6A: After Liv got turned into a werewolf, there has been no supernatural activity for 3 months. Then something comes to Beacon Hills and changes everyone's lives.
6B: It's Liv's senior year of high school. At the start of senior year, there's alrea...
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Liv has a bad feeling something's happening, so she gets into her car. As Liv is backing up, she looks and sees Lori. She stops her car and gets out. Lori says, "I found this. It's Brett's, and he's missing, and I hear gunshots." Liv says, "Okay, then this must be my feeling." Lori says, "What feeling?" Liv says, "I had a very bad feeling that something was happening." Lori hands Liv the bloody lacrosse stick and Liv says, "We're gonna need some help finding Brett." Liv's in the woods with Lori, Liam, and Scott. They found an arrow on a tree and Liam follows the direction and points to where Brett is and says, "Here. I think he set a trap." Scott says, "He's fighting back." Liv says, "And now we know he's still alive." Lori pulls out the arrow and says, "But he's still hurt. We need to find him; he needs to know we're here." Scott says, "You want the hunter to know we're here, too?" Liam says, "He's new. We can take him." Scott says, "What if Brett howls back? He'll lead the hunter right to him." Liv says, "No, we could find him first. There's no human that can track sounds faster than we can. And we've got the advantage, we've done this before. We know what we're doing, guys." Liam says, "How come I can't catch his scent?" Lori says, "He's masking it." Liv looks on the ground to see blood and says, "He went this way." Liv runs with them behind them. Liam says, "The trails gone." Scott says, "Uh, maybe he just stopped bleeding." Liam says, "God, I think we should split up. Lori and I go this way, you guys go that way." Lori says, "Or maybe we go in four directions?" Liv says, "We should stick together." Liam says, "We have the advantage, it's four against one." Liv says, "Not if we split." Liam glares at Liv and says, "Right. I've been doing this the past three month without your help. I think I can make a decision." Liv says, "I have been kind of busy and if you wanted help, you could of just ask." Lori and Scott smell tension between the former couple. Liv says, "Your decision making is reckless. You're not thinking straight, if we stick together will find him faster." Liam's angry and snaps, "Did you hear what you just said? If we split up, we'll find him a lot faster than just standing here and waiting around trying to find him. It's one hunter, one amateur who doesn't know what they're doing." Liv blows a puff of air out and shakes her head and says, "We don't even know if it's just one hunter. There could more and you're so confident that it's one, that you might get yourself killed." Liam scoffs and says, "Even though you initiated the breakup, it was good idea because the main reason for it was that you don't understand me anymore, it's like you're a different person. The old Liv would have taken my side." Liv looks heartbroken at Liam and Scott has heard enough and says, "Guys, look at this. The hunter. He's covering his tracks. Liv, your right. There is another hunter." Liv looks at Liam and softly says, "I told you." Liam just rolls his eyes and Lori says, "How many hunters have you seen out here before?" Scott says, "A lot." Liv says, "Still wanna split up?" Liam says, "We can deal with it. We just need to find Brett's trail." Lori says, "No, we don't. Rock balancing. Satomi taught us. It's him, and I know where he's going. Later, they're in the tunnels and Lori finds his blood and says, "He's been poisoned." Liv says, "That's why he's not healing." Lori says, "What if he only has a few hours to live?" Liam says, "Well, if we howl, we can find him." Scott says, "That's too risky." Lori says, "Who cares about the risk? He could be dying." Liv says, "He's still moving. We just need time to think." Lori says, "I need him to know that I'm here, that I'm coming for him." Liam says, "Yeah, Lori's right. He has to know we're here." Liv says, "Liam, wait!" Liam then roars and Liv glares at Liam. As they're walking the tunnels, Lori sighs and says, "Why didn't he answer?" Liam says, "Maybe, maybe, he didn't hear us." Liv says, "Maybe, he can't." Scott then notices a trip wire and says, "Lori, no!" Lori trips the wire, and a spear goes through Scott. Liv says, "Scott!" Liv