and Liv says, "I'm not gonna hurt you." Scott goes to stand next to Liv and says, "I think she's calming down." Liv's dad says, "Maybe you should growl back?" Malia growls at them and her dad says, "Scott, you're the Alpha. Can't you just make her a little more docile?" Liv realizes and says, "She's not the problem. We are. This is her territory. Maybe we need to get out of here." Scott grabs Liv's hand without thinking and softly says, "Yeah, come on, come on." They move out and Lydia says, "Malia came here to get through the full moons. Then we started using the lake house." Mrs. Martin says, "I thought you said a wild animal got in the lake house." Lydia says, "Just be happy about all things I don't tell you." Then Malia transforms back to human and she's naked. Malia says, "It's all right. I'm okay." Mrs. Martin goes to get Malia her clothes. Liv notices Scott's still holding her hand and she lets go. Her dad says, "Any idea what made her shift?" Scott says, "She's under a lot of pressure. School, her life after graduation." Lydia says, "Her mom trying to kill her." Scott says, "That shouldn't make her shift." Liv says, "Could it be connected to Stiles?" Lydia says, "Hard to tell since we don't know what a "Stiles" is." Her dad says, "It's a "he"." Scott says, "Who?" Her dad says, "Stiles. It's a family nickname. I never used it but, uh, your grandfather did." Liv's intrigued by this information. Later, Liv, Lydia, and Scott go to Liv's so they can her about the name Stiles. Her mother hands her dad a box and he says, "Thanks, honey." Her mother says, "Mm-hmm." Her dad says, "He was an Army engineer. Ended the war one bridge at a time." Her father hands her a photograph of her grandfather. Scott says, "And he went by "Stiles"." Her dad says, "So, what's this got to do with the Wild Hunt?" Liv says, "We think that somebody was taken from us." Her dad says, "Any idea who?" Liv says, "The Ghost Riders would have erased our memories." Her dad says, "Well, now, that's convenient." Lydia says, "We found a clue. The word "Stiles"." Her mother says, "And that's why you wanna talk to Elias?" Liv says, "Yeah, maybe he can help us figure it out. Maybe he knows who we're lookin' for." Her father says, "Now this is someone your age?" Liv says, "Well not my age, but Lydia's and Malia's. I think he was my brother." Her mother and father look at Liv weird and Liv says, "I know it sounds crazy, but maybe if we can talk to grandpa, he may have the answers we need." Her dad sighs and says, "I can guarantee you, your grandfather can't help you." Liv says, "Why not? I mean, I've haven't seen him since I was little." Her dad stands up and says, "Honey, he lives in a nursing home three towns over. Hasn't had a visitor in years." Lydia suddenly says, "Can I use your bathroom?" Her mom says, "Sure." Lydia leaves and Liv sighs and her dad kneels in front of her and says, "I don't want you going near him, you got that?" Liv looks at her dad and sadly says, "Yes." Liv goes to the kitchen to drink some water. Her dad tells Scott, "Your not hearing me. Trust me, you don't wanna talk to him." Scott says, "We just need a few minutes." Her dad says, "Scott, my father can't help you." Scott says, "Just a few questions. Five minutes." Her dad says, "You know, what? You don't just "talk" to this guy. Okay?" Liv comes back into the room when her dad starts yelling. Her dad says, "Find another way." Scott says, "But, what if this is the only way?" Her mom says, "Scott, you have your answer." Scott says, "Sheriff, please." Her mom says, "Scott." Her dad says, "The answer's no." They get into Lydia's car and Liv says, "Okay, if I can't talk with my grandfather about Stiles, then I can help someone else." Lydia says, "Who?" Liv says, "Her name is Gwen and her sister has been taken and no one remembers her except for Gwen." Lydia then drops Liv at school and she walks in the library looking for Gwen. Liv finds Gwen looking through a yearbook. Liv says, "What are you lookin' for?" Gwen says, "Anything. Anything to prove that Phoebe's real." Liv says, "Hey, I believe you." Gwen says, "No, you don't." Liv looks at the bracelet that Gwen's wearing and says, "That was hers, wasn't it? What happened?" Gwen says, "We just went to bed like any other normal night. I got up to get some water, and I thought I saw this man standing in our front yard. When I looked again, there was no one there. But this morning, my sister was gone. And her room, it was completely empty. I can't reach my mom. And I tried to call Phoebe's phone but the line's been disconnected. And no one believes that she exists. The cops, the school, they're all saying that there's no record of her. And everyone's looking at me like I'm crazy. I made this for Phoebe for her birthday. Mom forgot to buy her anything, she travels so much. This the only thing I have left." Liv says, "The man in your yard. What did he look like?" Gwen says, "He had a black hat, a long coat... uh, couldn't see his face." A student says, "Shh." Liv gently pushes Gwen away and Liv says, "He's called a Ghost Rider. They take people and you don't even know it because they've erased your memories. If you see them, according to mythology, you're next. Gwen?" Gwen looks upset and says, "Do