Chapter I

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Monika was silently walking back from school. Today was like any other, nothing interesting. The girl was jealous of her classmates, they always had an interesting story to tell. Jealousy is probably not the best word to describe what she felt towards her classmates, maybe envy? Desire? How come everything interesting happens to everybody else except her?

But it's nothing out of the ordinary for her. Monika's life and family weren't interesting whatsoever. They are just like any other family. Her mom works an office job and so does her dad. They live in a two-story house with a porch and a garden at the back of the house. They also have a big, white, fluffy dog named Pumpkin. So, just like I said, an ordinary family.

Monika walked onto the porch of the house and pulled out her keys from her jacket pocket. As she entered the house, she heard her mother call from the kitchen:

"Welcome home, dear!"

"Hi, mom..." – Monika answered, tiredly.

"Is something the matter?"- asked her mother while poking her head around the corner.

"No, nothing..."- the girl hanged her coat and sat at the table, that was in the middle of the kitchen, - "just had a rough day at school today. All of my classmates have all of these interesting stories to tell, I wish that something interesting would happen to me."

Her mother looked at her with a small smile grazing her lips.

"I'm sure one day you will have an amazing story to tell."

"As if"- Monika mumbled under her breath and pulled out her math textbook.

After a few minutes of staring at the textbook, while trying her hardest to focus her attention on the things written in front of her (with no luck), the girl heard the front door open and a pair of boots entering the home.

"Welcome home, honey"- said Monika's mom to her husband.

"Hello"- answered dad and kissed his wife on the cheek. Dad then looked over at his daughter, who was staring intensely at the words written in her textbook.

"Need help, kiddo?" – he asked.

Monika lowered her head in defeat and closed her notebook, putting it in her bag.

"No, don't bother. It's Friday anyway, I'll do it tomorrow"- she answered and got up to leave, - "don't bother making dinner for me, I'm going to get something to eat after my part time job."

The girl put on her shoes and was about to put on her jacket, but stopped midway then she heard her mother speak.

"You're going to work? But today is Friday! You said you wanted to have a movie night tonight!"

Monika sighed.

"Yeah, I know, but my boss wanted me to come to work today. And besides I like my job. I promise I will be back by 8"

And just like that, Monika went out the door and towards the bus stop, which was near her house. She worked at a local café in her city. The café was quite popular and well known amongst people and was one of the most popular tourist spots.

Monika got onto the bus and sat down. She leaned back in her spot and looked out the window as the bus started moving.

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