6A: After Liv got turned into a werewolf, there has been no supernatural activity for 3 months. Then something comes to Beacon Hills and changes everyone's lives.
6B: It's Liv's senior year of high school. At the start of senior year, there's alrea...
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Liv looks at Scott and says, "You're going to bite Stiles?" Scott looks up at Liv and says, "To get him through the rift. It's the only way." Peter says, "Just to clarify, are you planning on biting everyone in the train station?" Scott says, "With Stiles back, he'll be able to help us figure out a plan." Malia says, "He's good at that." Peter says, "So the plan is to get Stiles to come up with a plan." Malia says, "You can shut up now." Peter says, "Malia, look around. We're the only ones left in Beacon Hills. If they take us, Lydia will be the only one left to haunt the place." Scott says, "That's why I'm the only person that's going in. Liv and Liam will stay here with Mason. As long as somebody is left in Beacon Hills, the Wild Hunt can't move on." Peter says, "I like your plan, Scott. I really do, especially the part about turning Stiles. But it can't work." Malia says, "How do you know?" Peter says, "Logic. Life experience. Liam, what are the odds that he'll get taken? What if Stiles isn't there? What if there's no Beacon Hills for you to come back to?" Liam says, "You got a better idea?" Peter says, "Yeah. It's called, "run like hell." So, leave in five?" Malia says, "You promised you'd help us. We still need to find the rift." Peter says, "I didn't promise I'd help you commit suicide." Scott says, "If you can't help, we can find it ourselves." Peter says, "Sott, I admit that you have a flair for beating the odds. But, this? You don't walk away from. You run." Later, Liv's in the car with Mason and he's looking through photos of him and Corey, because Corey was taken by the Ghost Riders. Liv softly says, "At least we found his cell. That means something." Mason says, "It's a relic. That only means one thing." Liv says, "It means he's not dead, Mason. And that there's still a chance. He only has pictures of us. There's, like, a hundred pictures here. And it's just us. Is that a little weird?" Liv softly smiles and says, "No. It means he loves you." Mason says, "We need to get him back." Later, Liv goes back to the sheriff station with Mason. Liv says, "So we should stay here. Is that what you're thinking?" Liam says, "It doesn't matter where we are. We still need to figure out how to fight them." Liv says, "No one can fight them." Theo says from in a jail cell, "Douglas can." Mason says, "Does he need to stay there?" Liv says, "He's still Theo." Theo says, "Theo saved Scott and you, Liv. Remember?" Mason says, "He can still hear you." Liv says, "Then he can hear me say he needs to shut the hell up so we can figure out how to fight the Ghost Riders." Theo says, "You don't need to figure it out." Liam says, "Because Douglas already did." Liv says, "If he knew how to fight them, then he might know everything about them." Theo says, "And guess who knows all about Mr. Douglas?" They then all look at Theo with a sigh. Mason says, "That's never going to happen. We're not making that deal." Theo says, "I hold all the cards." Mason says, "You're locked in a jail cell. You have no cards." Theo says, "You want me to tell you about Douglas. Break the sword. Does anyone else want to do the negotiating?" Theo looks at Liam and says, "Break the sword. You break, I talk. Come on, guys. Look, I don't want in anyone's pack. I don't want anyone's power. I just want to stay alive." Liv says, "How do we know if we let you out, you won't run?" Liam says, "'Cause we're not letting him out. He's gonna tell us from in here." Theo looks at the sword in Liam's hand and says, "I'm still going to need some incentive." They then watch Liam break the sword. Theo says, "He's a Lowenmensch." Liam says, "What the hell is a Lowenmensch?" Liv says, "It's part-wolf, part-lion." Theo says, "He was part of the Ahnenerbe, Himmler's personal project to use the Occult to win the war." Liam says, "Douglas didn't beat a Ghost Rider. He ran." Mason says, "We broke the sword for nothing." Liv says, "Wait, if that was back in 1943, where's he been all this time?" Theo says, "Douglas kept looking. He found a scientist that he thought could help him. Three of them. The Ghost Rider's whip didn't go deep enough