Chapter XVI

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Warning: this chapter includes and mentions sexual activities. If you feel uncomfortable reading this, feel free to jump ahead or not read this chapter entirely. Stay safe :) 



Monika felt a pair of arms tighten around her waist before they travelled down and landed on her hips. She felt that thing nuzzle his non-existent face into her short hair and felt a mixture of embarrassment, nervousness and disgust wash over her.

"You're a naughty girl, going around snooping like that"- a voice said behind her accompanied by a low chuckle.

She felt the air catch in her throat as she tried to form a sentence, an excuse, anything.

"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry"

Another chuckle could be heard from behind her. She began to take rapid breaths as her heartbeat quickened. She then felt something wet on her neck and she had to hold back the urge to gag. The man was licking her neck with his tongue, a hum vibrating in his chest. Monika tried to move away, but the thing kept her in place, tightening his hold around her hips.

"You know what happens to naughty girls, right?" – Offender asked, licking her earlobe, - "they must be punished"

The girl let out a gasp as the being lifted her up with ease and threw her on the bed. He then flipped her over and held her arms above her head before she could even try to escape. Now that she was facing him, Monika could only stare in horror. No eyes, no nose, just one giant mouth filled with a row of razor-sharp teeth and black tongue dangling out of it. He was muscular, the muscles flexing in his chest and arms as he breathed and pressed down her arms onto the bed. If it were any other situation she would have been flustered and intrigued, but right now she was only terrified. He could kill her in the blink of an eye if he wanted to. Then again, that would be better now wouldn't it. Another wave of terror washed over her as she watched white tentacles protrude from his back. The being let out a grunt as they emerged and made their way towards the hem of her t-shirt. They lifted it up with ease and pushed it upwards to reveal her stomach and chest. Monika could feel her heart almost jump out of her chest as the being lowered his face towards her stomach, but before anything could happen a loud banging noise could be heard from outside. The man stopped and lifted up its head, listening for another sound and the hold on the girl's wrists loosened. During this silence, Monika noticed something shiny dangling from the man's belt. Keys! She quickly glanced back at the man and after seeing his face turned away from her, she silently freed one of her hands and grabbed the keys. Another few loud bangs could be heard from downstairs and what sounded like someone breaking in. Offender grumbled from above her and stood up, angrily stomping his way towards the door. Monika managed to unhook the keys in time and quickly hid them from sight.

"Damn pigs!" – the man yelled and slammed the door behind him.

Heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway, followed by a loud slam of what seemed to be the front door. And then everything went silent. The girl laid there for a few seconds, clutching the keys in her hand. After making sure that the man was gone, she sat up and looked at the shiny metal in her hand. The chance to escape was right there in front of her. She quickly jumped up from the bed and ran out the door. She flew down the stairs, almost tripping in the process. The girl spotted the front door immediately, it was obviously locked and, to her dismay, none of the keys fit. "Damn it" – she thought.

Looking around the living room, another mahogany door stood next to the stairs. Should she really try? The last time she opened up a door, and a mahogany one at that, she didn't have the best experience, but then again. Monika looked down at the keys again. She didn't know whether it was stupidity or braveness that had overcome her, but her feet took her to that door and the jingle of keys could be heard. Taking a deep breath, she peeked inside, before opening up the door. It was a study, quite a luxurious one. Bookcases stood against every wall. To her right was a desk, this time made out of oak. On top of it stood a lit candle, a vase of roses and what seemed to be a small book in the middle. It was laying on the desk opened, black ink shimmering in the candle light. As much as the same of feeling of curiosity took over her to see what was written in that little book, Monika stopped herself. There is no time for that.

Looking straight ahead, the girl noticed an open window, a slight breeze blowing from it. It was open just a smidge, but that in itself gave the girl hope. The pitter patter of feet and then a creek could be heard as the girl jumped out the window. Landing down on the ground, Monika let out a pained groan. Only then did she remember that she was only wearing socks, but even that couldn't protect her feet from the branch covered track she landed on. A mansion deep in the woods, how cliché.


It was cold that night and Megan began regretting the fact that she didn't take a jacket with her. She squeezed her arms tighter to her body as a gust of wind flew by, making her yellow dress sway in the process. A small smile appeared on her face as she examined a snap her boyfriend had sent her. A picture of him smiling with a caption:

Got back home safely. Miss you already

She was walking back home from their date at the moment. Her boyfriend had insisted that he should accompany her back to her apartment as it was cold and dark, but Megan ended up refusing the offer. She couldn't help but smile when she remembered just how caring her boyfriend is. He had always went out of his way to make her feel happy, safe and loved by getting her gifts, flowers and giving her all the affection, she could have asked for. Megan looked down at her wrist. A beautiful golden bracelet with a red rose in the middle dangled from her wrist.

Speaking of roses, she couldn't help but notice a lingering smell of roses in the air. She looked around. Her way home consisted of walking a few minutes through a forest in the outskirts of the city, so for there to be a lingering scent of flowers wasn't exactly weird. But roses didn't grow in these woods from what she remembered.

"Are you lost?" – a deep voice asked from behind her.

Megan turned around in shock. She was taken aback by the tall figure leaning against one of the trees of the trail. It stood up and made its way towards the lady.

"It is dangerous to be out at this time of night"

The deep rose smell seemed to be coming from the mysterious man. The girl could feel herself getting dizzy and could feel something warm pooling in her stomach. A slight sense of arousal slowly overcoming her.

"I know" – Megan replied with a small smile, it fell for a moment and then re-appeared. A wave of confusion seemed to wash over her, for a moment she even forget about her boyfriend. Did she even have a boyfriend? What is happening to me?

She could feel the body heat that radiated of the mysterious man and a sudden urge to touch him came over her. Megan quickly threw her arms around his neck. She then heard an almost sickening wed sound and two roses suddenly appeared in front of her. One blue, and the other red.

"Pick one my dear" - a low voice urged from above.

"Why, they are both very pretty" – she let it slip and gently picked up the red flower. It almost felt like it wasn't actually her talking.

A low chuckle could be heard, before the man hoisted Megan up and began kissing her hungrily. It felt as if a switch had gone off inside of her and she returned the favor. Megan felt something wet touch her thigh and push up her dress. Her mind and body kept sending her mixed messages. She wanted to get away and yet she also didn't.

She felt her legs touch something wooden and the man let go of her. Through half lidded eyes, she saw the man unbuckle his belt.

Maybe she should have taken up her boyfriend's offer.


Offenderman doesn't belong to me. All of the credit goes to his creator. Only the story belongs to me.

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