6A: After Liv got turned into a werewolf, there has been no supernatural activity for 3 months. Then something comes to Beacon Hills and changes everyone's lives.
6B: It's Liv's senior year of high school. At the start of senior year, there's alrea...
Liv's sitting next to Scott at the hospital, because his mom, dad, Mason, and Lydia got hurt. Liv puts her hand on top of his and Scott puts Liv's hands into his. Liv looks at Scott and he knows his head signaling that his mother is going to be okay. Later, Liv finds Scott walking around the hospital and says, "Hey. What do we do?" Scott says, "No more peace summits. No more running. No more half measures." Liv says, "What's the plan?" Scott says, "We fight back." Liv says, "I'm good with that plan." Scott says, "And Gerard? Monroe? The hunters? We take them all on." Liv says, "Then we're gonna need more firepower." Scott says, "Not just firepower. We're gonna need an army."
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Later, Liv, Scott, and Malia go meet with Deucalion at Scott's. Deucalion says, "You know my fighting days are over." Scott says, "That's hard to believe. You once said you'd kill any living thing that got in your way." Deucalion says, "I said a lot of things. But, eventually the bodies pile up so high, that even a blind man can't ignore them." Malia says, "So what? You moved into a cave and took a vow of uselessness?" Deucalion says, "I changed. We should all try it. And I live in a condo." Malia says, "I liked the old Deucalion better." Liv says, "Well, maybe you've changed, but Gerard hasn't. And he's not gonna stop with Beacon Hills. He's got a map with places circled, Toulouse, Brasilia..." Deucalion says, "Logashkino, Zhengzhou. Nemetons of the world." Scott says, "You know him. You can outthink him; you can read him." Deucalion says, "You've beaten him before." Scott says, "He's got a lot of help now. Actually, he's got pretty much everyone." Deucalion says, "You think Gerard's turned into a pariah? Your power does that? You'll always be an outsider because of your abilities. Gerard wasn't the first person to capitalize on the general public's fear of the other... and he won't be the last." Scott says, "So help us stop him." Gerard says, "I think you've realized that stopping Gerard now, means killing him. I'm sorry, Scott, that chapter in my life's over." Liv says, "So that's it? You're just a pacifist now?" Malia helps Liv out and says, "What's gonna stop me from slashing your throat?" Deucalion says, "Plenty." Malia growls and goes to attack him, and he moves out the way very quickly and Malia says, "How'd you do that?" Deucalion says, "It's Bagua. A martial art that takes the path of least resistance." Malia says, "You think you're going to beat me without fighting?" Deucalion says, "I think you're going to beat yourself." Liv motions Malia to use her claws and Malia nods at her and brings her claws out to fight him and he blocks and throws her on the ground. Malia looks at him angry and Deucalion offers his hand, but Malia pushes it away. Malia says, "Okay, so you can protect yourself. But what about everyone else who doesn't know Bagua? They're just gonna get their eyes stabbed out?" Deucalion says, "Look what that war turned me into. I'm not afraid to lose my eyes again. I'm afraid to lose my soul." As Deucalion walks away, Malia says, "You won't help us?" Deucalion looks back at them and says, "I didn't say I wouldn't help you. I can offer you guidance. And my first piece of advice? You might need to lower your standards for allies." Scott says, "I thought I was." Gerard says, "Lower than me." Later, they go to Eichen House to pay a visit to Peter. As their walking to meet Peter, Liv says, "Why did he want to meet here?" Malia says, "Why did he agree to meet at all?" Peter says, "Curiosity. Mostly." Scott says, "Okay. I need your help." Peter says, "With what? Another suicide mission? Not interested. Or do you need my help?" Malia says, "I'm here for moral support." Peter says, "For them or for me?" Malia says, " You'd need to have morals." Liv says, "You helped us fight the Ghost Riders." Peter says, "Self-preservation." Scott says, "But we couldn't won without you. You're stronger than all of us. You were the real reason the Wild Hunt...." Peter says, "Stop. A solid effort, you don't need to appeal to my ego. It's quite unhealthy. You're gonna need to work a lot harder than that if you want my help." Scott says, "What do