and Lori kneel in front of Scott to try and pull the spear out. They finally get it out and Liv takes off her sweater and places it on Scott's wound to stop the bleeding. Scott grunts out, "They knew we were coming." Liv softly says, "Don't talk, just heal, and let us figure this out." Scott grunts, "They've been a step ahead of us the whole time." Lori says, "I'm sorry, but I can't wait around. We have to go." Liam says, "We still have the numbers, three-to-two. We're faster, and we're stronger." Scott grunts, "They're smarter." Lori says, "I don't care who's smarter or faster or whatever, my brother's going to die." Liv says, "Something's not right. The arrow, the trip wire, the poison. These aren't amateurs." Liam says, "But they've never fought us before." Scott says, "And you've never fought hunters, Liam. We need to stick together." Lori says, "I need to go." Liam says, "No, you're not going alone. I'll go with you." Scott grunts, "Liam, you don't know who they are or what they're capable of." Liam says, "Look, I know who we are. We never up, especially when it's someone innocent, when it's someone alone, when it's one of our friends." Scott shudders a breath and says, "Okay, go, go. All of you, I'll catch up." Lori and Liam leave and Scott looks at Liv and says, "Go, Liv, go with them. I just need a minute, go." Liv softly says, "I'm not leaving you. How did we miss that?" Scott says, "We underestimated them." Liv says, "But how did they rig a trap that big with us down here in the tunnels?" Scott says, "They didn't. They rigged it a long time ago." Liv says, "But we've been through these tunnels a hundred times." Scott says, "And whoever this hunter is, he's been through them a hundred more. And he knew we were here, he was waiting for us, tracking us. He was prepared and we weren't." Scott groans and it picks up the spear and says, "There aren't a lot of people who spend time in these tunnels." Liv realizes something and says, "Who was the last hunter we saw down here?" Scott says, "Argent... and Gerard." Liv says, "The trap wasn't lethal, but it did slow us down and it split us up." Scott says, "He's planning something else, another trap." Liv says, "And Liam and Lori are walking right into it." Liv helps Scott stand and they walk to try and find Lori and Liam. As Liv and Scott are walking, Scott stops and is grunting. Scott looks at Liv and says, "I'm sorry." Liv says, "Let me try again." Scott says, "No, no, no, it's just not working. I don't think we should waste any more time." Liv holds Scott's arm and tries to heal Scott or at least take away his pain, but it's not working. Liv sadly says, "Why isn't it working? How come I can't take your pain or heal you?" Scott weakly says, "It's okay." Liv frustratedly says, "No, it's not okay. None of this is okay. Maybe should've have called Stiles." Scott weakly says, "We promised we wouldn't. We almost lost him last time." Liv says, "Yeah, and now I'm gonna lose you, too." Scott weakly says, "You? You're gonna lose..." Liv looks at Scott with love in her eyes and nods and says, "Yeah, me. I can't lose you. This almost feels a little deja vu." Scott looks at Liv with his soft puppy eyes and weakly says, "How so?" Liv softly cries and says, "Remember when we we're in the bathroom at the rest stop and I was sewing you up. I almost lost you, because you stopped breathing and now it's happening all over again. I can't go through this again. And, you know, Stiles wouldn't be okay with this. If he knew all the things that we were trying to do without him, he'd, he'd kill us." Scott weakly says, "I think he'd be okay." Liv sadly says, "With this?" Scott weakly says, "With us..." Liv sees Scott closes his eyes and says, "No, no, no, no, no. Don't pass out. Please wake up, Scott. I... I still love you." Liv places her hand on Scott's face and takes away his pain and he gasps awake. Liv sighs in relief and Scott looks at Liv and says, "What happened?" Liv softly smiles and says, "It worked." Liv helps Scott up and they continue walking to find Lori and Liam. Liv and Scott hear Liam roar in pain and Liv softly says, "Liam." Liv knew Liam roared because Lori and Brett didn't make it.
Note: If you already didn't know, instead of Scott and Malia. I have decided for Liv and Scott to get back together. Ever since Liv and Scott broke up, he never moved on from Liv because he still loves her. Even when she was with Liam, he still loved her.