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I know, it's been fun. I really had a lot of ideas for this fic. I just can't keep up with sleep, school, and other things in life that take time.

I thank you all though so so so so so much for your amazing support throughout this little journey of mine!!!!

I still can't believe how many reads, and votes I've accumulated over the time that I've wrote this story.


I want to thank RoyalPython for being my proofreader. Without you I definitely would never have even started writing. <3

I want to thank MayaTheWatcher for encouraging me to write and for being a great friend! <3

And of course I want to thank ButterFlies77Writes for allowing me to write her in my book, then to right away execute her. Also thanks for starting a war with me! That was awesome! <3 ^-^

Now!!!! I'll still be active on Wattpad and Discord!

I'm only discontinuing this fic, that's it. I'll still be reading and stuff, and continuing my Challenges book.

If any of you have more questions about why I had to discontinue this book, feel free to DM me in Discord or here on Wattpad.

Stay safe, happy, and healthy!

Your friend -Evo


Hidden Within (Discontinued, Check Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now