Chapter I

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Game Day

Location; Evolution Server

POV; Grian

The wind sped past me as I ran through the trees under Netty's tree house base. Today was a great day. The whole server was having a Fun Day. We started the day by playing games, which is what we are still doing right now. We are going to then afterwards have a big camp-out under the stars.

"Haha, can't catch me Taurtis!" I shout at my pursuer.

"That's what I want you to think." He shouts back.

We had been playing this game for awhile now. Although we have two taggers, leaving the rest of us to run, Taurtis can't seem to tag anybody.

As I continued to think about the day, I got distracted long enough for me to trip over a root from one of the trees.

"That works to." Taurtis says, as he catches up to me and tags me.

"I just wanted to be it, that's all. It was an act of kindness from me to you." I say, putting on a face of sympathy.

"Ha, sure, you can tell yourself that, but we both know you tripped on a root and fell." He says while running off to the others.

"Stupid root." I grumble under my breath.

'Well, might as well make the best of this. Where is Solidarity?!' I stand up, dust my self off then look for my target. 'Ha, found you.' I look over to where Solidarity is standing by spawn point.

"Come here Solidarity!" I yell, staring right at him. He jumps, then looks around to where my voice came from. To bad for him though, I already was running at him. At the last second though, right as I reach my hand out to tag him, he sees me and runs off in the other direction.

"AAHH!! Where did you come from!" He shouts in panic, still startled by the fact that I almost tagged him.

"Out of thin air of course." I tease back, chasing after him. 'You can run, but you can't hide'.

I chase after him all the way to Downtown EVO. The buildings making amazing hiding places for Solidarity. Unfortunately he is to slow to hide anywhere without me seeing where he hides. Which is right in one of the the concession stands.

Sneakily, I creep up behind him. I'm careful that he doesn't see me or hear me sneaking up on him.

When I get close enough, I can see him crouched in a corner with one of his hands over his mouth as to muffle his shaky breath.

"Gotcha now!" I shout, popping out from where I was hiding on the other side of the concession stand.

Solidarity screams, his hands flying to the air. He tumbles backwards into the shop and knocks some things over making a clatter. The noise only scares him and he screams again.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" I burst out laughing. I fall backwards as well, it takes me awhile to recover and when I do, Solidarity is scowling at me.

"Hey, it's not funny. You almost gave me a heart attack." He grumbles at me

"It is to funny, you managed to scare yourself a second time by bumping some of the items in the shop." I say, breaking up into another laughing fit.

"Ok, I guess it was pretty funny." He says, a smile forming on his face.

"I'm never going to forget this moment." I say, now fully recovered from my laughing fit.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Solidarity says rolling his eyes at me.

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