Chapter XV

350 23 44

A Careful Confession

Location; ???

POV; Third-person

The wind howled in the eerie darkness. Dark storm clouds filled the sky, high above a stone platform that was on the edge of a cliff.

The cliff dropped down miles and miles to the ocean below that crashed upon the shore in mighty waves.

In a giant strike of purple lighting, a masked figure appears on the stone. They stand still until the purple mist dispersed, allowing clear view of the Watcher.

Prince Aiden walks forward, his cloak billowing in the wind. He reached a hand up to wipe the remnants of magic off of his cloak.

"I only have a few moments, so this better be important." Aiden says to the darkness.

In a flicker of light, two Watchers stood replacing rocks that had previously been there. They both take a few steps to approach the Watcher Prince.

"Yes your Highness, previously, you sent out the new S.O. members out into several Servers controlled by Admins."

"Correct, and what of this?"

"Well, the Admins installed a mod that slowly corrupts our code, killing us. Several of the S.O. members have already fallen."

The Prince let's out a low growl, which slowly turns into a chuckle. "Ha! Think you can beat me that easily? Tell the Admins to try again."

The two other Watchers cast a glance at each other before turning back to face Aiden.

"Send me the codes of all of the servers that killed a Watcher. I'll show the Admins death."
Location; Hermitcraft

POV; EX (flash back)

I watched in horror as Grian's coughing got worse. I don't know what happened, he seemed fine till a few minutes ago. That's when I realized, it's the code virus.

I quickly help him to sit up, then pull out my communicator. Xisuma is the only one who can save him from this. Almost in no time, Xisuma replies back to my message for help.

Grian's life is slipping away, I don't even need magic to tell. 'Come on X, hurry up.'

Suddenly, instead of the sound of rockets signaling Xisuma's arrival, a swirl of pink magic appears. It quickly dissappears, leaving X standing there with a panic striken face.

He runs over to us, and drops to his knees infront of Grian. "What happened?!" Xisuma asks me urgently.

"Uh...long story short Grian is a Watcher and is affected by the virus." I say bluntly.

Xisuma gasps. "WHAT!? For how long!? How have I never noticed?!"

"Not now, later, right now Grian is dealing with an extremely deadly virus that's slowly corrupting his code." I say.

"Right, okay," He takes a deep breath, "Can you help him to sit up. If Grian is affected, it's probably really bad by now."

I nod my head, and place a hand on his shoulder. Xisuma lights his own hand with Admin magic and starts to heal Grian.

The soft glow of the magic along with Grians unsteady breathing and coughing is enough to make anyone nervous and anxious.

Soon, his coughing starts to stop, and his breathing regulates. My head shoots up to look at Xisuma who is repeatedly saying, "It's gonna be okay, it's over now."

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