Chapter 5

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Astrid's P.O.V

I wake up with my head on Hiccup's chest. His arms are wrapped around me.

I must've fallen asleep at his house last night.

The beat of his heart under my ear is peaceful. His arms tighten around me and I realize he's awake.

"Morning, Trid" Hiccup starts playing with my hair.

"Good morning, Haddock" I scoot up so my head is in the crook of Hiccup's neck.

We lay like that for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company.

"I love you" Hiccup runs his hand through my hair.

"I love you, Hiccup" I say back.

We don't say 'I love you too' because it's like we're just agreeing with one another.

"Breakfast!" Hiccup's mom yells.

"Ughhhhh" I groan, making Hiccup chuckle.

We both get up and he braids my hair just like before.

We walk into the kitchen and begin eating.

"I was examining Stormfly a little further yesterday, and I found out something pretty interesting." Valka says.

"Oh really? What's that?" I ask.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that she is....pregnant" Valka softly smiles.

What she said made both Hiccup and I's spoons fall fom our hand.

"Wait, mom? Are you serious?" Hiccup looks up from his food.

"Hiccup, I wouldn't joke around about something like this. It would need further testing but yes, I am almost positive. Tell me, Astrid has she been at the breeding grounds within the last couple of months?" Valka asks.

"Hmmmmm...I'm pretty sure she went with Toothless about a month ago..." I say, looking at Hiccup.

(A/N: Her and Toothless...if you know what I mean...)

He nods, saying that I am correct.

"Interesting information...well, I'm gonna go do so some further tests." Valka walks outside.

"I can't believe it..." I finish my breakfast.

"I know it's pretty amazing." Hiccup says.

I hear Toothless make a buzzing noise outside.

"C'mon, let's go for a ride" Hiccup pushes me outside.

He hops on Toothless and holds out his hand. I take it and he pulls me up. I wrap my arms around his waist and put my chin on his shoulder.

*15 minutes later*

We were flying over the ocean when we bump into someone.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" she says.

"No problem" Hiccup says.

"Oh my gosh you're Astrid right?" she asks.

I nod.

"I'm so sorry about your dragon! Midnight is soooooo sorry! Right Midnight?"

Ohhhhh she's Violet.

The Nightmare she was riding nods.

"Is she alright? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew Midnight hurt her" she looks worried.

"Oh...ummm...not exactly. Her leg will be okay but...your dragon tore her wing so she won't be able to fly for a while..." I give her a small smile.

"Oh my gosh!! I'm SOOOOOO sorry!!" she yells.

"It's......okay." I say.

She flies off.

"Astrid, I know you well enough to know that, you don't forgive her." Hiccup says.

"I knoooooww. I just didn't want to make her feel even worse." I rub my temples.

"I'm pretty sure she was faking all of that. I could tell because she was being overly dramatic." he makes Toothless turn.

I knew she was a fake since the start. Lissa seemed nice enough when I was working with her yesterday. She was pretty respectful. Maybe I can trust her.

"I think we should head back. I wanna see Stormfly." I wrap my arms tighter around him.

He nods.

We fly for about 10 more minutes and then land at my house.

Hiccup helps me off Toothless and I walk over to Stormfly. Valka already left. Stormfly has stitches in her wing and a bandage wrapped around her leg.

Toothless lays down next to her and Hiccup sits down next to me. He pulls me onto his lap.

*5 minutes later*

"Hey, it's starting to get dark, you and Toothless can stay here if you want." I offer.

"Of course we'll stay." Hiccup smiles

We both get up and walk inside my house.

"Hey Mom? Is it alright if Hiccup stays here for the night?" I yell upstairs.

"Yes, dear. That is fine." my mom yells back.

We walk into my room. I take out my braid while Hiccup takes off his upper armor.


I turn around and Hiccup has huge gashes in his back.

I walk up behind him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Hiccup? What happened?" I look over his back.

There is at least 6 or 7 gashes.

He tenses.

I stroke my finger along one of the gashes and he winces.

I kiss his cheek, apologizing.

"Hiccup? I still want to know what happened?" I say, serious.

I don't want him to be hurt too. Stormfly is already hurt badly.

Hiccup is the person I love most, I don't want him in pain.

"Uhhhhhh..." is all he says.


Hmmmmm? I'm pretty sure you guys hate me again.

Sorry, I wanted something interesting to happen.

Anywaysssssss, I gotta go.

See ya!!



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