6A: After Liv got turned into a werewolf, there has been no supernatural activity for 3 months. Then something comes to Beacon Hills and changes everyone's lives.
6B: It's Liv's senior year of high school. At the start of senior year, there's alrea...
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Liv's in a car with Scott, Lydia, Malia, and Argent. Lydia got a text from Mason and says, "It worked." Malia says, "It's about time." Scott says, "Wait." Liv says, "I hear them, too." Lydia says, "Hear what?" Scott says, "Heartbeats." Argent says, "How many?" Scott says, "Ten?" Malia says, "More." Lydia says, "Are we breaking in or not?" Argent says, "Not. The Armory should be empty by now." Malia says, "We can take down a few hunters if we have to." Argent says, "We're dealing with a dozen well-armed hunters who have orders to kill you on site." Liv says, "Then how are we supposed to get inside?" As Argent starts the car, Malia reaches over and stops it and says, "Gerard thinks we're gone. It's a good plan." Liv says, "It's our only plan." Argent says, "And it's not working." Malia says, "We can still do this. Let's vote." Scott says, "Guys, we just need to give Liam and Theo more time." Argent says, "We have 10 minutes. 10 minutes before Gerard's people flag this vehicle. Once that happens, we'll be seen as a potential threat." Malia says, "Then what?" Argent says, "They'll pay us a visit." Liv asks Lydia, "You, okay?" Lydia looks back at Liv and says, "Yeah. I think so." Argent says, "We should call off this mission." Liv says, "Brett and Lori are gone, and Jiang and Tierney are still missing. Gerard's always one step ahead of us. We have to do this now." Argent says, "We're too exposed, Liv." Malia says, "You said we had 10 minutes." Argent looks at his watch and says, "Nine." Scott goes to open his door and Lydia says, "What are you doing?" Scott says, "I'm gonna lure them away so that we can get inside." Liv locks his door and Scott says, "We need a new plan." Malia says, "Not a dumb one." Scott says, "I'll bring the thermite charges." Liv says, "We need them for the Armory." Argent says, "The explosion will buy you time, but not enough to get in and out safely." Lydia says, "Guys..." Liv says, "How about using the tunnels?" Argent says, "We could get underneath the building, but we still need to sneak in undetected." Lydia says, "Guys..." Scott says, "The ventilation system?" Argent says, "Same problem." Lydia says, "Guys, they're leaving!" They all watch the cars leave. They all get into the building. Argent says, "The thermite charges will take care of the weapons. Just make sure you're clear before they detonate, okay?" Argent leaves with Lydia and Malia behind him. They hide behind a wall and Scott looks at Liv and holds up one finger for one heartbeat and Liv shakes her head and goes to knock the guy out. Then they get into the Armory and Liv says, "Okay. Where are all the guns?" Scott says, "They knew we were coming." Argent comes on the intercom and says, "Guys, get out of there now." Liv says, "Let's go before they all get back." Scott stops Liv and she says, "What?" Scott says, "That scent." Liv says, "It's Jiang and Tierney." Malia speaks through the speakers and says, "Guys, you need to leave now." Scott looks at Liv and says, "Help me with this." Liv helps Scott open the door and they hear Argent say, "No, no, no. Don't open that door!" They open it and then the doors close to make them trapped. Liv tries to open the door, but it won't budge. Liv walks into the room where Scott is and says, "Where's Jiang and Tierney?" Scott is looking at piece of flesh with a pack symbol on it. and says, "They're here." Liv looks at what Scott's looking at and Scott continues to say, "That's all that's left of them." Then Liv starts to walk out, the room and Scott stops her and says, "Hey!" They both look to see motion sensor lasers. Liv says, "If they already knew we were here, then what do they need a sensor for?" Scott says, "I don't think we wanna know." Then they both look up to hear a noise from a pipe. They hear Argent say, "Don't trip the sensors." Then another sensor comes on and Scott says, "Come on." Liv follows Scott and hops and flips over the sensors. They both land on top of a shelf and Liv's on Scott's chest. Scott sighs and says, "Okay." Liv notices the position there in and says, "Sorry." Liv leans back and then Scott pulls her back down on his chest and says, "Whoa, wait!" Liv then looks up at Scott with a soft smile and he looks up at her with a smile too. Scott says, "I should probably do something." Liv turns her head and sees a window and turns to look down at Scott. Liv says, "I've got an idea." Scott says, "Okay." Liv says, "Uh, it's kind of a plan." Scott says, "Sounds great." Liv says, "You don't even know what it is yet. Well, I mean, it's great that you have a plan." Liv sits up and then Scott says, "Whoa!" Scott pulls Liv back down on his chest again. Liv turns her head to the window and says, "I'm thinking that's our way out." Scott looks to where Liv is looking and says, "We.... We can't reach that." Liv says, "I can reach it." Liv goes to lift up and Scott grabs her arms to save her again from the laser. Scott sighs at Liv and says, "You might trip a sensor." Liv softly says, "Do you trust me?" Scott softly smiles and brushes a hair behind Liv's ear and softly says, "Yeah." Liv says, "Then, I've got this." Scott softly says, "Okay." Liv ducks under a sensor and goes to stand on a column and Liv looks at Scott and he says, "You got it." Liv jumps onto the ceiling and uses the rims like monkey bars and swings herself up to reach for the lock. Liv keeps trying to knock the lock off and she successfully does it and Scott says, "Yes!" Scott watches the lock drop and trip the sensor and then the alarms go off with smoke coming out of them. Liv falls from the ceiling onto the ground and starts gasping. Scott leans against a wall with Liv in his lap and he weakly says, "Liv?" Liv weakly says, "I'm here. Scott." Scott weakly says, "Oh, try not to talk." Liv weakly says, "I don't wanna die like this." Scott weakly says, "Oh, Liv." Liv weakly says, "Not like this." Scott says, "The more you talk, the more oxygen that you..." Liv weakly says, "I don't care. I'm not dying here. I can't die, not when I now realize what my career is. Everyone's leaving Beacon Hills and I'm the only one that's decided that I can't leave here. I can't leave my home. Beacon Hills still needs me. The night you got hurt by a pike, I said something to you, and I don't even know if you actually remember what I said." Liv looks up at Scott and weakly says, "I don't wanna die here. Not here. Not like this." Scott then grabs Liv's hand into his and then Liv closes her eyes. Scott hears a scream and sees the door rattling and grabs Liv's face and says, "Liv, hold on. Okay, just hold on." Scott gasps when he sees Lydia knock the door down and then Liv gasps awake to see Lydia saved them. Later, Liv's in Scott's room and hears Scott say, "You, okay?" Liv turns to Scott and says, "Do you remember what I said out there when the air was running out?" Scott says, "You mean about your career or what happened that night I got hurt?" Liv says, "The second part." Scott nods and says, "I faintly remember what you said, but I thought it wasn't true." Liv softly smiles and says, "It's true. I still love you, Scott." Scott smiles and grabs Liv's face and kisses her. Liv smiles into the kiss and kisses back with so much love. They make out for a few minutes and then they both come downstairs to where everyone is and Scott says, "Dad?" Agent McCall says, "The guns, they've all been distributed legally to the citizens of Beacon Hills. All of them, and at no charge." Scott says, "What, he just gave them away?" Argent says, "No. He's arming his army." Lydia then says, "Get down!" Scott grabs Liv and they duck and see two arrows in the wall, and they explode. Then they hear gun shots and then they see a pool of blood on the ground with a shaky hand reaching for Scott.