6A: After Liv got turned into a werewolf, there has been no supernatural activity for 3 months. Then something comes to Beacon Hills and changes everyone's lives.
6B: It's Liv's senior year of high school. At the start of senior year, there's alrea...
They watch Malia beat the crap out of Theo. Scott and Liam then take Malia off of Theo. Scott says, "Malia, enough. Slow down, okay? He's going back in the ground." Liam says, "You can't. He remember Stiles." Malia says, "Lydia, Liv, and I remember Stiles." Liam says, "The Dread Doctors knew all about the Wild Hunt. He can help us." Scott says, "Or he can kill us." Liam says, "He's my responsibility. Noshiko gave me the sword." Theo sighs and says, "It's so awkward when Mom and Dad fight." Liam and Scott both say, "Shut up!" Liv says, "You both are right. If Theo tries anything we'll send him to the Skinwalkers. But for right now..." Scott says, "He goes back now." Theo says, "Except Liam's the one with the sword." Everybody says, "Shut up!" Scott and Liam go talk privately and Malia walks forward. Liv moves in front of Malia and says, "Malia..." Malia says, "Can you give me a second alone with Theo?" Liv says, "No. I know you want to kill him." Malia says, "Damn right I do. I mean, did you forget that he almost killed you." Liv sighs and says, "No, I didn't forget. In fact, I didn't even want to be a part of this plan, but Liam said if Theo's not useful then he'll send him back." Theo says, "Okay, look, I know that there's mixed feelings all around. But I might be your only option to stop the Wild Hunt." Malia says, "Let's kill him." Liv sighs and says, "We can't." Scott and Liam come back and Liam says, "I can put you back in the ground anytime." Theo says, "You also need a transformer that can handle five billion joules of electricity. I know where to find one and I can show you how it works. I'll tell you if Malia promises not to kill me." Malia growls and Liam nods and says, "She promises." Malia says, "No, I don't. We're really gonna do this? Trust him?" Liv says, "You got a better idea because I'm all ears." Malia says, "I've got an idea. It may not be better. But at least it's not him."
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The next day, Liam says, "This was a bad idea." Liv says, "I could of told you that." Theo who's in chains says, "Yeah, it's a really terrible idea. I told you where the transformer is. I told you how it works. I don't need to be there when it all blows up." Liv looks at Theo says, "It's not going to blow up. They ride the lightning. We can use that to catch one and keep him there until we figure out what they want." Theo says, "You're trying to catch a Ghost Rider. A million things can go wrong. Terrible idea, come on Liv aren't you having a bad feeling." Liv says, "No, because I feel really confident that were going to catch one. The bad idea was bringing you back." Liam nods and says, "Scott's right. This is a mistake." Liv softly says, " You took a risk. We took a risk. I'm gonna regret saying this, but it was the right thing to do. I believe in you." Liv softly kisses Liam and she pulls away with a soft smile. Theo says, "You guys want me to leave you alone?" Liv and Liam both glare at Theo and he continues, "Oh, that's right, I can't." Then they hear thunder and Liv says, "We better hurry." They make it where Scott, Mason, and Corey are. Liv says, "You did it." Mason smiles and says, "Of course we did it." Liam unchains Theo and he powers up the transformer. Theo says, "This thing can transmute the energy from a lighting bolt. Even successive strikes." Scott says, "Mason, are you sure this is gonna work?" Mason says, "Well, whatever's inside this cage is shielded from any outside electrical current. So the Ghost Rider won't be able to use lightening to escape." Corey says, "We put a lightning rod on the roof and connected it to that conduit cable. Drawing the Ghost Rider to that spot." Mason says, "We can't send him directly in because the cage neutralizes electromagnetism. Lightning will just bounce off it. Which is the same reason it'll hold him in." Scott says, "If the Ghost Rider lands here, how do we get him in the cage?" Corey says, "We have to lure him in." Scott says, "Bait?" Liv says, "I'll do it." Liam looks at Liv and she says, "It'll be okay. I'm faster than you." Mason says, "As soon as Liv's out, Scott and Liam, you guys close the gates, and then I'll put down the barrier of Mountain Ash." Corey says, "I'll be on the lookout --" Mason says, "We'll be on the lookout for any other Ghost Riders." Liam says, "What do you think?" Scott says, "I think it's the best