Chapter 16

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Astrid's P.O.V

"You don't even know, Ms. Hofferson" Jack comes towards me, snowball in hand.

Just as he was about to throw the snowball at me, I jump in the air and flip over him.

"Impressive, Hofferson" he smirks and turns around.

He walks toward me and I hold my axe up. He stops as if looking at something.

"What's this?" he brings his hand to the ring on my finger.

"What do you think, smartass?" I growl.

"It's a shame that you won't be able to make it to your own wedding" he holds his hand up, about to throw the snowball at me.

"Not if I have anything to do with it, Frost." I hear Hiccup.

I look up to see Hiccup on Toothless.

My hero once again. Why can't I save his butt for once?

Toothless lands and Hiccup hops off of him. Hiccup lurches at Jack.

Hiccup picks Jack up in the air and throws him against the stone surrounding the cove.

Hiccup runs over to me.

"Hey are you okay? Did he hurt you?" he runs his thumb across my cheek and his eyes are soft.

"I'm okay" I nod.

I see Jack coming up behind Hiccup and before Jack can do anything to Hiccup, I punch his face. Hiccup jumps and turns around.

Jack is on the ground holding his nose.

"I think I broke his nose" I whisper in Hiccup's ear, causing him to smirk.

Jack gets up, Stormfly and Toothless behind him, Hiccup and I in front of him. His nose is really swollen. Yeah..I'm pretty sure I broke it...but who cares? Not me.

He's about to throw a punch at Hiccup and Hiccup catches Jack's wrist just as it was about to make contact. I kick him in the balls, causing him to fall to the ground.

Hiccup pins Jack down on the floor. Toothless comes up and sits on Jack's back.

An idea pops into my head.

I run to Stormfly and mount her. We're up in the air within seconds.

Stormfly angles for Jack and flies down, picking Jack up with her feet and going back up.

Jack screams, making me laugh. What a nice sound.

"Drop" I command Stormfly.

She drops Jack and he starts falling, screaming like a little girl.

"Fetch" I command and she flies to him, grabbing him with her feet and flying up.

"Stormfly, looks like you have a new toy" I smirk.

We play 'Fetch' for a while.

I look down and wink at Hiccup.

"Stormfly, this time drop and don't retrieve." I pat her side.

She drops Jack and he falls, screaming again.

He hits the ground and Hiccup picks him up again.

"You think it's funny to mess around with Astrid like that, don't you?" Hiccup says, aggressively.

Jack shakes his head, frivolously

."Liar" Hiccup growls and throws Jack at the stone again.

Hiccup mounts Toothless and flies up to Stormfly and I.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Hiccup looks at me, concern in his green orbs.

"I'm fine, Hiccup. Not a scratch on me." I smile.

We fly back to Berk.

"Hiccup! You need to-" Gobber comes toward us, as Hiccup is helping me off Stormfly.

"No, Gobber. I don't. Every time you see me it's always 'You need to do this, You need to do that'" he mimics Gobber's accent. He continues "I don't think you understand that I have other responsibilities around here. I don't even have time to hang out with the gang anymore, including Astrid. I just proposed to her and you expect me to just come back to work? She is one of my responsibilities, by herself now. What will happen if we ever have children? I can't just leave Astrid to deal with them, I have to help too. Look, I'll help you, Gobber. I just need downtime. Is that understood?" Hiccup finishes his speech.

Gobber just nods and walks away.

Hiccup turns to me.

"Sorry 'bout that..." he rubs the back of his neck.

This boy seriously needs to stop being so hot and sexy.

"No, no. I liked it. You need to stand up for yourself." I kiss his cheek.

We walk to his house, his arm around my waist.

Hiccup opens the door.

"Congratulations!!!" Valka yells.

My cheeks flush and Hiccup kisses the top of my head.

"Thanks mom" Hiccup smiles.

"Hiccup, tell me what took you so long to get the guts t-" Hiccup cuts Valka off.

"Mom!" he yells and his cheeks flush.

I kiss his cheek.

We walk to his room.

"Why does my mom always do that?" Hiccup takes off his upper armor.

"Do what?" I flip my hair over my shoulder, after taking the braid out.

"Always ends up embarrassing me in front of you.." he runs his hand through his hair.

"I'm not sure...but you're cute when you're embarrassed" I sit next to him on his bed.

"You are too, you know" Hiccup brings my hand to his lap and plays with my fingers.

"Astrid, stop drooling" he smirks.

Did he notice I was gawking over his upper body? His toned chest is so freaking hot.

"I-I wasn't drooling" I stutter, I was a little.

He looks up from his lap and kisses my lips. It surprises me at first but, I kiss back. He disconnects.

"What was that about?" I ask Hiccup.

"I just love you. So much." he pulls me by my arm to lay down next to him.

I do and put my head on his chest.

"I love you more, Hiccup." I say.

"I love you most" Hiccup says and my eyelids begin to get heavy.

I drift to sleep...with Hiccup by my side...Forever and Always...


Will you guys come to my funeral?

I died from the feelz.

Life is okay, besides the fact that I'm sick 😷

What about you guys? How is life?




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