Chapter VIII

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Monika couldn't sleep that night. Whenever she closed her eyes, instead of traveling to dream land, horrible nightmares would slither their way into her unconscious mind making her wake up in cold sweat.

When morning came, Monika silently got out of bed and made her way towards the bathroom. She stared into the mirror above the bathroom sink. Dark circles could be seen under her eyes, she looked pale and her hair was messy and all over the place. A tired sigh escaped her lips.


As she was getting ready for the day, Monika saw a note fall out of her jean pocket. She picked it up and examined it. It was the note the detective gave her. 13:30 pm... The girl glanced over at a small clock on her nightstand - 9:00, she still had a lot of time.

Monika made her way down the stairs and into their little kitchen. Nobody was up yet, then again it was Sunday. She started to make herself some coffee, maybe it will give her enough energy to meet up with the detective. The detective...she seemed nice...


It was 13:00 now. Monika looked at herself in the mirror, she was wearing a "lumberjack" hoodie, that was the best she could describe it. That red hoodie with black lines in a checkered pattern and some black jeans. The hoodie was a gift from her aunt, it brought her a sense of comfort because of it. Monika smiled at the memory of her aunt.

She went downstairs and towards the front door. She spotted her mom in the kitchen, hunched over at the dining table. A half empty cup was placed next to her as she flipped through some papers. Probably work related. The girl slowly approached her mom.

"Is everything ok?" - she asked.

"Yes, yes I'm fine" - the woman responded; a hint of annoyance could be found in her voice.

"I was just asking because-"

"Look"- mom cut her daughter off, -" I really don't have time for this. So, you go to wherever you're going and just leave me alone, ok?"

Mom was annoyed by her. Monika could feel her stomach turn in a bad way. Her mom was annoyed by her...

"Ok, ok, I'm...I'm sorry" - the girl said, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She quickly turned around and grabbing her keys from a cabinet next to the door. Her mom obviously didn't want to see her right now.

12 Netherton St. was a small diner. Monika had never been to a diner before, so this was pretty new to her. She made her way inside and looked around the small space. Were weren't a lot people there. A couple was sitting at one of the tables, chatting away and eating ice cream from what Monika could see. At the bar were two men, somewhere in their 50's, minding their own business, not bothering to strike up a conversation between them.

As Monika sat down at one of the empty tables, a kind waitress approached her and gave her a menu.

"First time here?" - she asked, catching the teen off-guard.

"Oh, um, yeah, actually. How did you know?"

The waitress smiled. She had a cute smile.

"I have never seen you here before."

Monika averted her gaze, a bit embarrassed.

"Well, I'm Madalin, and you just take your time and tell me when you are ready to order, ok?"

The girl smiled at the waitress and gave a small nod.

Madalin then went around the counter and to what Monika could only assume was a back room. Just then the door to the diner opened.

The detective walked into the diner and immediately recognized the young girl. Alex quickly made her way towards Monika and sat down in front of her.

"You're early" - she commented happily.

"Oh, yeah, I just didn't want to be late"

"You didn't need to worry about that. I would have waited for you anyways" - Alex said and put her bag next to her on the seat, -"Order something, we might be here for a while"

Monika could only nod and looked back at the menu in her hand, looking over the options.

Madalin returned to the table with a notepad in her hand. She looked over at the detective and could feel joy overcome her.

"Alexandra! It's so good to see you again!"

The detective directed her attention to the waitress.

"Oh, yeah I'm here for a case actually" - Alex responded.

"Oh, a case? Well then I'll leave you two be"

Monika looked over at Madalin and then over to the detective. A bit confused of their reactions to one another.

"Thanks, Madalin, but before you go, can we order something?" - Alexandra asked.

"Of course!" - the waitress said and took both of their orders.


"So, you have seen him multiple times now?" - Alex asked.

Monika nodded, shifting in her seat and pushing the food she had on her plate. The girl had told the whole story to the detective, the first encounter at the café, the encounter at the graveyard and what happened yesterday. She tried her best to remember every single detail, but her tired mind wouldn't let her. She had ordered a cappuccino to help her wake up and try to remember some details, but her tired body simply wouldn't let her. Monika could feel her eyes drooping down and the comforting feeling of slumber creeping in.

"Offenderman has taken a liking to you I'm afraid" - the detective said, closing her eyes and leaning back. She needed to help Monika and quickly before that thing makes another move.

"I'm sorry, who?" - Alex thoughts were interrupted by the teens question.

"Offenderman, that's what that thing calls himself"

Monika looked at her surprised, mouth agape.

"You're telling me that that piece of shit has a name?" - the girl almost yelled.

"We don't know if that is his real name" - the detective said, lowering her eyes and gazing at her feet, - "We just know that that's what it calls itself"

Monika leaned back and let out a loud sigh. She rubbed her eyes, trying to wipe away her tiredness. "-has taken a liking to you-. Well, that's just amazing. As if I want an eight feet tall bastard following me around everywhere I go" - she thought. Monika then looked at the detective with almost shame in her eyes.

"I'm really sorry for cursing, I'm just really tired and now that all of this is happening..." - the girl said, burying her face in her hands.

"It's fine, really. I understand how you must be feeling" - Alex replied, gently taking one of the girl's hands and stroking it.

The teenagers' eyes darted over to the clock on the other side of the room. 15:59 it read.

"It's late, I" - Monika let out a tired sigh, - "I should get going, don't want to bother you anymore"

"Well then" - said the detective, standing up and picking up her coat, - "I'll see you some other time then"

Alexandra smiled and Monika couldn't help but smile back. She was glad that she could talk to somebody about the things that have been happening to her these past few days. The detective left without saying another word, but she seemed...happy, relieved almost. And Monika felt the same way, only for a few minutes though. Now that Alexandra is gone, the girl is exposed, an easy target for that thing.

It's gonna be a long walk home...


Offenderman doesn't belong to me. All of the credit goes to his creator. Only the story belongs to me.

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