Chapter XII

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"This whole week is full of bullshit" – Monika thought as she stared at the ceiling of her bedroom, her eyes red and puffy, cheeks wet from crying. She was clutching a Shiba Inu plushie tight to her chest, whose snout was a bit damp from all her tears. "Life sucks, school sucks, everything sucks".

Since the start of the day everything was going wrong. Sarah and Lily wouldn't respond to her calls or texts, heck they even blocked her on social media. Every teacher seemed to have something against her. First, she got yelled at for forgetting her homework due to the stress of the whole situation with that thing, secondly, she got yelled at for just trying to go to the bathroom. But it didn't stop there. Her dad came home in a bad mood and took all of it out on her and her mother. Yelling, screaming, cursing, you name it, thank God at least he didn't hurt them, but she couldn't help but feel it had almost come to that. After that, her mother ignored her and responded harshly to any question she asked. And all of that leads to the situation she is now in. Crying on her bed for the last 20 minutes it seemed, her homework thrown across her bed, but she didn't find the energy to even do them. Her bed sheets were tangled and messy, some spots were wet from her tears.

She glanced over at her door, behind it she could hear her father cursing again, every curse getting louder and louder as time went on.

"This sucks..." – Monika said out loud.

It was weird hearing her own voice after such a long time of sitting in pure silence. She felt tired... so bloody tired... "Why is everything always so hard?". She let out a long sigh before turning over and letting go of the plushie. As she laid there, she thought she had heard someone coming up the stairs. The footsteps were heavy, really heavy, like if somebody was wearing heavy combat boots. She could hear the wooden steps creak under the weight of whoever it was. It couldn't have been her parents, none of them wore shoes in the house, heck no one was ALLOWED to wear shoes in the house. She listened carefully, holding her breath to better hear what was going on outside her door. There was no sound anymore. Did...did she imagine it all? It couldn't be. The footsteps were clear as day, there was no way she could have just imagine it, right? Sitting up, Monika turned back to look at the door. Silence.

"What the hell?" – the girl murmured under her breath, wiping her cheeks.

"Such a dirty mouth, for such an innocent girl~" – said a voice behind her.

Monika quickly turned around in panic, jumping up from her bed. ", no, no, no, no" – she yelled in her mind, her heart picking up its pace as it beat against her ribcage.

"Oh yes, darling~" – the voice said.

Black trench coat, black fedora, it was him again. The man took a step closer, making Monika step back, her back hitting a chair next to her desk. Her mind was starting to get fuzzy, a static sound ringing in her ears.

"We're gonna have a lot of fun dear"


Offenderman doesn't belong to me. All of the credit goes to his creator. Only the story belongs to me.

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