Chapter 6

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Okay, you're gonna hate me but I saw HTTYD 2 for the fifth time on Monday!!!!!! And let me tell you...COMPLETE FANGIRL!!!!!


Astrid's P.O.V

"Uhhhhhhh..." was all Hiccup said.

"Hiccup? This is serious. You need to tell me." I turn him around so, that he is facing me.

I didn't even take a second to gawk over his upper body.

"Hiccup...please tell me." I say softly and my expression softens.

He sighs "I was hijacked about a week ago. They almost took Toothless. Instead they took Inferno. And then they whipped me. They said it was worth a Night Fury. I'm sorry I didn't tell you when I got back...."

I hug him almost instantly.

Hiccup's P.O.V

Astrid hugs me tight and I gladly do so back.

Honestly, it felt good to tell someone. Only Toothless and I knew about it.

She breaks away from the embrace and I pull her towards me and kissed her.

When we break away she says:

"And lemme guess? Your mom doesn't know yet..." Astrid sits on her bed.

I shake my head.

Of course, I haven't told my mom.

"I know you to well" she laughs.

I sit down next to her and she puts her head on my shoulder.

Within 15 minutes we both were fast asleep.


I open my eyes and I notice Astrid isn't next to me.

I get out of her bed and get my upper armor on. I walk outside and into Stormfly's stables.

Stormfly is fast asleep. Toothless isn't next to her.

I hear one of Toothless' warbles from outside. I walk outside and see Astrid getting off Toothless.

"Good morning, milady" I help Astrid off of Toothless.

"Good morning" she kisses my cheek.

"So, I see you took Toothless for a spin" I walk over to Toothless and scratch behind his ears.

" weren't up yet and I was bored..." she gives a guilty smile.

I don't mind her riding least until Stormfly can fly again...

We fly to 'Itchy Armpit' and stay there for a while.

Astrid's P.O.V

I love spending my days' with Hiccup.

I hope we can stay like this forever.

I'm laying down next to Hiccup with my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. His left arm is holding me and is stroking my hair with his fingers.

"We should head back" Hiccup says.

He gets up and holds out his hand. I sit up and instead of taking his hand I press the button on his armor that makes the fin pop out. I burst out laughing.

"Oh, you're still doing that" Hiccup laughs.

We hop on Toothless and fly back to my house.

Hiccup helps me off Toothless and I hear girls screaming.

"What's tha-" I look to Hiccup and back to where I was looking before.

I see a crowd of girls and a boy I haven't seen before.

He has jet black flippy hair and green eyes. He is pretty good looking but, of course I prefer Hiccup by a long shot.

He and his 'fans' walk up to me.

"You're quite the fine young lady, aren't you?" he flashes a friendly smile.

Hiccup walks up behind me, obviously not liking this boy.

I give the boy a confused look.

"Oh, where are my manners. I am Aaron. Son of Danika and Eli Vance." he bows."I moved here just this morning."

"Ummm...I'm Astrid...and this is Hiccup." I gesture to Hiccup.

"Hiccup? You mean Hiccup Haddock? The chief?" his eyes go wide.

I nod and Hiccup wraps his arm around my waist, claiming me as his.

Aaron's expression goes to serious.

He probably doesn't like the fact that I'm taken.

"Good day." Aaron walks off, his group of 'fans' following right behind him.

"I don't like him." Hiccup blurts.

"I know. I could tell because you became over-protective." I turn around so that I'm facing him.

His head lowers and his expression hardens.

"Hey" I put my index and middle finger under his chin and tilt it up, making him look at me. "You have absolutely nothing to worry about."

I kiss his lips and he smiles against my lips and kisses back.



How's it goin' peeps?

I got hit in the nose with a football today at school :(

Tomorrow I'm going to a skating rink for a field trip at school :)

Byez!! ;D



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