Chapter 23

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Hey guys, I'm writing a new story! It's just a romance, no ships. It's called 'My Beautiful Cage'. Check it out please!

Astrid's P.O.V

I'm so happy my mom is letting Hiccup stay with us the whole time we're in England! If she'd said he couldn't I literally would've slapped her.

I'm going out with him today.

I get dressed into a skater girl dress and black sneakers from Keds. I do my hair in a bun with a French braid. I clasp a paper airplane necklace around my neck and put a flower cuff on both of my ears. My makeup is minimal: mascara, eyeliner, and pinkish lipgloss. I grab a clutch purse and put some pounds (British money), a room key, and emergency lip gloss inside. I push pink and black sunglasses onto my forehead.

What? All because I'm a viking doesn't mean I don't know how to dress. Sure, I was born in Berk but, when I was little I lived here for a few years and France for one year.

I walk out of the hotel room and walk outside.

Hiccup is standing in profile. He looks...what's the word for it..?


Well, that's a phrase but, you get it.

I don't really think I've ever seen Hicc dress like a normal guy. Though, he looks awesome in everything he wears.

He's wearing a plain red t-shirt with black jeans and black converse. It's a simple look but it really works for him.

"Oh hey babe" Hiccup notices me.

The word. 'Babe'.

Please excuse me while I explode.

*Astrid explodes*

Okay, I'm good.

"Hey" I greet.

He kisses my cheek, "Shall we go?"

"We shall" I giggle.

This boy makes me giggle. Odin help me please.

We go to the local shopping district, just window shopping before grabbing some lunch.

We go to a nice Italian restaurant, talking about whatever.

We go back in to the shopping area before I get distracted at a pair of black pumps in one the store windows. I walk to the window, admiring the shoes.

Oh gods, I'm turning into an actual girl. Yikes.

I turn back around, scanning the crowd for Hiccup.

He's no where to be found.

I go to walk around by myself, looking everywhere until a dark haired guy walks up to me. He looks to be about my age.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?" concern is written across his face.

He seems genuinely concerned so, I trust him.

"I'm just looking for my fiancé" I answer.

I still like that word. Although, husband is better.

"Fiancé, eh? Well congrats." he smiles "I'll help you look. Did you see where he went?"

I shake my head, "But he has green eyes, auburn hair, and is 6'1 ish"

He nods and leads me around town until we turn into an alleyway.

The guy turns to me, smirk plastered onto his face. He walks toward me and I back up until my back hits a brick wall. He comes close to me, our bodies almost touching. I go to knee him where it hurts but, the guy holds a funny smelling cloth to my face.

The world goes black.



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