Chapter XIV

359 23 31

Poisoned, Again?

Location; Hermitcraft

POV; Grian

I giggle to myself as I throw a ton chicken eggs into a sandstone box that I've built over MumboJumbo's base.

I've had my chicken farm in the basement of my base for some time now. It's great that I finally found a good use for all of the eggs I've managed to collect.

After a few more stacks of eggs, I know that I've filled the small sandstone box to the maximum when the small chickens explode from entity cramming.

I place a sandstone block on the top, sealing the chickens inside. I hop down onto the concrete of Mumbo's base, and break the extra blocks I had placed to get up to the box that was now floating a few blocks up.

I miss swing however and accidentally break one of the sandstone blocks keeping the chickens inside the box. I quickly replace the block just in time, resulting in none of the chickens escaping.

I take a few steps back to admire my work. The sandstone chicken bomb was a great idea. I can't wait for Mumbo's reaction to it.

I reach my hand up and wipe the sweat off of my forehead with my sleeve I satisfaction. Time to go back to my base so I can finish working on the infinity meeting room.

I plan to discuss more about the future projects for Architects, which is Mumbo's and my team name.

Swiftly, I make my way to my base in no time. I did hit one of the levels on my way down to the main floor with my elytra, but all in all it was successful.

I run over to the entrance of the meeting room and drop down into it. The blaring white walls completely disorienting you.

Thankfully, I have two chairs in the room that give your eyes something to focus on so you don't go insane at the blank white emptiness of the room.

I walk over to one side of the room and place the last map in the item frame. The room was now complete, all I have to do now is wait for when Mumbo comes over for the meeting.

Right as my hands leave the map however, a sharp pain spikes in my stomach. I cry out and clutch my abdomen.

The pain continues and I feel tears start to form and slip down my cheeks. Another wave of pain comes and I drop to the floor on my knees.

My internal organs are throbbing with pain and I scream through the agony. I clench my fists tight to try and bare the torment. My cries continue though, and I cough from the strain in my throat.

I feel the warm sensation of blood spilling down my chin, out of my mouth. I lean over still grapsing my torso tightly as the coughing continues.

Soon, there is a small puddle of blood around me, completely staining the solid white floor. My finger nails dig into my sides as the pain goes on still.

Not much longer, I feel myself start to go light headed. I've stopped coughing, but the iron smell and taste is still very strong.

The world around me starts to flicker and dim around the edges. The pain in my body starts to fade, whether it be because it's finally going away. Or I'm fainting.

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