6A: After Liv got turned into a werewolf, there has been no supernatural activity for 3 months. Then something comes to Beacon Hills and changes everyone's lives.
6B: It's Liv's senior year of high school. At the start of senior year, there's alrea...
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Liv's in class when a blue jeep catches her eye. Liv watches the tow truck man hook the jeep and Liv races out the class room and bumps into Scott. Scott says, "Whoa, Liv. You okay?" Liv says, "I have this sudden urge to stop that man towing that Jeep." Liv ran pass Scott and goes outside and says, "Hey! Hey! You can't tow this Jeep." The man says, "Paperwork says I can. It's reported as abandoned." Liv touches the Jeep and says, "And now it's not." The man says, "Oh, this is your vehicle?" Liv says, "Does it matter?" The man scoffs and says, "Sounds like a no." Scott runs to Liv and says, "It's mine. Uh, my Jeep. Thank you. I'll move it. Once I get the keys. From my locker. After you leave." The man says, "I'm sorry, once it's on the hook..." Liv says, "Please don't say, 'You're on the hook.'" The man says, "Well, I can't now." Scott says, "Oh, I, okay. Look, there has to be something we can do. Sign something? Call someone?" Liv says, "Pay someone?" The guy says, "Drop fee's a hundred and fifty. Cash." Liv goes through her purse and takes out her wallet. Scott says, "A hundred and fifty? This thing isn't even worth that much." Liv says, "How much you got?" Scott says, "Uh, how much have you got?" Liv whispers, "Just give me your money." Scott sighs and hands Liv his money and says, "All I have is $50. And when I say "all," I mean all. Uh..." Liv then gives the money to the man and he walks away with a smile. Scott says, "Hey. You know I don't actually have the keys to this thing, right?" Liv says, "But now we have a Jeep." Later, Liv hears a high pitched noise and runs outside to see it's coming from the Jeep. Liv notices that Scott, Malia, Lydia are coming towards her. Liv says, "It's coming from inside." Scott tries the door and Malia says, "Did somebody just lock the keys inside?" Liv walks up to the door and brings the door handle and opens the door." They look at the radio making noise. Malia and Scott are in the back of the Jeep, while Liv is in the passenger seat and Lydia's in the drivers seat. Liv's going through the glove compartment. Then the radio stops and Malia says, "Why's it stop?" Lydia says, "It doesn't matter. There has to be a reason." Liv sniffs the Jeep and Lydia says, "You caught a scent?" Liv says, "Yeah. Uh, ours. Mine, yours, Liam's, all four of us." Malia says, "Mine? I've never been in this jeep before." Scott says, "Neither have I." Liv says, "yes, we have. We just don't remember it." Malia says, "I though we were done with that." Liv says, "You might have, but I'm not giving up on Stiles." Scott says, "Remember, Parrish checked the VIN number. There's no record of an owner." Liv says, "The Jeep didn't just drive itself here." Malia looks at Scott and says, "Whose side are you on?" Scott says, "I'm on everyone's side." Malia looks at Liv and says, "He's not real. Trust me." Liv sighs and continues to go through the glove compartment. Malia says, "I've lost a lot of people in my life. It's a long list and I don't feel like adding to it." Liv finds something and says, "You might not have to. Not if we get him back." Scott takes it from Liv and says, "This is from '96. And there's no name." Malia says, "But there's an address. 129 Woodbine Lane." Liv says, "It's my address." They look at Liv confused and Liv has hope in her eyes. Liv then goes home and shows her parents the paper. Her mom stutters, "I don't know what to tell you. I haven't seen that Jeep in... almost 18 years." Liv says, "It's in our name." Her mom says, "But it was stolen." Liv says, "Then how did it end up at the high school?" Her dad says, "Beats the hell out of me. I mean, that thing was a Junker back in the day. God only knows who'd want it now." Her mom says, "Maybe somebody dumped it there?" Liv says, "Is there any way to trace the history of the Jeep after it was stolen?" Her dad says, "No." Liv says, "But there's fingerprints in it. Along with mine and my friends scents. How do you explain that?" Her dad says, "I don't know, but Liv, is this about Stiles?" Her mom says, "Honey, don't you think you've taken this far enough? I don't really know what's going on with you lately, but if you every need to talk we're here for you." Liv's voice cracks and says, "I'm not crazy. He's real and he's out there somewhere." Liv gets up and goes to her room. Liv closes the door and slides down the door and cries. Later, Liv gets a text from Scott that the tow man is back and Liv gets out her car and approaches him and Lydia. Scott says, "We already paid you. I gave you all of my money for that drop-fee." The man says, "Yeah, and I dropped it, all right? Now I'm picking it up again." Lydia says, "How much? I'll write you a check." The man says, "It's not about how much. They want it out of here, okay? It's not up to me." Scott blocks the man and the man says, "Don't make me move you, kid, okay? I'm hooking this thing up and I am towing it away." Liv hears Scott's bone cracking and looks to towards his fist and they hear a noise and see Malia rip the hook and smiles and says, "Your truck's broke." They then hear a roar and Malia says, "Did you hear that?" Liv says, "I think all of Beacon Hills heard that." Scott says, "Who is it?" Malia says, "I'm not sure, but I think I recognized it." Lydia says, "Go!" Scott and Malia go, while Liv stays with Lydia. Scott then comes back with keys and he gives it to Liv. Liv opens the door with them and gets into the driver seat, with Lydia in the passenger and Scott in the back. Liv has the key on her hands and starts up the Jeep, but it's not working so she tries again and Scott says, "Don't flood it." Liv says, "Do you even know what that means?" Scott says, "Not really." Liv tries again and it starts with the lights coming on. Liv smiles in triumph. Then the Radio comes on and Liv hears a voice say, "Hello?" Scott reaches over to turn it off and Liv says, "Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait." The voice says, "Hello? Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?" Liv grabs the radio speaker and says, "Stiles?" Scott says, "Stiles, are you there?" Stiles says, "Liv? Scott? Is that you?" Lydia speaks and says, "And Lydia. Yeah it's us. Okay. Oh, my God, Stiles. We can hear you." Stiles says, "Oh, my God, you know me? You remember me?" Liv says, "Stiles, is thi... is this you? Is this actually you?" Stiles says, "Yeah, it's me. Lydia, do you remember the last thing I said to you?" Lydia says, "You said... you said, 'Remember I love you.'" Scott says, "Are you okay?" Liv says, "Where are you?" Scott says, "We're coming to get you." Stiles says, "No, no, no. You can't. You won't be able to find me." Scott says, "Stiles, what... what are you talking about? Just tell us where you are, and we'll we'll come and..." Stiles says, "Right, just remember this. Canaan, okay? You have to find Canaan. Just find Canaan." Then the radio stops working and Liv looks at her friends with hope in her eyes that Stiles is actually real and they heard his voice.