Chapter 13

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Hiccup's P.O.V

Astrid is coming back in two weeks!!

She writes to me every week to tell me what's going on. I write back, doing the same.

I even got to visit her at the training camp for 3 days. They don't really like long visits...

Of course that was one year ago...I want to see her face again.

We're all 20 years old now and all of our appearances have changed. Snotlout now has a thing for Ruffnut, along with Fishlegs.

Also, Stormfly had her baby! Her name is Twyla (short for Twilight). Her body shape is like a Nadder but, has the coloring of a Night Fury. I don't know all the details past that, besides that she is almost 1 year old. (A/n: please don't use logic on this, just go with it)

I hop off of Toothless and see that there is a piece of paper at my doorstep. It's a letter from Astrid. I pick it up and walk inside. I head to my room and sit on my bed, reading the letter.

Hey there, Haddock :),

So far everything is going okay. Training is going good. I can finally throw an axe at 150 mph!!

Oh, and you remember, Mr. Kipp, my instructor? He brought his daughter in yesterday, she's so cute!!! Her name is Delilah and she's 4. She kept on yelling 'Hiccstrid!' when she was around me. I learned later that, that means 'Hiccup+Astrid'...its kinda weird. Lol!!

You remember the locket you gave me? I wear it everyday. In fact, I never take it off. It gives me's like a piece of you is here with me...

Enough about me, what's been going on there? I miss Berk so much...but, mostly you...

I love you <3


P.S. Stormfly misses Toothless and Twyla can't wait to see her daddy!!

P.S.S. This will be my last letter. The next time we talk I'll be with you <3

I smile whenever I read her letters.

I go to my desk and sit down in front of it. I grab a piece of paper and a pencil, writing her back.

Hey Trid <3,

Everything is going fine here. Nothing has really happened, since the last letter.

Gothi has sort of learned how to communicate but, not really...she can only say simple words...

About the Delilah thing, yep that is kinda weird...but, I think it's kinda cute too :)

I can't wait to see your face again...I don't know how I've survived 3 years...

Toothless misses Stormfly too. And he can't wait to see Twyla!

I love you most <3


I finish writing. I grab the letter, roll it up, and tie a piece of string around it. I walk outside and to the post office.

At the counter, I gently write the address across it. The lady throws it into one of the baskets that dragons carry, delivering the letters.

"Excuse me, how much would it be to get my letter sent now?" I ask the lady.

"Well usually it's 10...but, since you're the chief I'll dock it to 5." she holds out her hand.

I put 5 coins in her hand and she, gladly, takes them.

I walk out of the post office and back to home, waiting for the day that Astrid returns.

--The day Astrid comes home--

I was sitting at a table in the Great Hall, anxiously waiting. Astrid is coming home today.

"Seriously, I don't even know why we're going to the 'Welcome Back' party. She never sent any letters past the first 3 months!" Snotlout pounds his hand, hard, on the table.

That snaps me out of me staring at the door.

"Dude!? What was that for!?" I ask, rather loudly.

Horns begin to sound outside.

"Looks like little 'Miss Too Good For Us' is back..." I hear Tuff say before I bolted out the door.

I see Astrid land and I run over to her and ,literally, pull her off of Stormfly into my arms.

"Hey Hiccup" she smiles and pushes the button on my armor, making the fin pop out.

"That's hilarious. C'mere you" I kiss her lips.

Man, have I missed her kisses.

"And the lovebirds have been reunited!" I hear Gobber yell.

I disconnect and glare at him.

Astrid is still in my arms and I'm never letting her go.

"Um, Hiccup?" Asrid looks at me.

"Hmm?" I look into her eyes.

I've missed her ocean blue eyes.

"I kind of brought the rest of the Big Five..." she trails off.

I look in front of us and see Rapunzel, Jack Frost, Elsa, and Merida.

"Oh..." I say kind of disappointed that it's not just her.

She pulls back from the hug and stands next to me, allowing me to snake my arm around her waist.

"Guys welcome to Berk! And this is Hiccup...if you haven't already figured that out." she laughs.

I've missed her laugh.

"Now, I understand why you picked him, he's a total hunk!" Merida blurts.

"Hey paws off, he's mine..." Astrid says, rather aggressively.

"Down Tiger...I know that..." Merida holds her hands up in defense.

"I'll show you guys around" Gobber offers and they nod, following him.

"Oh Hiccup! This is Twyla..." she gestures toward a small dragon, hiding behind Stormfly's legs.

"Hey there..." I kneel down and hold my hand out.

Her nose touches my hand. I've earned her trust.

"Toothless!! They're back!!" I yell and Toothless appears pretty much five second later,

He and Stormfly begin playing around until he notices Twyla.

He comes up behind her and nudges her back. Twyla turns around and looks at Toothless, immediately knowing who he is.

She let's out a small purr and climbs on Toothless's back.

"Looks like we've got a new breed of dragon...what should we call her?" my mom comes up behind Astrid and I.

"Deadly Fury" Astrid and I say in unison.

"Deadly Fury it is then" my mom says.

I'm with Astrid again. And I forever will be.


Hai :3

I'm being Astrid for Halloween!!!!

Anyways, so much sweetness!!

Astrid didn't leave Hiccup for Jack!! Yayyyy!!!

See you at next chapter!



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