Chapter 22

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Any of you guys ship Jelsa? I do and I'm making a Jelsa story. It's called 'Frostbitten'. I'll let you know when it's up!

Astrid's P.O.V

"Astrid?" Anthony asks, his turquoise eyes sparkling.

"Yep, it's me." I smile, tears threateningly to spill from my eyes.

He was literally my only best friend, my brother. He was always there for me.

"Oh my gosh! How long has it been!?" he embraces me in a tight hug.

"It's been to long. What are you doing here?!" I return the hug.

"I'm here for your aunt's wedding. Your mom didn't tell you? Your aunt is marrying my dad!" he lets me go.

"Wait, what? That's amazing! We'd be cousins!" I exclaim.

"I thought it was too" he smiles.

"Well this was unexpected" I run a hand through my hair.

"What's this?" Anthony takes the hand I just ran through my hair "Is this ring what I think it is?"

"Oh yeah. I'm getting married later this year" I smile.

I want Hiccup here. I miss him.

"Really? That's great! Congratulations!" he exclaims.

"Aw, thanks." I blush "I have to go but I'll see you later"

I walk to the room my Aunt Georgette is in.

"Astrid! Where were you!? You need to be fitted for your bridesmaid dress!" my mom walks up to me.

I allow my mother to pull me to another room, where I'm fitted for my bridesmaid dress. (in the picture)

"Astrid! You look awesome!" Autumn squeals.

"Thanks but, it's the same dress as yours" I half smile.

"Yeah but, you look much better in it than I do" she smiles.

"Thanks sis" I smile.

I look at myself in the mirror covering a full wall. I guess I look alright. It's a pink dress and I'm not usually a pink person. But I do love the shoes.

I'm still a girl and what girl doesn't like an awesome pair of shoes?

I change back into my clothes from before.

We leave the dress store and we head to lunch with my aunt.

"Astrid! Your mother told me your engaged. Congrats!" my aunt exclaims.

"Oh thank you! I wanted to congratulate you to" my face heats.

Why do I get so flustered when people talk about me marrying Hiccup? I'm not ashamed of it at all.

"Thank you, dear" my aunt smiles.

"Georgette, do you know where you going for the honeymoon?" my mom asks.

Now that I think about it, what do I want to do for Hiccup and I's honeymoon? I never really thought about it.

"Sis? You okay?" Autumn taps my hand on the table.

"Oh..yeah. I just feel really out of character. It's been a while since I've come to England" I shake my head.

"I know what it is. You miss Hiccup don't you?" she pokes my said.

"Well duh" I tap my fingers on the table.

"You've only been away from him for a few hours" she rolls her eyes.

"Exactly. I miss him." I cross my arms.

We walk out of the restaurant.

I hear the shriek of a Night Fury.


Toothless lands in front of me with Hiccup in his saddle.

Hiccup gets off the saddle and I run into his arms.

"I couldn't stand being without you" Hiccup says into my hair.

Tears are streaming down my cheeks.

He came to be with me...

I love him so much...



I'm here!

It's a short chapter but really sweet!


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