Chapter 12: Raw Talent

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Liv, Lydia, Malia, and Scott are still in the woods. Malia says, "We can still catch him." Scott says, "Catch who?" Malia says, "The killer." Scott says, "What are you thinking about?" Scott holds up the bullet and says, "Getting the bullet to Argent." Malia says, "Even if he's the one who fired it." Scott says, "Especially if he's the one. Do you hear that?" Liv says, "Heartbeats." Scott nods and says, "There's a lot of them. They're here." Liv says, "Who?" Scott says, "Hunters. Run." Liv grabs Lydia and they all run. Liv says, "Scott, wait. Scott!" Liv sees that's the Sheriff's deputies that were in the wounds and not hunters. Liv looks at Scott worried, because he attacked her dad. Scott says, "I'm really sorry. You don't think they saw anything, do you?" Parrish says, "No more than they're use to." Her dad says, "You wanna tell me what happened here?" Parrish says, "He's a Hellound." Malia says, "A dead Hellhound." Her dad says, "Yep, got that." Parrish says, "Well, I don't get it. I didn't think you could kill a Hellhound." Malia says, "Looks a lot easier than we thought." Liv glares at Malia and her dad says, "You got anything you wanna add?" Scott says, "Yeah... I don't think it was just any bullet." Parrish says, "I hope not." Malia drives to Scott's house. Lydia is next to her with Scott and Liv in the back. Liv looks at Scott and says, "Why didn't you say anything?" Scott then looks at Liv and says, "Why didn't you say anything?" Malia says, "Why didn't the either of you say anything? Wait, was I supposed to say something?" Liv says, "None of us said anything because of Argent." Scott nods and says, "And none of us are going to say anything until we talk to him. Everybody good with that?" Lydia says, "As long as we talk to Argent soon. Immediately, would be preferable." Malia says, "Premonition?" Lydia says, "Yeah. The one with the screaming, and people killing each other?" Scott says, "First we find Argent."

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The next day, Liv and Scott are in Argent's bunker

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The next day, Liv and Scott are in Argent's bunker. Scott's looking at all the different bullet's that Argent has. Liv says, "He's not answering our calls or texts, he's not home, he's not here. I mean, maybe Argent just doesn't wanna be found?" Scott sighs and says, "Well, he... he would have his calendar on his laptop. If we crack the password..." Liv smirks and says, "I didn't think you had it in you." Liv sits in front of the laptop and opens it up. Liv thinks about what the password could, she closes her eyes and thinks about one name. Liv opens her eyes and types the name Allison. Liv presses enter and smiles when it works. Liv says, "I'm in." Scott says, "That was fast. It's like you knew what his password was." Liv shrugs her shoulders and says, "Well, I did know. Although, it's kind of funny that you both have the same password." Scott furrows his brows and says, "What do you mean?" Liv softly says, "His password is Allison." Scott makes an oh face and rambles, "Yeah, back then it was, but it's not anymore. In fact, I haven't had that password since I started dating you." Liv softly laughs at his adorable rambling and says, "Scott. It's okay. I get it. Um, your password wouldn't be me by any chance, would it?" Liv watches Scott's face turn red and Liv smirks and Scott sighs and says, "I just never changed it when we broke up." Liv nods with a soft smile and says, "Okay, let's check his calendar." Scott nods and says, "Yeah." They look at his schedule and Liv says, "It looks like he's still in Beacon Hills." Scott nods and says, "He's back into business." Later, Liv and Scott go where Argent is. Scott and Liv walk in, and Liv knocks down who she thinks is a bad guy. Argent says, "What the hell are you guys doing here?" Scott says, "We're your backup." Argent says, "I had a guy on the inside." Liv says, "Who?" Argent says, "You're standing on him." Liv looks down and takes her foot off him." Argent looks at Liv and Scott and he yells, "Get down!" Liv goes to hide behind a column. Argent signals to Liv to grab his guy on the ground. Liv nods and goes to grab him, while Argent starts shooting. Liv drags the man to a safe place and then Liv joins the fight. Liv turns around to have a gun pointed at her and then Argent points his gun at the man and says, "Who are the guns for?" The guy drops his gun and then pulls out a grenade. They all run and the man leaves. Argent says, "For the record, I had everything under control." Liv says, "Clearly." Argent says, "How did you find me?" Scott says, "You left your computer in the bunker." Argent says, "Ah. I guess I need a new password." As Argent packs up his car he says, "I haven't been avoiding you, I've been busy. Business is booming and I'd like to know why." Scott says, "Have you made any unusual sales recently?" Liv says, "Like a bullet with a fleur-de-lis?" Argent says, "I haven't stamped a bullet since Allison died." Scott says, "Someone just killed a Hellhound with one." Argent says, "Can I see the casing?" Scott checks his pockets and to find out it's not there and then looks to where the rest if the gun shells are and Liv sighs and shakes her head. Scott says, "It must've fallen out." Argent says, "You don't need the casing, you need the slug. Find that, and you'll find your killer." Later, Liv and Scott are running through the woods. They stop and Liv sighs and looks at Scott and says, "What happened last night?" Scott sighs and says, "Yeah. I get it, I freaked out. Which freaked you out." Liv says, "So, you admit that you freaked out? Okay, I was a little freaked, but I was more worried about you then being freaked out." Scott says, "Uh, thanks, but I'm okay." Liv looks behind Scott and says, "What if I told you I saw a red laser sight right now?" Scott says, "I'd say that you are seriously..." Scott looks behind him to see the red laser and finishes his sentence by saying, "Not paranoid." Argent comes out and says, "Relax, it's just me." They both sigh in relief and Liv says, "Do you really have to use that thing?" Argent says, "To determine the trajectory of the bullet, yes. Show me where you found the body." They take Argent where the body was. Argent points his laser at them, and Scott freaks out a little and grabs Liv's arm to steady himself. Argent looks at Scott and says, "Take it easy. Safety's on." Scott looks down to see he grabbed Liv's arm and takes his hand off and says, "Sorry." Liv softly smiles and says, "It's okay." Argent points the laser on the tree behind them and says, "Got it. Scott, do me a favor. Glow your eyes, tell me if you can see it, too." Scott glows his eyes and says, "I see it." Argent says, "That's because it's made from an element with a higher heat signature than regular metal. It shines infrared, like your eyes, because it's silver." Argent then shows them the slug. As their walking Liv says, "I guess the big question is if you didn't fire the bullet, then who did?" Scott says, "Someone who doesn't know what they're doing." Argent says, "Someone dangerous. A new hunter." Later, Liv and Scott meet up with Lydia and Malia. Scott says, "He killed every supernatural in the Closed Unit? All of them?" Lydia says, "He said he couldn't see it any other way." Malia says, "Well, I've got another way. You don't kill everyone." Lydia says, "I think he was afraid." Liv says, "The wolves, the rats, it keeps coming back to the same thing, fear." Malia says, "But what is everyone so afraid of." Scott puts the slug on the table and says, "Us. We don't know what fear would do to somebody. I mean, it can change them. They'll look at us differently. They'll do things that they've never done before." Malia says, "People can be so stupid." Liv softly says, "They're not stupid, they're scared." Scott says, "And scared people will do things that you wouldn't believe." 

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