idea that we have right now." Theo says, "As long as everything goes perfectly and he doesn't escape and kill us all." Liv says, "And your transformer works and the whole place doesn't catch on fire." Mason says, "And there isn't a catastrophic solar flare." Scott says, "Let's do it." Mason says, "Okay." Mason turns on the cage and they get ready. Liv's outside being the bait and the Ghost Rider arrives and she runs in and Liam closes the gate to trap the Ghost Rider one side and Scott and Theo do it on the other. Then Mason does the Mountain Ash line around the cage. Then Mason leaves. The Ghost Rider reaches for his gun, but Scott has it in his hand. Scott says, "It worked." Liam says, "We did it." Then the Ghost Rider is electrifying the cage. Theo scoffs and says, "Now what do we do?" Scott says, "Try and talk to him." Liam says, "Mr. Ghost Rider? Mr. Rider? We'll let you out if you tell us how to get our friends back." Liv says, "Everyone. We want everyone back." Liam says, "Tell us how to get them all back." Theo says, "This is the plan?" Liam says, "There wasn't a plan for this part of the plan." Scott says, "It's okay. Look, we got him trapped. He can't get out. We just have to figure out how to communicate with him. Maybe he can't hear us." Liam says, "Maybe he speaks an ancient language." Theo says, "Maybe he only responds to pain." Liam says, "Or fear." Theo says, "Nothing's gonna scare this thing. Look at him. He's a walking corpse." Liv says, "Something's wrong. Why'd he stop trying to get out?" The Ghost Rider then howls and Theo says, "Did he just call for backup?" Liam says, "When Corey made the Ghost Rider visible at the party, another one showed up." Scott says, "We have to figure out how to talk to him. Or else get the hell out of here." Then Parrish shows up and The Ghost Rider looks at him and Theo says, "That's progress." Liv says, "Ask him how we get everyone back." Parrish says, "Tell us how we get everyone back." The Ghost Rider wails and Scott says, "What was that? Did he say something?" Parrish says, "He said 'Hellhound'." Theo says, "Is that a good thing?" Scott says, "Ask him again." Parrish says, "What do you want from us?" The Ghost Rider says, "We are the Wild Hunt. We hunt forever. Those who hunt with us hunt forever." Liam says, "What does that mean?" Parrish says, "Tell us what you want." The Ghost Rider just repeats himself and Theo says, "That clarifies things." Scott says, "What do we have to do to get everyone back? Do you want something from us?" Then the Ghost Rider looks at Scott and Liam says, "Why's he looking at Scott?" Liv softly says, "He figured out Scott's the Alpha." Scott says, "There must be something you want." The Ghost Rider says, "There is only the Hunt. No one resists. No one escapes." Scott says, "If they can't be bargained with, we're gonna have to fight them." Scott says, "I'm coming for my friends. I'm coming for everyone. I won't stop. I'll never stop until we get everyone back." The Ghost Rider looks back at Parrish and says something to him. Liam says, "Parrish? What's happening?" Theo says, "Scott..." Then Parrish transforms into the Hellhound and breaks the Mountain Ash barrier. Theo says, "What is he doing?" Liv says, "He's gonna set him free." Scott and Liam push Parrish out the door. Liv and Theo get left behind. Liv grabs the Mountain Ash and fixes the line that Parrish broke. Then Mr. Douglas comes in and Theo says, "Have you been here the whole time?" Mr. Douglas says in his Russian accent, "How could I stay away?" Theo says, "Maybe you should tell them who you really are. Hauptmann?" Liv watches Mr. Douglas's eyes glow red and her eyes widen and realize that he's an Alpha werewolf. Mr. Douglas grabs Liv from the neck and turns to Theo and says, "Break the barrier or I break her neck." Theo looks at Liv and she gasps, "Do it." Theo breaks the barrier and Mr. Douglas throws Liv and she groans on the floor. Theo goes to Liv and says, "You okay?" Liv says, "Yeah, I'm okay." They both watch Mr. Douglas grab the Ghost Rider and take a bite out of it's head and eat his pineal gland. Liv and Theo are both scared for their life. Scott, Liam, Mason, and Corey go back to Liv and Theo. Liam says, "Liv!" Liv looks up at Liam with so much fear in her eyes. Liam looks angry at Theo and grabs him and says, "What did you do?" Liv says, "It wasn't Theo, it was Mr. Douglas." Theo nods and says, "He ate his brain." Scott says, "It wasn't his brain. Mr. Douglas ate his pineal gland." Mason says, "These murders have been going on for weeks and Mr. Douglas was right under our noses." Liam says, "Guys. His whip's gone."