Chapter 6: Ghosted

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Liv's in her dad's office and he says, "All right

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Liv's in her dad's office and he says, "All right. You heard a voice coming through the radio, and now you're convinced that it's the voice of... Stiles, my brother. Your son." Her dad says, "Uh-huh. And maybe it's just a random signal cross?" Liv sighs and takes out the keys to the Jeep and says, "Peter gave us the keys to the Jeep and it started right up. Mom's Jeep." Her dad says, "Oh, wait, wait, so, now I'm supposed to trust Peter Hale?" Liv says, "I want you to trust me. I heard Stiles on the radio, I'm sure of it. If you had heard it too..." Her dad says, "Well, I didn't..." Liv says, "Yeah, but if you had..." Her dad angrily says, "Enough, Alivia! Enough." Liv flinches when her dad yells her whole name. Liv sighs and leaves her dad's office. Later at school, Liam says, "Scott, Malia, and Lydia are going to Canaan. He said to go through with the plan as long as it doesn't destroy his house." Liv's confused and says, "What plan?" Liam says, "Your plan." Liv says, "I don't have a plan." Liam says, "Well, you said you had all these ideas about how to catch a Ghost Rider." Liv says, "I had one idea. It was pretty bad. And then I had another really bad idea." Liam says, "Anything that could work?" Liv says, "Yeah, but it's terrible." Liam says, "Great. Let's do it." Liv says, "We need to break into the faculty storage room." Liam says, "To save the whole town from Ghost Riders? No problem." Later, Liv and Liam are making out near the storage room to wait for the teachers to leave. Liam pulls away and says, "Do you have the list?" Liv says, "It's in my head." Liam says, "What if you forget something? Is that a good idea?" Liv says, "If we get caught stealing school supplies, it's a great idea." Liv sees the teachers leaving and says, "Okay, now." They walk into the storage room. Liv grabs what they need and Liam says, "Can't we just buy a lighting rod?" Liv says, "Sure, if you got $2500." Then they walk further into the room and Mr. Douglas. Mr. Douglas says, "What are you doing in here? This is faculty only." Liv says, "Then why are you the one leaving?" Liam says, "What are you doing?" Liv says, "Plugs and wires? Are... are you making a Taser?" Mr. Douglas chuckles and says, "No. No, of course not." Liam says, "You saw them, didn't you?" Mr. Douglas says, "You should be in class." Liam says, "Was it the night of lacrosse game? You saw the lightning, the men, the horses?" Mr. Douglas says, "Dozens of them." Liam says, "Then what?" Mr. Douglas says, "It was chaos. They were everywhere. Some of the kids were running. But for everyone else it, it was like there was nothing there. They couldn't see a thing." Liv says, "We did. And we've got a lot more to tell you if you really wanna fight back." Later, they go to a class room and Hayden says, "The lightning strikes the rod, which sends the bolt down into the tunnel. We grab the Ghost Rider push him into the bunker, and we trap him there." Mr. Douglas says, "Okay. How do you keep him from riding the lightning back out of the tunnels before you get him into the trap?" Liam says, "Well, if lightning strikes again, it'll just hit our rod. He won't be close enough to grab on." Mr. Douglas says, "But, shouldn't we assume the Ghost Riders have some kind of control over where it strikes? Just because physics can't explain it today doesn't mean there won't be a logical explanation tomorrow." Liam says, "So, if they have control, then how do we stop 'em? We need to absorb a lighting bolt." Liv says, "Can we do that?" Mr. Douglas shakes his head and says, "Not with anything we have here. I can't build a conduit strong enough to absorb even half that much energy." The bell then rings and Liv grabs the map. As Liv and Liam are walking the halls, Liam says, "Instead of a conduit, maybe we can find a person to absorb the lightning." Liv says, "I don't even think Kira could do that." Liam says, "Josh could. He ate the electricity." Liv says, "Josh is dead." Liam says, "Yeah, but his power didn't die with him." Liv says, "May as well have. We can't get to it." Liam says, "We don't know that. Not for sure." Liv says, "What are you saying?" Liam sighs and says, "You know what I'm saying." Liv says, "If you're saying what I think you're saying, you're insane. Did you forget about the part when he almost killed?" Liam says, "No. I didn't forget what he did to you and I know it's insane. But I need you with me on this." Liv sighs and shakes her head and softly says, "I can't." Liam looks sadly at Liv and he knows what Theo did to Liv really hurt her and softly says, "We need him and I need you to be with me. If he doesn't help us, we'll put him right back, okay?" Liv