to take him, but left a gash on his back. He was thrown into the tank and the wound infected the water. It mixed with the fluid from the vat and actually made him stronger. Soaking it in, absorbing the power for 70 years." Liam says, "So, he came out with the power of an Alpha, a Lowenmensch, and a Ghost Rider." Theo says, "A side effect no one could expect." Liv says, "So he can fight them. He could stop them." Liam says, "The Nazis lost the war. Why is he still obsessed? What does he want an army for?" Mason says, "He doesn't want it for them. The Nazis were just a means to an end. He wants it for himself. His own personal army, supernatural army." Liv says, "We need to warn Scott." Mason says, "Come guys, we have to hurry." Liam says, "We can still find him." Then the Ghost Riders show up. As Mason runs, he gets grabbed and Liv and Liam yell, "No!" Mason says, "Guys. Run!" Then Mason gets taken. Liam transforms and attack the Ghost Rider. The Ghost Rider throws Liam and Liv says, "Liam!" The Ghost Rider looks at Liv and then Liam comes and kicks the Ghost Rider away. The Ghost Rider takes out his gun and Liv grabs his arm to stop him from shooting. Liv fights the Ghost Rider and then Liam helps her out. They both get thrown on the ground. Liv says, "We have to get to Scott." Then the Ghost Rider uses his whip and it latches onto Liv's wrist. Liv tries to pull it off and Liam goes next to Liv and helps her out. Then another Ghost Rider appears throws his whip at Liam, but Liv catches it and Liam grabs onto it, because he doesn't want Liv to get taken. Liam's in front of Liv grabbing the ropes. Liv knows that she's going to get taken and softly cries, "Liam. You have to find Scott." Liam looks at Liv and says, "I'm not leaving you." Liv says, "You have to. You can save me on the other side. I believe in you." Liam says, "I love you." Liv says, "I love you, too. Now, go." Then Liam lets go of the rope and Liv disappears. Liv arrives in what looks like to be a train station and Liv hears a voice say, "Liv?" Liv turns and sees Gwen. Liv smiles and says, "Gwen." Gwen smiles and says, "Hey." Liv turns to see Phoebe next to her and says, "I guess your reunited with your sister." Gwen smiles and says, "Yeah, and now you can too." Gwen nods her head to where Stiles is. Liv turns to see Stiles and Liv says, "Stiles!" Stiles hears voice that he's been longing to hear. Stiles turns around to see Liv and says, "Liv?" Liv has tears in her eyes and says, "Yeah." Liv and Stiles run to each other and hug. Liv says, "I've missed you so much." Stiles says, "Me too." Liv says, "Everybody remembers you, we're gonna get you and everyone out of here. Scott will figure something out." Stiles nods and says, "Good. I'm just glad to see you." Liv and Stiles stay in there embrace. Meanwhile, their dad goes to see the pack and says, " I have a son. His name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski, but we call him Stiles. I remember. When Stiles was a little kid, he couldn't say his first name. Not sure why. It pretty much rolls off the tongue, But, uh, the closest he could get was "mischief." His mother called him that until... I remember when, uh... When Stiles first got his Jeep. It belonged to his mother. She wanted him to have it. The first time when he took a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch. I gave him his first roll of duct tape that day. He was always getting into trouble, but he always had a good heart. Always. We're here tonight because my goofball son decided to drag Scott, his greatest friend in the world, into the woods to see a dead body." Scott says, "How did you remember?" Sheriff Stilinski says, "It started with Stiles' jersey. Then I found the red string for his crime board. Finally, his whole room came back and all the memories. And then the strangest thing happened." Lydia says, "What?" Sheriff Stilinski says, "I thought I saw him. It's like something opened right there in the middle of the room. Just for a moment. And then it was gone." Scott says, "A rift." Malia says, "I thought there was only one rift. We saw it disappear." Scott says, "You remembered Stiles and then a new rift was created." Malia says, "If the Sheriff can do it..." Lydia says, "Maybe we can." Liam says, "But that rift closed." Scott says, "Then we'll open it again." Sheriff Stilinski says, "How?" Scott says, "By remembering Stiles. We have to remember everything.