you think I'm stupid?" Liv says, "Gwen, I'm trying to help you. I..." Gwen says, "Is this just all a big joke to you? I don't believe in ghosts, and I don't like being made fun of." Gwen then walks away from Liv. Later, Liv meets up with Malia, Liam, and Scott by Malia's locker. Malia says, "Your dad said, "no", didn't he." Liv says, "Yeah." Malia says, "But we're going anyway?" Scott says, "Yep." Malia looks at Liv and says, "Okay, then why aren't you coming?" Liv says, "Because I have to stay here and keep Gwen safe." Malia nods and says, "Just kidnap her." Scott says, "Do not kidnap her. We'll be back tonight after we talk to your grandfather." Malia says, "Do we really have to do this?" Liv says, "He's the only lead we have." Liam says, "Okay. What if the Ghost Riders show up?" Scott says, "You guy's can handle it. You guys aren't alone, you have each other and Mason and Corey. Okay? Just find a safe place for Gwen and keep her there." Liam says, "Any suggestions?" Scott says, "It doesn't matter as long as she's safe." As Scott leaves, Malia says, "Kidnap her." Scott says, "Do not kidnap her." Later, Liv and Liam meet up with Mason and Corey in the library. Liam says, "Until we fin a safe place for Gwen, we need to know her location at all times." Mason says, "Okay, that's great while we're at school, but what happens after that? She could go anywhere." Corey looks at Liv and says, "Liv could you ask her." Liv says, "We don't have to. I know where she'll be tonight. Nathan's party. I mean, she's been asking everybody in school about Phoebe. I'm sure she'll do the same tonight." Liam says, "We can't keep her safe at Nathan's. We need a place where supernaturals can't get in." Liv says, "I know a place, but he may hate me for doing this. It's the safest place I know." Later, they throw a party at Scott's. Nathan walks in and grabs Liam by the shoulders and says, "How did you think I would take it?" Liv is behind him and says, "In hundred?" Nathan looks behind him to see Liv and smirks. He takes the money and winks at her. Liv rolls her eyes and Liam says, "I'm starting to think this wasn't a good idea." Liv says, "Scott told us to do whatever it takes to keep Gwen safe." Liam says, "Now what if Melissa shows up? She already doesn't like me." Liv says, "Relax. She's got the night shift. She won't be home until 4:00am and we'll have this place cleaned up before then. Scott told us to protect Gwen and putting her in a house lined with Mountain Ash, is a good plan. Plus the floorboards are also Mountain Ash. Believe in the plan." Liv grabs Liam's hand and brings him into the kitchen. Liv hoists herself up onto the counter with Liam in between her legs. Liv wraps her arms around Liam and makes out with him for a little bit. Liam pulls away and says, "Have you seen Gwen?" Liv says, "Over there. Talking to everyone but me." Liam says, "Hey, you know what? If the Ghost Riders don't come tonight, this will be our first okay date." Liv smirks and says, "Who said this was a date?" Liam says, "I did." Liv softly laughs and says, "Okay, but someday, we will do a whole lot better than, "okay"." They kiss for a little bit and Liv sees walk off and she says, "I better go." Liv walks after Gwen. Meanwhile, at the nursing home, the sheriff caught them and Elias says, "That's right! Act like I'm not even here. Go crawling back to your dead wife and your loser kids!" The sheriff looks at his dad and says, "What did you say?" Elias then says, "Is it time for my medicine?" Gwen comes down stairs screaming, "Oh, my God!" Liam says, "What's wrong?" Gwen says, "I saw him. He's right there. Don't you see him? Help me please!" Liv chases after Gwen and says, "Wait, slow down!" Liv stays with Gwen, while everybody is running and screaming out the house. Liv puts her hand out in front of Gwen. Liv grabs the Mountain Ash and puts a line of ash between her and the Ghost Rider to stop him from getting to Gwen. The Ghost Rider uses his whip and Liam says, "We can't let him get through. Liv says, "Guys, he's breaking through." Liam and Corey go to attack, but they get thrown. Liv looks to Gwen and says, "Okay. We have to leave right now." Liv grabs Gwen and they leave out the back door. Gwen says, "Stop!" Liv says, "Go back inside?" Gwen says, "Yes. Now." They then go back inside and the Ghost Rider grabs Gwen with his rope. Gwen screams, "Help me!" Liv grabs both of Gwen's arms to pull her away and then Parrish comes in and says, "Freeze! Let her go!" Liam says, "Shoot him, Parrish." Parrish says, "Everyone down, now." They get down and Parrish starts shooting and nothing happens. Parrish says, "On your knees. On your knees." The Ghost Rider disappears. Liv takes Gwen home and before Gwen gets out of her car she turns to Liv and says, "Hey, you lost someone too, right? That's why you're helping me." Liv looks at Gwen and says, "Yeah, I just have a name. I don't have memories like you do." Gwen says, "What's their name?" Liv says, "His name is Stiles and I think he's my brother." Gwen nods and says, "I hope you find him." Liv nods and says, "Me too. And we'll find Phoebe." Gwen smiles at Liv and says, "Thank you." Liv nods and says, "You're welcome." 

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