Chapter VII

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A Friend, and an Execution

Location; Watcher Academy

POV; Grian/Xelqua

I hiss and pull my hand down on to my lap from where I had it resting on my desk.

A sudden sharp pain spread through where the cut was that I got a week ago.

"Shhh, Xelqua you are supposed to be taking a test, not making noises." Our language teacher scolds me.

I nod my head in apologizes and focus back on my English test.

I finish the rest of the test quickly and soon our teacher stands up and orders us to stop working.

Our teacher then goes around the room and collects out tests before sending us off to our next class.

I gingerly lift my hand and hold it close to my chest while walking out of the room with the others.

We are lead to our next session, which is Alcemy, and endure its length before finally being lead to the cafeteria for lunch.

I quickly run over and grab my chorus fruit lunch then sit down at one of the tables that was empty.

My left hand is throbbing right now from the pain of the cut I got a week ago.

I had changed the bandages recently and the scar appeared to be changing a dark indigo with some yellow.

I also had a really bad headache most of the time.

And to make matters worse, all of the teachers hated me.

They had hated me before of course, probably because I was an Admin.

But now they just flat out despised me.

"Xelqua, what is going on with you?" Zayne asks me.

I startle at first, I didn't see him come up on me.

"Nothing Sir." I lie. I won't tell him about what happened at the library, I could get myself and Noelani in serious trouble.

"Well stop being late to class and tardy all the time then." Zayne orders me.

I nod my head quickly at him and he turns and walks away, satisfied with my reaction.

As I watch him leave earshot I sigh and look back down at my chorus fruit lunch that was infront of me.

This was yet another way the Watchers would treat me. They claimed I was late, although I wasn't.

I finish eating and head over to the library. Under normal circumstances, I would have a session to go to after lunch.

And I would need an escort if I was to go anywhere on my own. The teacher for our next session was out today though, something to do with a specific server.

The escorts were also busy with something, I don't care what about  though.

All I know is now I can go anywhere without needing anyone to go with me.

As I walk down the hallways, I hear footsteps from behind me.

I turn around quickly to spot the follower, but no one's there.

I frown, but turn back around and continue my path towards the library.

When I get to the doors, I stop and look to my left and then to my right, still no one in sight.

I shrug and open the doors and walk in to the library.

I pass the librarian at their desk and continue walking towards the tables and chairs at the back of the library.

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