Chapter IV

504 24 82

First Language Problems

Location; ???

POV; Grian

A bright light in my eyes wakes me up from my sleep.

The thing I'm laying on is soft and cushiony. I have a blanket over me as well.

I stare up at the ceiling, trying to get my bearings. I remember a crystal, then an explosion. I remember freezing cold, and then buring heat.

I remember feeling like a million tiny knives were stabing me. And then when it got to the worst point, I remember it all fading away.

I sit up in bed and lift the blanket off. I hang my feet over the edge of the bed and take a look at my surroundings.

I'm in a decently sized bedroom that has a door that looks to open to a bathroom.

The room has a window along one of the walls, and a desk on other side.

There is a large bookcase as well, filled with all sorts of books.

I make a move to stand up but freeze.

'Something is wrong, shouldn't the bed's mattress make a noise?'

I frown and look down at the bed.

'Wait, why can't I hear the bed make any noise?'

I shuffle some of the blankets on the bed, but still I hear nothing.

I start to panic. 'Where is the sound!? Have I gone deaf?! How have I gone deaf?!'

I stand up fully, and take a few steps further away from the bed.

'Maybe it's just a passing thing.' I tell myself.

I walk over to the window and look out it. All I can see is darkness, 'Like staring deep into the void, or the End.' I realize.

I turn away from the window and walk over to the small desk by the bookcase.

On the desk is a book about galactic and how to follow Watcher rules.

'Yay, so exciting.' I think sarcastically.

I turn my attention to the bookcase, inside is many different books, however one of the books catches my eye.

I open the bookcase expecting a small squeak or sound, but I hear nothing.

I sigh and grab the book off of the shelf it was on.

It is a book about Watchers that have turned rebel or gone missing. 'This looks interesting.' I think as turn it over.

I open the book and start to look through the contents.

"What do you think you're doing?" A voice says from the doorway behind me.

I startle, and drop the book to the ground. The book falls to the ground, but it didn't make a sound.

I turn around sharply and look at the Watcher with a shocked expression.

I hadn't been able to hear anything since I woke up. Now, this Watcher comes in and says something and I hear it perfectly.

"Yes, you can hear galactic now that you're a Watcher." Zayne says while rolling his eyes.

"You kids, always so surprised about that." He mutters to himself.

Zayne then walks over to me and pulls out a potion. He places the potion in my hands.

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