Chapter 1

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Hiccup's P.O.V

I hopped on Toothless and took off. It's nice to just go for a fly sometimes. Just Toothless and I.

*45 minutes later*

"C'mon we got this, bud" I said before I fell from the saddle.

I opened my arms releasing the wings attached to my armor. The fin came out afterwards.

"This is amazing!" I yelled.

This is the first time this has actually succeeded.

"Hiccup!" I heard someone yell.

Astrid. She found me.

I heard a roar.

And Stormfly, duh.

"Under me bud!" I yelled to Toothless.

He flew under me and I closed my arms causing me to fall into the saddle.

"Slow down a bit" I told Toothless and he did so.

Astrid caught up to us.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Okay, how'd you find me?" I ask and slightly roll my eyes.

Honestly, I wanted it to be Toothless and I for a bit but, I guess she's an exception.

"Your mom said you went out with Toothless so, I figured you'd be here. You always come here to be alone" she answers me.

She's right. I come to the island, where I told her my dad told me I was going to be chief, when I want to be alone.

"So, you okay?" she asks as we land on the island.

"Yeah...I guess I just wanted some space. Being chief isn't easy." I sit down on the edge of the island.

"No one ever said it would be" Astrid sits next to me and puts her head on my shoulder.

Astrid's P.O.V

I love being here alone with Hiccup. It's rare to have time alone with him, nowadays.

"I don't think I'm cut out for being chief" I heard Hiccup say.

"Hiccup? What do you mean?" I lift my head from his shoulder.

"I'm nothing like my dad. I don't think I'm cut out for this role. One slip up and everything will come crashing down...and I'll be the cause of it..." his head is in his hands now.

"Hiccup...hey..look at me..." I take his head from his hands and make him look at me. I look into his eyes."You've got this" I kissed his lips.

He smiles and kisses back. We disconnect.

"Feel better?" I say still looking into his eyes.

"Yes." he nods.

"Good. Now, should we be going?" I start to get up.

"No." he pulls me back down.

"I want to cherish the time I have with you. As soon as we get on those dragons the time will be gone." he kisses the top of my head.

He brings his arm around my waist and pulls me closer.

Hiccup's P.O.V

I pull Astrid closer to me. I never want this time to end.

*35 minutes later*

I'm pretty sure Astrid is asleep in my lap when I'm pretty sure I hear the twins arguing.


"Nuh-uh! It's right!"

I see Barf and Belch in the distance so that means quiet time is over.

I also see Meatlug and Hookfang.

They all land and I glare at them.

"Guys...I think we just interrupted a moment..." Ruffnut says.

Astrid stirs and I glare at them harder.

"Seriously guys!?" I silently yell.

"Woah. Sorry, dude. Sheesh. Your mom told us to come looking for you...she wants to tell you something." Snotlout informs me.

'Ugh' I think to myself.

"Hey, Astrid" I shake her a bit and she stirs.

"C'mon my mom wants me for something" I shake her again and she wakes.

"Huh? Oh okay" Astrid sits up and stretches.

I get up and hold my hand out for her to get up. She takes it and I pull her up.

"Well, shall we go?" I say, getting on Toothless.

They answer by flying off which probably means 'yes'.

And off we were going. Back to Berk. Where there's no down time.



The name is Kylie! I'm in 8th grade and I'm the biggest Hiccstrid shipper EVER!



I don't really have a determined time of when I'm going to update but, I'll try to get one. It's really iffy for me because of school but, I'll try to update ASAP.


Not much to worry about. There may be a few curse words here and there but nothing big.

So yeah that's pretty much it!!

See you in Chapter 2!!

Lol, that rhymed!!



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