6A: After Liv got turned into a werewolf, there has been no supernatural activity for 3 months. Then something comes to Beacon Hills and changes everyone's lives.
6B: It's Liv's senior year of high school. At the start of senior year, there's alrea...
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Liv didn't get much sleep at all last night, because she was crying all night from losing Lori and Brett. Liv walks into into the school and finds Liam and Mason. Mason says, "Okay, not bad so far. This might be easier than we thought." Liam says, "Maybe." As they turn a corner, everyone starts looking at them, well most of them are looking at Liam. Liv says, "Or maybe not." Liv hears the whispers about Liam and grabs his arm and softly says, "Just try and block it out." Liam looks down at Liv and slowly nods. Liam's kind of surprised that she's talking to him after what he said last night." Liam says, "They know." Mason says, "They're just rumors. They don't know anything." Corey walks up to them and says, "They know everything. Two sophomores on the lacrosse team were there last night." Mason sighs and says, "Yeah, but it was late, it was pitch black out, and there was fog on the road." Corey says, "It was a clear night. Full moon. And a well-lit intersection." Liam says, "I have to get out of here." Liv says, "No. If you leave, these rumors are never going to stop." Mason says, "You just have to convince them that you're a regular kid." Liam says, "I'm not a regular kid." Liv says, "Look. Remember what Scott said? Be Clark Kent." Liam says, "Clark Kent turns into a guy with a red and blue outfit and a cape. I turn into a monster with claws and fangs." Liv softly says, "Hey, you're not a monster, okay? If you keep telling yourself that, you're going to make yourself feel a lot worse." Mason nods at Liv and Corey says, "Just get through the day without shifting." Liv says, "Look, Liam, people are saying that Brett and Lori died in a car accident. We know the truth. They didn't just die." Liam softly says, "They were murdered." Later, Liv's in the library doing homework and when she looks up to see Liam sitting down in front of her and Liam says, "So?" Liv back down and says, "I heard I have a new Co-Captain." Liam says, "Yeah, Nolan. They cornered me in the locker room. They don't want something as their leader." Liv says, "I'm a werewolf too, maybe I should quit too." Liam shakes his head and says, "No, I can't ask you to do that." Liv says, "I'm not asking. I can't be a Co-Captain if I can't focus on trying to stay alive. Sooner or later, they'll find out I'm a werewolf. I won't even feel comfortable playing with a team who's afraid of me." Liam nods and says, "Okay. Um, about yesterday..." Liv cuts him up and says, "I honestly don't feel like talking about it." Liam nods and says, "Right, um, I just wanted to apologize." Liv says, "For what?" Liam says, "You were right. I was reckless and I said somethings that my anger took control over and Liv, I'm really sorry." Liv looks up at Liam's face to see him and softly says, "It's okay." Liam nods and says, "Okay. Ever since we broke up, my anger has been getting the best of me." Liv sighs and says, "I'm still here, Liam. I guess that mantra's not working so well." Liam says, "It works mostly, but it's hard when I don't have my anchor around." Liv nods and goes through her bag to find the necklace that Liam gave her for their one-year anniversary and places it in his hand. Liam looks at it and says, "What do you want me to do with this?" Liv says, "You can wear it or keep it in your pocket. You said you need your anchor, right? It has my scent; it should calm you down." Liam looks at the necklace and puts it on underneath his shirt. Liam says, "Thanks." Liv softly smiles and says, "You're welcome." Later, Liv leaves the library, and she gets into her car. As Liv goes to start her car, she gets a call from Scott. Scott tells Liv that Monroe is the new hunter and Liv says, "It's a trap." Scott says, "She said that she would meet to talk." Liv says, "Yeah, 'cause meeting alone in the middle of the tunnels with a werewolf hunter is such a good idea. It's a trap, Scott." Scott sighs and says, "Then what do you want me to do?" Liv says, "Don't go." Scott says, "Gerard is recruiting new hunters, and he's murdering our friends. He's not gonna stop unless I convince him that we're not his enemy." Liv says, "What if you can't? You're gonna get yourself killed. We need you." Scott stutters and says, "If I didn't think you guys could beat him without me..." Liv sighs and says, "That's not what I mean." Scott says, "What do you mean?" Liv sighs and says, "Just forget." Scott wonders what she meant and says, "Liv, I have to try this. All I want to do is to get Monroe to trust us. She agreed to this peace summit. And I have to go. I'm going alone." Scott hangs up and Liv sighs against her seat. Liv says, "He's going to get himself killed." Liv then starts driving to the tunnels. Later, Liv arrives with Lydia and Malia they hear Monroe say, "You shouldn't have come alone, Scott." Liv appears and says, "He didn't." Liv throws one of Monroe's men on the ground. Monroe cocks her gun at them, and Scott says, "Hey, hey, hey. We did not come here to fight." Gerard says, "Well, then you came here to die." Liv growls and says, "We're trying to protect you." Gerard says, "You might wanna control your Beta, Scott. She could get you all killed." Lydia says, "We're not the enemy. There's something else going on. We don't know what it is, but we promise you, there's a bigger problem." Monroe says, "Something worse than supernatural cannibals? Yeah, I know everything now. Wendigos, Oni, werecoyotes. People being murdered as human sacrifices?" Scott says, "We tries to stop those." Monroe says, "And how many people lost their lives while you were "trying"?" Scott says, "Too many." Monroe says, "It was twelve. His son was one of them. His throat was cut, and his head bashed in. His brother was a deputy. Gutted and torn apart. The official report read 'Animal 'Attack.'" Lydia says, "It's amplifying their fear." Scott says, "You've all lost somebody and you wanna get revenge, I get that. But just listen to me. Something escaped the Wild Hunt." Lydia says, "Scott, Scott, it's here. It's here right now." Scott says, "What? Get down!" They all get down and Monroe's hunters start shooting. Meanwhile, with Liam. Nolan and Gabe are beating the crap out of Liam for him to turn and Liam inhales Liv's scent to kept from losing control. Back with Liv, Monroe says, "Hey, stop. Stop shooting!" Liv says, "That thing's making them panic." They're all huddled in a corner and Malia says, "What are we supposed to do now?" Then the sewer opens above them, and Scott says, "What's that?" Liv says, "Backup." Then Parrish drops in and transforms. They watch Parrish walk through with a flare in his hand and grab the thing and burn it. They go check on Parrish and find out that the flare worked, and Liv says, "They didn't come here to negotiate. You did everything you could." Scott says, "No, not everything. Not yet." Later, they go to Scott's, and they find a girl bloody. The girl says, "Scott. Scott McCall." The girl falls and Scott catches her and says, "Wait, hey, hey. Hey. Sit down. She's a werewolf." Liv walks up to the girl and softly says, "Who did this to you? A hunter?" The girl shakes her head and says, "A deputy." Lydia says, "They've got a deputy?" Scott says, "They've got everyone."