Chapter 10

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Please read my new story 'Flying Through the Clouds'! It's about Hiccup and Astrid in high school! Please read it! I just published it!


Hiccup's P.O.V

I hear the shriek of a Night Fury up ahead.

"Follow that Hookfang!" I tell Hookfang and he speeds up and goes in that direction.

We come to a small island that looks like it's been blown up.

"They were here" I say to myself.

A girl with red hair who looks to be 14-15 comes out of the hole riding a Scouldron.

"Hey!" I yell towards her.

She turns her head and flies toward me.

"Yes?" she asks.

"Did you see a blonde girl with a braid riding a Night Fury?" I run a hand through my hair.

"Hmmmm...oh yeah! She went that way" she points north of the island.

"Okay. Thank you." I give her a kind smile and head in that direction.

After about 3 minutes of flying I see a person riding a dragon ahead.

"Hookfang, fly up to them" I instruct and he does so.

As we get closer I see an all to familiar braid flowing in the wind.

"Astrid!!!" I yell, tears about to flow from my eyes.

I'm so happy to see that she's okay.

"Hiccup!!!" she yells back and Toothless stops flying forward and just hovers.

Hookfang gets up next to them and I stand up in his saddle and walk across his wing to Toothless. I step on Toothless's wing and walk towards his saddle. Astrid stands in the saddle as I get to her and I embrace her in a tight hug.

"I missed you..." she is crying.

"Shhhh...I've got you now" I stroke her hair.

I signal Hookfang to go home and he flies off.

I sit down in the saddle and Astrid wraps her arms around my waist, still crying a little.

"Hey bud" I pat Toothless on the head.

He purrs in response.

We land in front of her house and I help her off Toothless.

"You okay?" I stroke her cheek with my thumb.

"Now that I'm back in your arms, yes" she smiles and buries her head in the crook of my neck.

I wrap my arms around her and squeeze tightly. I got her back and I'm never going to lose her again.

Astrid's P.O.V


I'm in the bathroom putting on finishing touches.

I back away from the mirror and look at myself.

I'm wearing a strapless dress that is all white with a thick silver ribbon belt. On the bottom it has little silver sequins here and there. The dress is a pencil dress all the way down to my feet but, you can still move very well in it. My shoes are clear 4-inch heels.

My hair is down and loosely curled. my mom also added a little glitter which doesn't look that bad.

My makeup is simple. Just some mascara and eyeliner to make my blue eyes pop, a little foundation, clear lipgloss, and light blush.

The locket Hiccup gave me is hanging at my neck and silver strips that have diamonds on them are hanging at my ears.

My mom walks in the bathroom.

"Oh, Astrid, you look absolutely beautiful" her eyes are tearing up.

"Mom, there's no need to cry" I hug her.

"It's just...that my little girl is growing up" she sobs.

"Mom, I'm 20 years old now; I may be growing up but, I'll always be your little girl..." I smile, comfortingly.

There's a knock at the door.

"That's probably Hiccup...I've gotta go." I grab a purse and walk into the foyer.

I cross the foyer and take a deep breath before opening the door.

I open the door.

"You look beautiful, Astrid. Just like always." he smiles and kisses my cheek.

Hiccup is just wearing a tux but, some how it is just right. His hair is messed up just how I like it.

"You look as handsome as always" I smile.

Suddenly, Hiccup starts leaning in. Our lips touch and we share a slow, passionate kiss.

He breaks away soon after but, somehow it felt like it lasted an eternity.

"Shall we go, milady?" he holds out his hand.

I gladly take it and he leads me to Toothless. Hiccup helps me up so, that I'm sitting side-saddle. Hiccup gets on in front of me and I wrap my arms around his waist.

He takes to the skies.

And so, our night began.


Rest of the night in next chapter!!!

Toothless and Stormfly say "heyyyyyy"!




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