Welcome to the beginning

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Hello, Evo here, before we begin on this adventure I would like to give you some information that will help you better understand the story I'm writing.

First off, there is no shipping. If you like shipping in a book, sorry but there is none. All the characters I have in this book that appear to be more...friendly with each other are actually treating each other like siblings.

Second, I don't own really any of the characters. They are all based off of minecraft YouTubers, specifically the ones associated with hermitcraft.

Third, this is going to be set in hermitcraft season 6. I'd like to go into detail here but I don't want to give spoilers.

Fourth, to give you a heads up.

When I write like this it's in the head.

Evo- This is chat.

(This is a note or writing from me for example.)

This is galactic when someone who does understand galactic is the current POV. Otherwise it will be written in galactic.

Ok, now this next part is confusing, basically just imagine me, the author handing you a book about all the different kinds of players.

PS. The book I handed you was written by Admins a long time ago and can contain inaccurate information. I'm putting this here mostly just to give you a basic understanding.

This is the beginning of the book I handed you, enjoy.


Appearance; Admins although each have their own unique skin, do have a mark that lets players know that they are an Admin. The mark is an "A" on the back of their right hand in whatever color their magic level is at.

School/Bio; Players can go to a school to become Admins by learning how to make and protect a server. The school is really hard to get into though and only the best graduate.

Magic; Admin magic is used to help them make and protect their server. Although it has great defensive capabilities, it's lacking in the offensive side. It's color is whatever color their rank is.

Magic rank/level system; Admins ranks system goes from red, pink, orange, and gold. Gold being the strongest and red being the weakest.


Appearance; Watchers all have purple eyes. A Watchers wings are whatever color their magic level is. Like Admins, Watchers have a mark as well, one the back of their left hand. It is in the shape of a rectangle with two opposite corners broken. The mark is whatever color their magic level is.

School/Bio; Players are chosen to become Watchers by other Watchers when they see "potential" in a player because they are so rare. Watchers go through a school system like Admins where they learn how to help Admins in protecting their server and to help prevent glitches from occurring.

Magic; Watcher magic is used to help them protect from and prevent glitches in servers. Watcher magic is stronger in the offensive side rather then the defensive side. Their magic is whatever color their rank is.

Magic rank/level system; Watchers level system is from dark blue, light blue, dark purple, and light purple. Light purple being the strongest and dark blue being the weakest.


Appearance; Players each have their own unique skin. No similarities for being a player.

School/Bio; Players don't go to school. And play in servers created by Admins.

Magic; Players don't have magic unless cursed or blessed.

Magic rank/level system; As stated above, players don't have magic.


Appearance; Hybrids are normal players other than the fact that they have mob traits. Like a slime or a creeper.

School/Bio; Hybrids don't go to school. And play in a server like normal players.

Magic; Hybrids don't have magic unless cursed or blessed.

Magic rank/level system; As stated above, Hybrids don't have magic.


Appearance; Cursed/Blessed Players look like normal players normally but can be Hybrids. They do have a mark on their collar bone of either a solid black circle or an outline of a black circle. It is unknown which is cursed and with is blessed.

School/Bio; These types of players don't go to school but encounter a [REDACTED] and are cursed or blessed with magic.

Magic; Their magic is used just for offense and defense and can't help the server in any way, but it does it no harm either.

Magic rank/level system; Their magic is all at the same level and can't get stronger or weaker. A Watchers or Admins powers is considerably stronger.


Appearance; Glitched look like normal players but are corrupted making them look black and white, like they are in greyscale.

School/Bio; Glitched don't go to school. They are normal players that have been corrupted, and have lost their sanity. Their only desire is to destroy anything and everything in their path. They served under Entity 303 but sense his imprisonment they have disappeared.

Magic; Glitched don't have magic but if you get cut, bitten, or scratched by their weapons, teeth, or nails which are infected/cursed/poisoned you can get corrupted.

Magic rank/level system; Glitched don't have magic and so don't need a system.

End of the book.

Ok, so that pretty much sums things up, if you didn't understand something feel free to comment and ask. I will try my best to respond as soon as I can. If you think this book is similar to another book or you think I stole someone's idea, I promise I didn't. Any characters that I use that are in another book, I asked for. Bye for now see you in the prologe of Hidden Within.

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