Chapter X

417 30 27

Friend or Foe

Location; ???

POV; Grian

The portal spits me out on the ground in an oak forest. I land on my back. The air is knocked out of me and I gasp for breath.

Slowly, I sit up and look down to notice that my clothes have changed back to a red jumper and grey jeans with black converse.

Unfortunately, only my clothes changed though, because my shoulder still hurts like crazy from Aiden's attack.

The blood that drips is red though, and not purple.

'I must have subconsciously used some glamor magic.'

I hold my wounded arm close with my other arm and stand up to take a look around the forest.

It appears that the woods is small. I can see the ocean from where I am. To the other direction, all I can see is trees.

There is a small puddle nearby that is only a few paces away from the portal.

I walk over to the small puddle of water and peer at my reflection. My eyes are back to their normal baby blue.

My clothes looked like they could have been new, if it weren't for the obvious blood and dirt covering them.

I step away from the water and sigh. I don't know where I am, but I should probably find out.

I turn around to walk back to the portal but stop when I hear the sound of rockets and the sound of footsteps.

I spin on my heels and turn to face the source of the sound.

I'm met with the sound of a sword being unsheathed and the feeling of a sword tip on my neck.

I try to summon a small amount of magic to my hands to use in defense but my magic is still drained from the fight earlier.

A small trickle of blood seeps down into my jumper from a small scratch made from the blade.

I look up slowly at the owner of the sword to be met with a helmeted figure in green and grey armor.

Behind the figure is two others, one of them is a female with blonde hair and goggles.

She had a red and white stripped shirt and a green denim jacket. She had brown shorts on with brown boots and brown gloves.

The other figure was a half creeper half robot mix.

He had on a torn lab coat and dark grey pants. His eye that was robot was a bright red.

All three of them had iron swords out, ready to attack if something happened.

"I'd answer Xisuma's questions if I were you, especially before you no longer can." The one with the lab coat says sternly.

I turn my attention back to the one with the helmet and a sword pointed at my neck.

"Who are you? And how did you get here?" The one supposedly called Xisuma asks me.

His voice is threatening, although it sounds more protective than offensive.

"My name is Xe-Grian, I don't know how I got here." I'm thankful that I caught myself there before I accidentally said my Watcher name.

There is a moment of silence as the one infront of me thinks about what to do while continuing to hold his sword to my neck.

The blonde girl interrupts him before he gets to long to think though.

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