Chapter III

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Misery and Magic

Location; ???

POV; Grian

I wake up on a cold and hard floor, still with my eyes closed.

I hear voices talking so I focus on what they're saying rather than how much pain I'm in.

"How long have they been out for?" I hear one of the voices ask.

"A few hours, should be waking up soon." Another one says back. I recognize it as the voice of the first Watcher that entered my server.

'My server, how could I have forgotten about that?' The pain from the days early events catches up and I feel like the whole world just fell on me.

'They're gone, stuck there without an Admin. They won't be able to get to the Portal Hub without an Admin.'

"Hey, I think I just saw that one move." One of the Watchers says.

"You awake?" They ask me.

"And don't bother lying, it won't help at all. It will just make us mad at you, and believe me, you don't want us mad." Another one said.

At this point, I'm gonna guess that there is probably 5 give or take, Watchers in the room.

"I'm awake." I say while sitting up. I'm careful as to do so slowly to not get a head rush. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful.

I look around the room, turning my head slowly to not make my headache worse.

The room we were in appeared to be about the size of a basketball court.

It had purpur walls and an endstone floor. There were windows along the walls, evenly spaced.

There was a door at one end of the room and another door at the opposite side.

The Watchers, were standing along one side of the room where a stage about a couple steps higher than the floor was.

I had guessed correctly when I said five Watchers were in the room.

"Oh goodie, one of them woke up." One of the Watchers said. She was a little to happy for it to be comforting though.

"Why did you bring us here?" I ask. Gesturing to the others on the ground around me.

There was about 30 of us laying on the ground, probably all having gone through a situation similar to mine.

"I'm sure you have questions and want answers. But you are going to have to wait, no questions will be answered until you're all awake." A new voice said.

He appeared out of mist just like the other Watchers had back at EVO.

The new Watcher was dressed formally like he was a king, but he didn't have a crown.

"Wake up everyone, your lives are about to change quite dramatically and you don't want to miss a word of what I'm about to say." He says sternly.

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