Chapter XIV

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Alex looked out the window in Monika's bedroom and a small frown made its way onto her face when she saw a few other policemen interrogating a some of the neighbors who lived close to the family's residence. Two other policemen were getting ready to go out and search the neighboring woods with some of the neighbors who accepted to help. The detective didn't even bother turning around when she heard Terry walking up the stairs.

"Why did you send out a search party?" – she asked, not taking her eyes off the policemen outside.

Terry was a bit startled by her voice, but quickly composed himself.

"I thought that maybe, there might be a possibility that the girl wasn't kidnapped and just ran away somewhere" – Terry responded fidgeting with the gloves he had put on not a long while ago.

Alex sighed and turned around to look at the man. She eyed him up and down before walking over to the bed, where John was silently taking pictures and looking around for any other clues.

"Well, I'm afraid to say that she was indeed kidnapped, no doubt about it" – the female said, holding up a plastic bag with a red rose inside of it.

Terry let out a shaky "oh" and leaned into his walkie talkie, cutting the search short. Alex looked at him with an apologetic look before turning her attention to John.

"Find anything?" – she asked him.

The man only let out a sad sigh and put his camera down.

"No... nothing..."

An uncomfortable silence fell between them and Alex could hear the faint cries of the girl's mother from the kitchen downstairs. She quickly tried to block it out by focusing her attention onto something else, but even then, she could still hear it. Alex couldn't imagine the pain the poor woman was going through after losing her daughter.

"Are you gonna tell them who kidnapped her by the way?" – John asked standing up and making his way towards the woman.

The detective was quiet for a while before mumbling a simple "no" under her breath.

"I don't want to cause them more stress, John, not right now..."

Her partner nodded and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Alex only sighed and stuffed her hands into her jean pockets before glancing around the room. It was fairly clean, say for a few stray papers on the girl's desk and some notebooks thrown onto the bed. "Why her?" – the detective asked herself. "Out of every girl he chose her...".

"What about the voice message? Does it give us any more information?" – asked Terry, snapping Alex out of her thoughts.

"Nope" – she replied, popping the "p" while at it, - "nothing at all"

"Well, the girl was the one who sent it out right? Monika Valentine?"

Alex shrugged off John's hand before making her way towards the nightstand where the girl's phone was laying. She then turned to look at Terry.

"That's where you're wrong, friend. The records show that no voice message was sent from this phone" – the detective said, waving the phone.

John and Terry looked at her confused and surprised at the same time.

"So, you're saying that Offender guy sent out the voice message with his powers or something?" – John asked, waving his hands around when he mentioned the things powers.


"What about the kid?" – Terry asked once again.

Alex looked at him with a confused look.

"What kid?"

"The kid that got attacked" – Terry went on, - "Adrian I believe? Did you interrogate him yet?"

The detective snorted and placed the phone down on the bed before making her way towards the door.

"There is no point in questioning him. He is a bit coo coo up in the head"

"Coo coo?" – the both men asked in unison.

"Crazy" – the woman explained, - "from what I've gathered, it appears that his dad once beat the hell out of his mom, to point of putting her into a coma and then went on to teach the poor lad that woman are lower beings than men. In other words, father like son, nutcases"

"Shit" – Terry mumbled under his breath.

"Indeed" – said John before excusing himself and making his way out the door.


  Offenderman doesn't belong to me. All of the credit goes to his creator. Only the story belongs to me.

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