sighs and grumbles, "Fine." Liam nods and says, "Okay, let's go." Liv nods reluctantly and grabs his hand. Later, they call Noshiko and meet her in the tunnels. Liv says, "Almost there. Last chance to bail." Liam says, "If we're gonna stand a chance, we have to do something drastic." Liv scoffs and says, "There's drastic and then there's this." Liam says, "I know, it's not the perfect plan. But we need the part of the plan to make the good part work." Liv says, "You think she knows it's a bad plan?" Noshiko says, "Anyone would know this is a bad plan. Which is why I have to ask you one more time, are you sure you don't wanna change your minds?" Liam says, "We don't know what else to do. It's like the Ghost Riders are unstoppable." Noshiko says, "They are unstoppable. They've been riding the storm and taking souls since long before I was born." Liam says, "We won't survive them. Not without your help." Noshiko says, "Kira entrusted me with her sword while she's with the Skinwalkers.  And now, I'm trusting you because I believe she would want me to. Do not mistake this for me agreeing with your decision."  Noshiko hands Liam the sword and Liam says, "I understand. Kira just stabbed her sword into the ground." Noshiko says, "If you want to do this, you'll have to do it yourself." Liam grabs the sword and Noshiko says, "Once it's done, whatever happens will be your responsibility." Liam walks away and then stabs the sword into the ground and the ground cracks. Theo's hand comes up and he climbs out of the hole angry and is growling at them. Theo then pushes Liam against the wall and Liv says, "Theo! We're not trying to hurt you. We're the ones that brought you back." Theo says, "Where's my sister?" Liam says, "You're sister's dead." Theo's growling and Liam says, "She died a long time ago." Liv says, "You killed her, remember?" Theo breathes heavily and says, "I'm gonna kill you, too. I'm gonna kill all of you." Liv says, "Okay. I knew he wasn't worth it. Liam, send him back." Liam holds the sword to Theo and says, "You know what this does? We need your power to help us. Then you can kill whoever you want. But if you do kill us, you're gonna end up worse off than ever." Theo says, "There's nothing worse than what I've been through." Liam says, "You ever hear about the Ghost Riders?" Then Mr. Douglas joins them in the sewers and Theo says, "What makes you think this gonna work?" Liam says, "You took Josh's power. You can do it." Theo then grabs the rod and Mr. Douglas says, "Here we go." Mr. Douglas turns it on and Theo screams and gets thrown. Liam says, "Hey, what the hell?" Mr. Douglas says, "That was only one billion joules." Theo grunts, "Only?" Liam says, "Well, how many joules are in a bolt of lightning?" Mr. Douglas says, "Five billion." Theo says, "Well, I'm fine, by the way. Thank you for your concern." Liam says, "You don't have Josh's power anymore, do you?" Liv walks up to Theo and grabs his claw hand and says, "Or Tracy's." Theo says, "Guess I'm back to Classic Theo." Liam says, "Maybe you should try some remorse, since you killed them for their powers." Theo says, "I just put them back the way I found them." Liv says, "Okay. So, you're basically useless to us. Send him back now, Liam." Theo says, "Hold on. I can help. I know about the Wild Hunt from the Dread Doctors. I also know about things I'm betting you don't." Mr. Douglas says, "I'm with Ms. Stilinski on this one. Send him back." Theo says, "Who's making decisions around here? Where's Scott? Where's Stiles?" Liv says, "You remember Stiles?" Theo says, "Why wouldn't I remember Stiles?" Liam looks at Liv and says, "Maybe he's useful after all." Later, Liv, Liam, and Theo are at Scott's and Liv says, "You know all about the Ghost Riders. How do we get Stiles and the others back?" Theo says, "You can't. The Wild Hunt comes. The Wild Hunt goes. That's how it works." Liam says, "But they're still here. And they're still taking people." Theo says, "That's not possible. They're the Wild Hunt. They're not just gonna stick around. Unless..." Liv says, "Unless what?" Theo says, "Unless they're stuck." Liam says, "You're gonna help us." Theo says, "Liam, I don't know what to do." Liv says, "Well, you remember Stiles, so clearly you know more than we do." Liam holds the sword and says, "You're gonna help us or you're going back." Theo says, "Let me guess. Scott wasn't part of this plan, was he?" They then hear the door open and in comes Scott. Theo says, "Somehow I don't think we're gonna hug this out." Scott says, "I hope you realize it's taking all of my strength to not tear you in half right now." Then Malia walks in and growls at Theo and he says, "Hey, Malia. You aren't still upset about the whole shooting thing, are you?" Malia transforms and roars at Theo.

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