Chapter 19

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Astrid's P.O.V

"Everybody wanna steal my girl
Everybody wanna take her heart away
Couple billion in the whole wide world
Well choose another one cuz she belongs to me" I sang in the shower.

(A/n: the lyrics are to Steal My Girl by One Direction. Sorry I like them XD)

I step out of the shower and wrap my robe around my body.

I walk into my room and get into my armor. I quickly braid my hair and put my boots on.

I walk out of my room and out the front door.

I call for Stormfly and she lands in front of me.

"C'mon girl, there's a race today" I say and walk towards where the race paint is.

I begin to put the orange paint on Stormfly's face, being careful around her eyes. I finish that and move to her wings, careful around her scar.

"Good morning, milady" Hiccup hugs me from behind, surprising me and causing me to mess up the paint on Stormfly's wing.

I elbow him in the gut.

He groans and holds his stomach while crouching over.

"W-what was that for?" he looks up to me.

"You made me mess up Stormfly's paint" I wipe the paint off Stormfly's wing with a damp cloth.

He, jokingly, rolls his eyes as he walks back to Toothless.

"He's a handful, ya know, Stormfly?" I wash my hands and start putting blue paint on Stormfly.

She buzzes.

Toothless must've taught her some of his sounds.

Twyla comes over and begins sniffing around the buckets of paint. She turns around, bumping one of the buckets with her tail, causing it to fall over.

"Ugh, it's okay, Twyla. I can clean it up." I groan and wipe the blue paint off my fingers.

"Stormfly, stay" I tell Stormfly and walk to get a bucket of water.

I walk back and find Hiccup wiping paint off Twyla's feet.

"Thanks, Haddock" I put the bucket down, next to Stormfly.

"No problem" he gets up from kneeling and walks over to me "She sure is a handful, isn't she?" he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Yep, just like you" I giggle.

"Me? What about you?" he squeezes me.

"Fair enough" I smile.

"I'll see you at the finish line" he kisses my temple.

"Um, don't you mean that I'll see you at the finish line?" I start to mess with his hair.

His hair is soooo soft!!

"In your dreams, Trid" he smirks.

"Is that a challenge?" I smile, mischievously.

"A challenge that I'm gonna win" he smirks again.

"As if!!" I playfully smack his cheek.

He brings his hand to his cheek, pretending that it hurt.

I smirk and move his hand away.

"Does it feel better?" I kiss his cheek.
"Hmmm...I don't think so" he smirks.

Hiccup kisses my lips.

"I feel better now" he smiles as if he didn't do anything wrong.

I roll my eyes.

I finish Stormfly's paint and mount her saddle.

I ride her to the starting line. I take a spot next to Snotlout on Hookfang.

Hookfang purrs and I pet his nose.

"Heyyyyyy Astrid" Snotlout tries to flirt with me but hopelessly fails.

I pull my hand away, roll my eyes and wait for the starting horn.

I notice someone new in our racing line and that someone is none other than Aaron.

I thought I was rid of him!!!

"C'mon Stormfly, let's show them what you've got" I whisper to Stormfly.

The horn is sounded.

We all zoom from the starting line, Hiccup and Toothless quickly taking the lead.

One sheep after another comes with Hiccup and myself tied. We each have 6.

The black sheep is thrown and Aaron catches it, thinking he's so amazing.

Heh heh not.

"Stormfly, go to Aaron" I instruct.
She quickly flies behind Aaron's Nightmare.

Hiccup is coming up behind us on Toothless.

I quickly hop from Stormfly's saddle and run down the Nightmare's back. When I was right behind the saddle I jump and flip over it, grabbing the sheep from Aaron and landing back on Stormfly with ease.

"Astrid!" I hear him yell.

"Haha!!!" I yell back.

Stormfly flies over the bins and I quickly put the sheep in Stormfly and I's.

"That's 16!!! Astrid takes the game!!!" I hear Gobber yell as Stormfly crosses the finish line.

She lands and I hug her neck.

"Great job, girl" I hop from her saddle.

"I hope you know I'm mad at you" I hear Hiccup.

I turn around and see Hiccup and Toothless.

"Why? Because I beat the Great and Powerful Hiccup??" I taunt.

"No...yes" he puts on a fake pouty face.

I walk over to him and kiss his cheek.

"Better now?" I ask.

He nods.

We walk to the Great Hall, where people are celebrating my victory.

About 20 minutes in we are interrupted by a certain dimwitted doorknob. *cough cough* Aaron *cough cough*

"Hey Hiccup I bet you don't even love Astrid!! I bet you're only with her since she's beautiful!!!" Aaron yells over the crowds.

Everyone gasps and goes silent, looking over at Hiccup and I.

Hiccup looks at me.

"She's beautiful? Oh yeah I guess, she is. I never really noticed." he kisses my lips.

I smile into the kiss.

Yesh I'm not dead!!!

At least I think I'm not *checks pulse*

Yeah, I'm good.

I LURVE dis chapter!!!


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