28. Resolve and Light

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"What's that mommy?" Dakota asked, only seeing your backside and missing the horrified look on your face as you quickly folded up the letter you had recently opened.

"Just some silly stuff." You forced a smile as you ruffled his bright blonde hair. "You ready to go to Auntie Mari's?" You asked, motioning down to his Moana socks.

"Sorry!" He giggled as he ran into his room to grab his shoes.

You walked into the kitchen and opened the drawer that had quickly filled to the brim with junk. You lifted a couple cords and bills and shoved the terrifying letter under the mass before slamming it shut again.

Resisting the tempting urge to open it again, Dakota came running back into the living room with his car shoes on opposite feet.

"Oh boy."


He was, perfect.

"Y/n?" You faintly heard your sister's voice.

Your eyes scanned him entirely. He was incredibly tall and looked to be about two years older than you and your sister. His hair was shaggy and the perfect shade of chocolate brown. His eyes met yours and you could tell instantly that they were the most gorgeous baby blue. He began to grow flustered by your intense staring—which spread a tint of pink across his features.

"Y/n!" Marinette snapped.

"Auntie M why are you yelling?" Dakota whined as he covered his ears.

"What?" Your head snapped as your son's voice broke you out of your trance.

It was already a really weird name.

"You're being strange." She hissed, her voice a whisper.

"Oh it's okay—really!" Anthony laughed bashfully as he cupped his left hand behind his neck, and waved his right back and forth in front of him.

"Sorry-" you blurted. "I'm being rude. It's nice to meet you—I'm Y/n." You turned to look at your blonde little boy. "Dakota, will you tell Mr. Anthony hello?"

"Just Ant is alright." He smiled shyly.

"Hi." Dakota murmured as he shoved his face against your leg, grabbing up for your hand.

You laughed softly. "You're being more shy than normal buddy."

"I don't like him." He muttered and Marinette gasped.

Your brows furrowed. "Dakota that's not nice—you need to apologize-"

"But I don't, you told me not to lie."

Your mouth was agape as you struggled for the right words to say.

"Dakota—Jesse is upstairs. Why don't you go play with him?" Marinette offered and his head shot up excitedly.

"Okay!" He ran off after the stairs and Marinette followed to make sure he knew where he was going.

You shook your head, that girl was always babysitting for Alya and Nino.

"I'm sorry about that." You turned and you were again met with Anthony's perfect face.

"Don't worry about it." He chuckled. The small laughter extended and you adverted your eyes and realized he was looking you over. You stiffened, even though you had done the same to him early, it still felt incredibly wrong. He appeared to be a perfect carving—but you were so utterly normal.

Your hair had grown blander as the dye began to fade. Yes you were fit, but you began gaining lost weight back now that you weren't performing. You always were a sucker for a sweet roll at your parent's bakery. Now that you didn't have producers shoving their needs down your neck, you were shifting back into your own again.

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