you want?" Peter says, "Everything pretty much is the way I want it. My penthouse apartment is filled with mid-century furniture. My passport has more stamps than the post office. And did you see the car parked out front? That's a Shelby 1000 Cobra. There are only 100 in the entire world. I have two. Two." Liv says, "But Gerard has an army. And every single one of them want you dead." Peter says, "And you think that means I'm going to enlist in your little endeavor? Because you're going to defeat Gerard? You're not going to beat him, guys. And let me show you why." Peter turns on a light and they look to see a man and Peter continues to say, "When I found him, that was pointed at my face. That is a G36, which fires 750 rounds per minute. And it's empty. For the moment." Peter takes out the bullets for the gun and gives it to the man. Scott says, "Peter, wait." Malia says, "What the hell are you doing?" Peter says, "That homicidal guinea pig is going to kill all of us unless you do what's necessary, and I don't feel like dying today." The man starts shooting at the glass and they duck down and Liv says, "There's something wrong with him." Peter says, "Yes, he's shooting at us. If you can't even kill him, how do you expect to win this war?" The man stops shooting and Peter continues to say, "Don't worry, it's just jammed. It tends to happen with automatic weapons that haven't been serviced regularly. Just slide the bolt back." The man says, "Thanks." Scott says, "We're not going to hurt you." The man ignores him and starts shooting again. Peter says, "He can't be reasoned with, Scott. He's not only shooting at us because he's afraid, he's trying to kill us because he hates us." Then the man smashes through the window and Scott is struggling against him and says, "Why are you doing this?" The man says, "Because she wants you dead." Peter says, "See? Blind obedience." Scott then throws the man against the wall, and he gets knocked out. Peter says, "Hmm. He never gave up. I would fight with him. I like him. That's how you win a war." Liv says, "You were never going to to help us, were you?" Peter says, "One day you'll learn you can't save everyone." Scott says, "Yeah. And you can't kill everyone either. Peter. Look, you can fight with us or fight alone, but one way or another, you'll end up fighting." Malia says, "I'm guessing it's going to be alone." As they walk away, Peter says, "You made it this far without getting your hands dirty, Scott. No one makes it through a war with clean hands. If you won't start killing.... you better find someone who will." Later, Liv's in the courtyard of Beacon Hills Highschool, when Peter walks up and sits next to her. Peter says, "What do you want?" Liv says, "I want to give you all the facts. Something else is going on here. Something even you can't outrun." Peter says, "There is nothing I can't outrun. Running runs in the family." Liv says, "You haven't felt it, have you?" Peter looks at Liv and says, "You need to tell me what you're talking about right now." Liv says, "Well, it's nothing I can tell you, but I can show you." Liv presses on Peter's hand and his claws come out and Liv puts his claws into her head. Peter then takes his claws out of Liv's head and gasps. Peter says, "What was that?" Liv says, "That's the Anuk-ite. It creates and feeds off of fear and it's affecting the hunters. And it'll make them come for everyone, even you." Peter says, "And the incorruptible Scott still thinks he can keep his hands clean. That's why you wanted to meet, isn't it?" Liv says, "What are you talking about?" Peter says, "Lying to someone who's just been in your head? I wouldn't recommend it. You know that your only chance is to surround your delicate Scott with killers. Killers like me. Like Malia." Liv rolls her eyes and says, "Will you fight with us, or not?" Peter says, "You can't fight that thing." Liv says, "That's right. Go running back to your cars and things you care about more than anything else." Peter sighs and says, "After everything I have done, I still care about you Livvy." Liv scoffs and walks away. Then Liv drives to see Scott. Scott hears a car pull up and smiles when he sees its Liv. Liv walks up to Scott and says, "There's something else we can try, but you're not gonna like it." Scott says, "What?" Liv says, "There's another pack of werewolves I know about. They gave up everything that makes them human. Rules, morals. Electricity." Scott says, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard of this pack. They call themselves The Primal. Their pack symbol is a circle with a crescent on top." Liv says, "Their strong." Scott says, "They're not only strong, but they'll also kill anything that crosses their path." Liv says, "Are they any worse than Deucalion and Peter?" Scott says, "I mean, at least I know Deucalion and Peter. This pack, I, I don't know anything about them." Liv says, "Does it matter if they can help us beat Gerard?" Scott says, "It matters if they're murderers." Liv says, "So, we should forget about it." Scott says, "Probably." Liv says, "There's got to be someone else who can help us." Scott says, "We're not that desperate." Liv says, "And going to them would be really desperate, right?" Later, they go find The Primal pack. Liv feels off and says, "Whoa. What's wrong with this place?" Scott looks at his hand and says, "I feel it, too." Liv says, "It's the Anuk-ite." Liv feels like she's gonna fall and Scott grabs her hand and says, "Hey. Hey." Scott says, "We came for the pack." Liv nods her head and Scott nods and says, "It'll be okay. Come on. Yeah." Liv nods and shakily says, "Yeah." They walk into a room and find a lot of the pack dead with their eyes gouge out. Then they hear a noise and Liv says, "What was that?" They turn around and find Lydia. Liv says, "What are you doing here? How did you get here?" Lydia quivers and says, "He led me. He wanted me to find it." Scott says, "Who led you?" Lydia says, "Halwyn." As they're walking through the woods, Liv says, "Why would a dead Hellhound bring you here? Also, isn't he dead?" Lydia says, "I guess the connection between a Banshee and a Hellhound...." Liv cuts off Lydia and says, "Dead Hellhound?" Lydia continues to say, "Is stronger than I thought. As for the why, I'm hoping if I find the body, I'll figure that part out." Scott says, "You know, there's a pile of dead bodies back there." Lydia says, "It's a different body." Liv says, "There's not another body out here. I'd smell it." Lydia says, "I'm a harbinger of death. Trust me." They then find the body of the Anuk-ite and Liv says, "How is this possible? We saw Parrish kill it." Lydia says, "This one's different." Scott says, "Yeah. I think Lydia's right. I think this is part of the pack." Liv says, "How do you know?" Scott says, "This is their pack symbol. " Lydia says, "It's skin is gone." Scott says, "Wolves have to burn tattoos into their skin. My tattoo is probably scarred into my muscles, too." Liv says, "Okay, but why are there two of these bodies?" Lydia says, "Because the Anuk-ite has to faces." Scott says, "That's why Halwyn sent you here, Lydia." Lydia says, "He wanted me to find the Anuk-ite's other face." Later, Liv and Scott meet with Liam and Theo, and they find dead bodies just like how the other ones were like. Liv says, "It's a bad day for finding bodies." Liam says, "There's gonna be a lot more if we don't find Aaron's other half." Theo says, "Which we know nothing about." Scott says, "We do know one thing. We know it's a werewolf." Liam says, "We need to find this other werewolf right now." Theo says, "Preferably before they merge." Scott says, "What happens if they merge?" Liv says, "I don't know, but I got a feeling that it's not going to be good." Liam says, "Any chance you got to put together thar army, Scott?" Liv says, "You're looking at it." Peter then comes in and says, "Let's hope this thing doesn't feed off desperation, because this room reeks of it." Scott says, "What happened?" Peter says, "The hunters destroyed my perfect automobile. So, if this thing had anything to do with it, I'd like to see its demise is appropriately painful." Liv says, "I thought you had two cars?" Peter drops a part to the second car, and he says, "There's going to be hell to pay." Later, Liv's in her car when Peter opens her door and sits in the passenger seat and puts his seatbelt on. Peter says, "What's the hold up? I have a lot of revenge to plan." Liv says, "No revenge until you tell me why you came back." Peter says, "Gerard and his hunters blew up my cars, hoping that I would be inside one of them." Liv sighs and says, "You're lying." Peter says, "Well, that goes without saying." Liv looks at Peter and says, "Something in my head convinced you." Peter looks at Scott and Liv follows his stare and Peter says, "He's going to get himself killed. I always knew that you still loved him, even after you broke up with him and moved on."